
Money Confidence
Money Confidence - All About Pensions - REPEAT
Due to personal circumstances, we were unable to record this week's episode of the Money Confidence podcast. Here is a repeat of our most popular episode to date.
A pension is one of the most tax-efficient ways to save for your retirement, but it can't usually be accessed before age 55. This will increase to age 57 in 2028.
When you contribute to a pension, the government will give you tax relief on those contributions. If you make a contribution into your pension from your net pay (after tax and National Insurance has been deducted), basic rate tax relief (20%) will be automatically added to your pension at source. Any growth within the pension is tax-free.
There are generally two types of pension: A Defined Benefit Pension where you get a guaranteed income for life once you reach the Scheme’s retirement date and a Defined Contribution or Money Purchase Pension, which is invested in the market and can go up or down in value. With a typical Defined Contribution plan, you can access the funds from the standard minimum pension age (currently 55) and there are various ways you can access these funds. Typically, 25% of the pot value is tax-free and the remaining 75% is taxed at your marginal rate of income tax.
Sarah is a Chartered Financial Adviser and Certified Financial Coach and Georgia is a Senior Paraplanner. Together, they have over 20 years experience in financial services and are on a mission to educate others about money in a fun and non-jargon way. They will help you master your finances and money mindset so that you feel more confident with money and the decisions you make around money. They talk all things money from investments, pensions and benefits to your mindset around money and steps you can take to improve your relationship with money. They aim to make it fun, educational and are with you every step of the way. Together, you've got this!
The information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. No liability can be accepted for any individuals relying on this information without seeking specific advice and guidance. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions. Our discussions are based on tax and legislation in England which may change.
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35. Money Confidence - How To Stop Overspending
28:32||Season 1, Ep. 35On this final episode of Season 1, Sarah and Georgia discuss why we overspend and how we can stop overspending and get out of cycles of debt.KEY TAKEAWAYSGeorgia passed her STEP exam in trusts and estates. An amazing achievement!Money is emotive. We tend to overspend when we are in an emotional state such as stressed, sad, lonely or even happy. Spending often helps us feel good about ourselves, even if it’s just in that moment. Many of us relate our self-worth to our net-worth. We need to separate money from who we are. Having more money doesn’t make you a better person or a worse person. Consumerism drives our spending habits.You need to bring awareness to the triggers that cause you to overspend.Always consider your future self.Create new habits that create a similar emotion.Don’t beat yourself up if you slip up – you’re only human. We all slip up now and then.Keep going in the right direction. Don't give up and have faith in yourself. Every time you decide not to make a purchase or save a little each month, you are building a new identity for yourself. Small steps in the right direction will result in huge changes over time. ABOUT THE HOSTSSarah is a Chartered Financial Adviser and Certified Financial Coach and Georgia is a Senior Paraplanner. Together, they have over 20 years experience in financial services and are on a mission to educate others about money in a fun and non-jargon way. They will help you master your finances and money mindset so that you feel more confident with money and the decisions you make around money. They talk all things money from investments, pensions and benefits to your mindset around money and steps you can take to improve your relationship with money. They aim to make it fun, educational and are with you every step of the way. Together, you've got this!The information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. No liability can be accepted for any individuals relying on this information without seeking specific advice and guidance. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions. Our discussions are based on tax and legislation in England which may change.⭐CONTACT METHOD⭐E: podcast@thegoodmoneycoach.comBlog: https://www.sarahblyth.comW: https://www.thegoodmoneycoach.comIG: LI: Money Confidence - Timeless Advice
