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38. Live-podd: The Digital Backlash in Education
47:54||Ep. 38Panel discussion The hype surrounding digital technologies in education has now partly been replaced with a opposite tendency where schools worldwide are going back to printed books and banning mobile phones from the classroom. At the same time, digital technologies are deeply embedded in educational practices and the global ed-tech industry is thriving. In this panel, four distinguished researchers from the field of media and education give their perspectives on this development:· Neil Selwyn, Professor in the Faculty of Education (Monash University, Australia)· Petar Jandrić, Professor of Information Science (Zagreb University of Applied Science, Croatia)· Felicitas Macgilchrist, Professor of Digital Education and Schooling (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany)· Sarah Hayes, Professor of Education and Research Lead (Bath Spa University, UK)Organised and moderated by Ingrid Forsler and Saga Hansén both at Media and Communication Studies at Södertörn.
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37. Mediehat
52:42||Ep. 37Avsnitt 36 ute nu! Vi talar mediehat, med Peter Jakobson, Uppsala universitet, och Fredrik Stiernstedt, Södertörn. Vi läser Eva Illouz, om Känslor och populism. Peter tänker på Morrissey.Mer om Fredriks och Peters forskningsprojekt: Havet
35:53||Ep. 36Vi talar om havet, och elementen som media, med Lars Lundgren, Södertörn. Vi läser Östersjöar av Tomas Tranströmer. Lasse tänker på Aphex Twin.35. Opinion 2.0
45:53||Ep. 35Avsnitt 35 ute nu! Vi återvänder till temat för avsnitt 1: USA-val med Bengt Johansson, JMG. Vi läser Jean Baudrillard om opinionsundersökningar. Bengt tänker på Emmylou Harris.Vi läser referens: Baudrillard, Jean, and Marie Maclean. “The Masses: The Implosion of the Social in the Media.” New Literary History, vol. 16, no. 3, 1985, pp. 577–89. JSTOR, om Bengts forskning och vardagsspaningar: Artificial Intelligence and Public Administration
01:01:47|MKV-Podden goes live and English: New episode from a panel discussion at Södertörn University in September 2024Pea counters and automated bureaucrats: AI and algorithms in public administrationAutomated decision-making with the help of algorithms and artificial intelligence has been on the agenda lately. Numerous workshops, conferences and symposia have discussed the promises and challenges of AI. The potential for increased efficiency and reaching more just decisions through AI is especially prevalent in the public sector - a domain that organizes and regulates the most important aspects of our lives such as care, education, and security. But how can the broader public be engaged in such complex questions? This panel gathers decision-makers and representatives of the public sector to examine the state and potential of automated decision-making and artificial intelligence in public administration. The panel discussion has two starting points: First, the installation “Erbsenzähler” introduced and contextualized by the artist Verena Friedrich. Second, results from a comparative survey among Swedish citizens, civil servants, and politicians indicating important differences between the three groups when it comes to trust in automated decision-making and AI in public administration. Introduction Anne Kaun (Södertörn)Panelists- Liv Fries, (Inera)- Maja Fjaestad (Associate Professor, former Swedish state secretary for health)- Martin Snygg Söder (Statskontoret)- Göran Hellström (Digitaliseringsstrateg Södertälje) Moderator: Johan Sandén (Södertörn) The panel discussion is co-organized by the Hub for Digital Welfare Research, the Academy of Public Administration as well as the Digital Transformations Research Platform and is funded by the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.34. Live-Podd: Book launch Classics in Media Theory
43:16||Ep. 34MKV-podden goes live and English. Vi har haft book launch för boken Classics in Media Theory (2024, publicerad av Routledge). Lyssnar på ett samtal med Annika Egan Sjölander och Espen Ytreberg både författare till kapitel i boken.Läs mer om boken här: Patrik Lundberg om skrivande
40:49||Ep. 33Vi talar skrivande med Patrik Lundberg: författare, Stora journalistpriset-vinnare - och före detta MKV-student. Vi läser Stuart Hall om inkodning/avkodning. Patrik tänker på Stad i ljus.