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Masters of the Matrix - with Greg Em

Standing Strong in the Face of Fear

Season 1, Ep. 45

Life from the ordinary human perspective is not always certain, is it?  We can meticulously plan until the end of time, but there is always the possibility that something may not go as planned. How do we usually handle ourselves when stuff happens? Anything from not getting the pair of shorts you ordered in the mail to not getting the job you thought you were going to for sure get. To "losing" a loved one to cancer, to seeing the world you thought you knew fall apart before your eyes. From the micro to the macro.  And everything in between.
If we allow the outside world to govern our inside world then we are in for one helluva ride. The ups and downs would be tremendous. Enough for you to feel like life is actually random and scary.  And truthfully (and unfortunately), that is the world we are born into. One where we are taught that there are victims, victors, winners and losers. WIth that primitive mindset, the world will really appear a dark and scary place. Many of those who are in control of the world would love for you to keep believing that. Keeping your eyes closed to any other possibility.
But in fact, once you follow one thread of life and see how that thread connects to another thread, and so on and so forth, endlessly,  you can truly start to see the interconnectedness of all things, from the macro to the micro. You will know full well that life is not random, that life is magical, mysterious and that you are creating your life in a moment by moment basis in a shared reality.
So how do we handle ourselves when life throws us a couple of lemons? Or a cannonball? Do we allow that to be our truth and let everything we learned fall to the floor? Do we allow our emotions to guide us? Or do we allow the truth within us to govern our internal peace? Your life is a living painting, where you are the master or amateur artist, where you get to paint the picture of your life in every moment.

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    Hello Masters.Welcome back to another episode of Masters of the Matrix. Back with me again is the wonderful Tina Erwin where we continue our discussion on Atlantis and it's connection to modern times. We talk about the energies of 2023 and what they could bring, but also we dive into the fasincating subject of Atlantis (how it ties to us now), it's technology using crystals and how we can use crystals today to help us on our own personal journey.I found it fascinating and I hope you do too.
  • 22. The Rise of AI

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  • 21. 2023 - Align to Love

    27:14||Season 2, Ep. 21
    Happy 2023 Everyone.I took a few weeks off in December in order to heal and rest. I myself have been going through a purging of sorts so I had to focus on my inner world and with that, a pause on my creations had to take place.I am sure I am not alone in this purging. Many of us are going through very similar changes. Some easier, some more difficult. The point is, is that you are not alone, that we are together in all of it. 2023 is a powerful year for aligning to the Love within yourself. To who you really are. And if we do this, then we will be supported by the energies of the Earth at this time.No longer will the Earth be supporting energies of separation and intolerance. We are being forced to come together, and it can be uncomfortable at times, but when we get through that phase, bliss awaits. Truth awaits. Who you really are awaits. The "work" is worth it, because YOU are worth it. You are priceless.I wish you all a healing and prosperous 2023.I love you all.Greg
  • 20. Atlantis Reborn Part 1 - Connecting the Ancient Past to Now

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    Hello Everyone,In this special episode I welcome back the wonderful Tina Erwin who is a psychic medium and researcher. In this two part series we talk about the ancient past of Atlantis and how it connects to us now. Why is this an important topic? Remember, there is only the illusion of time, so even though things happened 1 year ago or thousands of years ago, it still has a thread to the present. How relevant that thread is is the question we are trying to answer. Just as lessons repeat on the individual level, they repeat on mass collective level too. So, truly, we must fix the errors of our past to move peacefully and abundantly into our future.Here we go!
  • 19. Managing Expectations

    17:36||Season 2, Ep. 19
    Hello Masters and Welcome back!In this episode I dive into the topic of expectations. I know it sounds simple, but we can live our lives without knowing that we are being held down by the expectations of others and ourselves. It's a powerful yet invisible force. So it's an important topic that needs to be addressed and once it's better understood, then we can fully manage these expectations realistically instead of them holding us back from our true potential.
  • 18. Understanding Influence

    28:28||Season 2, Ep. 18
    Hello Masters and Welcome back.In this episode I talk about the misunderstood topic of Influence and how it fundamentally affects us on a moment to moment basis. We are not talking about social media influencers, but the fact that everyone is an influencer. Whether we are influencing one person or a million, the result is the same. In fact, we cannot measure (or know) how much importance influencing a million people over one person can be because we live in a quantum world. This quantum world is infinite and timeless and goes on for eternity, so therefore the influence that we have here on Earth is the same. Whether a pebble is dropped onto a smooth pond or millions or rain droplets falling onto a lake, the waves will still travel outward and therefore can be traced back to the original source of impact. The same can be said for the millions of interactions we will have throughout our lives, but to be our best, let us just focus on one interaction at a time, one influence at a time.
  • 16. A Conversation with Michelle Henderson - Psychic, Medium, Author

    01:00:37||Season 2, Ep. 16
    Welcome back everyone to Masters of the Matrix.In this episode I speak with Michelle Henderson who is a psychic, medium, and healer who works with children and their families to help guide them to the awakening of their gifts. So many of us growing up in modern society have had these gifts and abilities as children, but they were shut off or dialed down as we integrated into society. Now in more modern times we are starting to see what these gifts actually are, real gifts and not curses. It's wonderful to know that we have people like Michelle who are working with children and families of all beliefs and backgrounds in helping them embrace their spiritual gifts.Michelle's website:
  • 17. Halloween Special - Ghosts and The Paranormal with Tina Erwin

    01:13:44||Season 3, Ep. 17
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  • 15. A Conversation with Scarlet Porretta - Life Coach, Intuitive, Psychic Medium

    01:13:33||Season 2, Ep. 15
    Hello Masters and Welcome Back to Yet Another Episode of Masters of the Matrix.In this special episode I had the opportunity to chat with the amazing Scarlet Porretta. She has the remarkable gift of being a healer, medium and coach. She shares with us her experiences of being a medium, her encounters with ghosts and the unseen, and as well as the not so talked about "generational curses". The latter of which, in my humble opinion, should be on the forefront of most when it comes to healing trauma and negative patterns. We also dig deep into how the law of attraction and abundance manifestation really works so this is an episode you don't want to miss.Scarlet's website:https://scarlets-whispers.comScarlet's Social Media:Facebook Page: Scarlet's Soul CafeYoutube: Scarlet's Soul CafeInstagram: Scarlets.Soul.Cafeor email her at