19:08||Season 1, Ep. 34On this episode Sarah shares some timeless advice from some notes she had written after reading some self-help books when she had finished University in her 20s.KEY TAKEAWAYSFear will never go away as long as you continue to grow. Over 90% of what we worry about never happens. We create our own reality.The beginning is the most important part of the work.Believe it can be done. Never give up. Help each other.Think for yourself.Never look back. You can't change the past. Learn from it.Regrets weigh you down.Good and quiet doesn't mean weak.Sometimes you need space to think.Live life to the full.Angels fly because they take themselves lightly.If you haven't made any mistakes lately you must be doing something wrong.Be patient with yourself.The most important investment you can make is in yourself.ABOUT THE HOSTSSarah is a Chartered Financial Adviser and Certified Financial Coach and Georgia is a Senior Paraplanner. Together, they have over 20 years experience in financial services and are on a mission to educate others about money in a fun and non-jargon way. They will help you master your finances and money mindset so that you feel more confident with money and the decisions you make around money. They talk all things money from investments, pensions and benefits to your mindset around money and steps you can take to improve your relationship with money. They aim to make it fun, educational and are with you every step of the way. Together, you've got this!The information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. No liability can be accepted for any individuals relying on this information without seeking specific advice and guidance. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions. Our discussions are based on tax and legislation in England which may change.⭐CONTACT METHOD⭐E: podcast@thegoodmoneycoach.comBlog: https://www.sarahblyth.comW: https://www.thegoodmoneycoach.comIG: LI: Money Confidence - 20 Tips To Improve Your Financial Wellbeing
27:06||Season 1, Ep. 33On this episode Sarah and Georgia discuss 20 things to think about when is comes to money and your wellbeing.KEY TAKEAWAYSStop thinking about money in terms of material things it can buy. Start thinking about the freedom and independence it can give you. The best thing money can buy is time and freedom. Freedom to live life on your terms, freedom from financial stress and freedom to do what you want and work for who you want.Money is a tool and not a goal in itself. Question everything. Don’t just do things just because that’s what you think you should do. Don’t just do things automatically. Embrace change.Know that you can manage your own money and that investing is not hard. You just need to be taught how. It is made to seem harder than it really is.Forgive your past financial mistakes. They served your past self and now you have moved forwards. Let it go. Listen to the episode for more tips.ABOUT THE HOSTSSarah is a Chartered Financial Adviser and Certified Financial Coach and Georgia is a Senior Paraplanner. Together, they have over 20 years experience in financial services and are on a mission to educate others about money in a fun and non-jargon way. They will help you master your finances and money mindset so that you feel more confident with money and the decisions you make around money. They talk all things money from investments, pensions and benefits to your mindset around money and steps you can take to improve your relationship with money. They aim to make it fun, educational and are with you every step of the way. Together, you've got this!The information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. No liability can be accepted for any individuals relying on this information without seeking specific advice and guidance. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions. Our discussions are based on tax and legislation in England which may change.⭐CONTACT METHOD⭐E: podcast@thegoodmoneycoach.comBlog: https://www.sarahblyth.comW: https://www.thegoodmoneycoach.comIG: LI: Money Confidence - 5 Questions To Ask Yourself About Money
09:56||Season 1, Ep. 32On this episode Sarah talks about 5 questions you should ask yourself about money.KEY TAKEAWAYSBeliefs are assumptions we make about the world and are often developed early in life and passed down subconsciously through the generations. In early childhood you take everything as fact so your beliefs are based on how you perceive things and may not be logical.What are your core beliefs around money? We never really think about these beliefs or question them but when we do we learn a lot about ourselves and our behaviours and emotions around money. These 5 questions will get you to think about your beliefs and perceptions around money and to think about how these beliefs have helped you and how they have challenged you in your life.ABOUT THE HOSTSSarah is a Chartered Financial Adviser and Certified Financial Coach and Georgia is a Senior Paraplanner. Together, they have over 20 years experience in financial services and are on a mission to educate others about money in a fun and non-jargon way. They will help you master your finances and money mindset so that you feel more confident with money and the decisions you make around money. They talk all things money from investments, pensions and benefits to your mindset around money and steps you can take to improve your relationship with money. They aim to make it fun, educational and are with you every step of the way. Together, you've got this!The information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. No liability can be accepted for any individuals relying on this information without seeking specific advice and guidance. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions. Our discussions are based on tax and legislation in England which may change.⭐CONTACT METHOD⭐E: podcast@thegoodmoneycoach.comBlog: https://www.sarahblyth.comW: https://www.thegoodmoneycoach.comIG: LI: Money Confidence - 9 Core Beliefs That Are Holding You Back
