More Than Just Code podcast - iOS and Swift development, news and advice

More Than Just Code podcast is the perfect source for iOS and Swift developers looking to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends in the field. With helpful advice from experienced developers, Jaime Lopez, Mark Rubin, and Tim Mitra, , it's the perfect way to stay informed and inspired. Join us for the latest mobile development news, notes and tech tips for developers.

Tim Mitra

Founder Timothy Mitra is an engineering manager, iOS engineer, artist, podcaster, writer, editor and instructor. Tim has been developing solutions since the early nineties working with mobile apps, databases, apis, and web sites. He brings over 35 years of extensive knowledge of desktop systems, graphic arts, digital publishing and the creative process. In 2009, Tim is focused on iOS, SwiftUI, Swift, Objective-C and iPhone & iPad app development. Tim is currently a Senior Engineering Manager at SpotHero. Tim also hosts Spockcast podcast. Tim also produces the MTJC podcast.

Jaime Lopez Jr.

Co-host Jaime is an experienced software developer and team lead with a focus on iOS development. He led the iOS development team at OfferUp where he helped make the buying and selling experience simpler, faster, and safer. Jaime also worked on the StoreMode™ technologies at Point Inside. He often enjoys a nice cup of coffee and conversation on various topics. Jaime also co-hosts Spockcast with Tim

Mark Rubin

Co-host Mark is an iOS developer and consultant based in Silicon Valley. He founded Smappsoft, he has held hands on leadership roles in several startups, including Relive, Inc. and erodr, and consults for multiple well known companies on iOS development issues. He has developed over 30 apps, in a wide range of areas including social networking, photo sharing, games, and music, with a combined reach of millions of users. Before discovering iOS, he worked for several years in the semiconductor industry, and has degrees in Physics and Electrical Engineering from MIT and UCSB.