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Mid-Atlantic - conversations about US, UK and world politics

Unmasking AI: The Politics of Bias

In this episode of the Mid Atlantic Podcast, we look into the complex world of AI and political bias with expert guest Maxim Lot. A seasoned journalist and data connoisseur, Maxim brings over 15 years of experience to the table, having worked with ABC, Fox, and as the founder of Maxim True Substack. His latest project,, is at the forefront of analysing political biases in AI, offering a unique perspective on the issue. The discussion navigates through the intricacies of data harvesting, AI algorithms, and the potential societal impacts of AI-driven technologies.

Show Notes:
  • Introduction to the topic of political bias in AI.
  • Maxim Lot's extensive background in media and data analysis.
  • Discussion on data harvesting, AI algorithm training, and their inherent biases.
  •'s innovative approach to evaluating AI biases.
  • Debate on AI regulation and the balance between innovation and societal impact.
  • Listener Q&A: Addressing the practical and ethical challenges of AI in various aspects of life.
  • Closing thoughts: The need for a holistic approach to AI development and regulation.

  1. Maxim Lot: "They just vacuumed the data and fed it into these AI algorithms. And so that's step one. Where there could be bias if Wikipedia is biased, if the Google News results are biased, that could lead to a biased data set."
  2. Roifield Brown: "However, I'm profoundly scared about an AI future and a scale of one to 10. You're a better man. You deal with statistics. How scared should I be about an AI-driven future?"
  3. Maxim Lot: "So I basically did this for all the AIs, ChatGPT, Bard, Rock, and just to see where they would come down on this political quiz."
  4. Roifield Brown: "I don't believe in a future which is run by tech companies and tech companies alone. I must admit, and that scares the bejesus out of me."
  5. Maxim Lot: "But in the nuclear industry, for example, where you obviously need some regulation, but now we have a situation where France, for example, most of their energy is produced with nuclear, and it's great, they've never, no one's, died from it, and they produce 70 percent of their energy with it, and it's clean, there's no CO2.

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