19:18||Season 1, Ep. 31On this episode Sarah and Georgia talk about 9 common core beliefs around money that may be holding you back.KEY TAKEAWAYSWe all have our own individual relationship with money. Our own experiences, influences and environments have shaped our perception of money. Think about your early memories and experiences around money and the beliefs you attach to these.When we start to think about what we heard about money growing up, we start to realise why we think a certain way about money. We attach our own perceptions to what we heard when we were growing up.Being a People Pleaser is a psychological disorder as we feel safe by looking after everyone else's needs first. This is more common for women.By changing your relationship with money you can change your children's' relationship with money and the future generations ahead of you.ABOUT THE HOSTSSarah is a Chartered Financial Adviser and Certified Financial Coach and Georgia is a Senior Paraplanner. Together, they have over 20 years experience in financial services and are on a mission to educate others about money in a fun and non-jargon way. They will help you master your finances and money mindset so that you feel more confident with money and the decisions you make around money. They talk all things money from investments, pensions and benefits to your mindset around money and steps you can take to improve your relationship with money. They aim to make it fun, educational and are with you every step of the way. Together, you've got this!The information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. No liability can be accepted for any individuals relying on this information without seeking specific advice and guidance. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions. Our discussions are based on tax and legislation in England which may change.⭐CONTACT METHOD⭐E: podcast@thegoodmoneycoach.comBlog: https://www.sarahblyth.comW: https://www.thegoodmoneycoach.comIG: LI: Money Confidence - How Not To Miss Out On Thousands Of Pounds Of Pension Income
16:44||Season 1, Ep. 30On this episode Sarah and Georgia talk about how you can avoid missing out on thousands of pounds of pension income.KEY TAKEAWAYSIf you are a grandparent caring for grandchildren, you could qualify for National Insurance credits which can top up your income in retirement.An estimated 4 in 10 grandparents in the UK provide childcare for their grandchildren and many don't know about this perk which could add thousands to their State Pension over time.More and more grandparents will be entitled to the Specified Adult Childcare credits as the proportion of grandparents who are of working age is growing.The system of transferring the National Insurance credits means that grandparents no longer have to lose out on building up a full State Pension just because they are looking after their grandchildren.It's not just grandparents that can benefit from the credits. National Insurance credits can also be transferred to other family members such as aunties and uncles.If you haven’t yet claimed, you can backdate to 6 April 2011, which is worth doing to maximise your State Pension.For information on Child Benefit, please listen to our podcast episode (episode 11) or visit my blog here.To apply for the Specified Adult Childcare credits click here.BEST MOMENTS'This is really important.''It's not a great image.''Georgia's not having a very good day today.'ABOUT THE HOSTSSarah is a Chartered Financial Adviser and Certified Financial Coach and Georgia is a Senior Paraplanner. Together, they have over 20 years experience in financial services and are on a mission to educate others about money in a fun and non-jargon way. They will help you master your finances and money mindset so that you feel more confident with money and the decisions you make around money. They talk all things money from investments, pensions and benefits to your mindset around money and steps you can take to improve your relationship with money. They aim to make it fun, educational and are with you every step of the way. Together, you've got this!The information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. No liability can be accepted for any individuals relying on this information without seeking specific advice and guidance. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions. Our discussions are based on tax and legislation in England which may change.⭐CONTACT METHOD⭐E: podcast@thegoodmoneycoach.comBlog: https://www.sarahblyth.comW: https://www.thegoodmoneycoach.comIG: LI: Money Confidence - How Much Pocket Money Should I Give My Child?
19:06||Season 1, Ep. 29On this episode Sarah and Georgia talk about how much pocket money you should give your child.KEY TAKEAWAYSThere's no right answer here, and it depends on how much you can afford and what you think is reasonable. There have been numerous surveys conducted which give a rough idea of how much parents are giving their children.A survey of NatWest Rooster Money users found that the average weekly pocket money in the UK was £6.14, with £3.21 a week for 4 year olds, increasing to £11.64 a week for 14 year olds.Research from Barclays showed that over two thirds (68%) of parents reward their children with pocket money for doing chores around the home.The research from Barclays suggests that children will receive an average of £7.58 a week this year, up from £6.97 a week last year.The giving of regular pocket money is more important than the amount you decide to give your child.Giving children the opportunity to spend their own money will help them decide how they spend it, when they spend it and whether they want to save it.BEST MOMENTS'What age do you start giving your child pocket money?''Some kind of visual plan with key milestones, which they can tick off along the way, is a great way to demonstrate progress and get your child excited about watching their savings grow.''What's your favourite chore?''There's satisfaction in doing that.''I got a job at 16.''This is on me boys.''You must be a lady of leisure. You have these 2 kids cleaning your house, cleaning your car.'ABOUT THE HOSTSSarah is a Chartered Financial Adviser and Certified Financial Coach and Georgia is a Senior Paraplanner. Together, they have over 20 years experience in financial services and are on a mission to educate others about money in a fun and non-jargon way. They will help you master your finances and money mindset so that you feel more confident with money and the decisions you make around money. They talk all things money from investments, pensions and benefits to your mindset around money and steps you can take to improve your relationship with money. They aim to make it fun, educational and are with you every step of the way. Together, you've got this!The information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. No liability can be accepted for any individuals relying on this information without seeking specific advice and guidance. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions. Our discussions are based on tax and legislation in England which may change.⭐CONTACT METHOD⭐E: podcast@thegoodmoneycoach.comBlog: https://www.sarahblyth.comW: https://www.thegoodmoneycoach.comIG: LI: Money Confidence - 7 Ways To Increase Your Credit Score
15:59||Season 1, Ep. 28On this episode Sarah and Georgia talk about what a credit score is, who the main credit reference agencies are in the UK, why your credit score is important and 7 ways to boost your credit rating. KEY TAKEAWAYSThere are three UK credit reporting agencies in the UK.Your credit score is a score which is calculated by credit reporting agencies and is meant to reflect how likely you are to repay credit on time.Credit scores are used by potential creditors and lenders to help them decide whether to offer you credit. Your credit score can also affect premiums you pay on insurance policies, such as home and car insurance, as well as getting a mobile phone contract.There are easy ways to boost your credit score. We discuss 7 important things you can do to boost your credit score.Make sure your finances aren't linked to someone with a bad credit score. If you break up with someone that you've had joint finances with, you will need to make sure you de-link your finances and contact the credit reference agencies and ask for a notice of disassociation. This will stop their credit score affecting yours in the future. BEST MOMENTS'I've asked Georgia, what is the average credit score in the UK?''It's good to get those insights.''There are some jobs that require pre-employment credit checks.''It keeps me on my toes.'ABOUT THE HOSTSSarah is a Chartered Financial Adviser and Certified Financial Coach and Georgia is a Senior Paraplanner. Together, they have over 20 years experience in financial services and are on a mission to educate others about money in a fun and non-jargon way. They will help you master your finances and money mindset so that you feel more confident with money and the decisions you make around money. They talk all things money from investments, pensions and benefits to your mindset around money and steps you can take to improve your relationship with money. They aim to make it fun, educational and are with you every step of the way. Together, you've got this!The information given in this podcast is for your entertainment and should not be construed as financial advice. No liability can be accepted for any individuals relying on this information without seeking specific advice and guidance. As always, take independent financial advice before making any investment decisions. Our discussions are based on tax and legislation in England which may change.⭐CONTACT METHOD⭐E: podcast@thegoodmoneycoach.comW: https://www.thegoodmoneycoach.comIG: LI: