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SOUTHRIDGE CHURCH with Micaiah Irmler

Follow the Follower

Season 2022, Ep. 21

Do you find yourself watching clips of impressions and imitations of your favorite celebrities and singers? Can you do a celebrity impersonation or imitate their mannerisms? Have you ever imitated a family member in good fun when they act a certain way?

Why is it that we love to see how well someone else can imitate a celebrity's voice or how they act, yet we don't have the same appreciation for imitating Jesus? As Christians, we are called to imitate Christ as the Apostle Paul did. Join us for part 2 of our Discipleship series as we discuss why imitating Jesus is even more important now than ever before.

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  • 126. Chasing Purpose

    Are you searching for meaning in life? Listen in as we begin an exciting new sermon series called "Chasing Purpose." We'll explore life's big questions together and discover how to live with purpose.
  • 125. When You're Pushed Over The Edge

    Think about the time when you're pushed over the edge. You may even be in this season right now when you feel like you've got nothing left to give. Moms especially know this feeling as we're always giving day in and day out -- and sometimes from a place of deficiency. What do you do when you're asked to do more and feel like you're on your last resort?The widow at Zarephath was asked this same request and showed us how to handle this. Maybe you or someone you know is dealing with this, and you're not sure what to do. Don't miss this encouraging message!
  • 124. Don't Fall for the Thirst Trap

    Ready to find love, strengthen your marriage, or step away from the cycle of dating apps and casual encounters? Our series finale, Don't Fall for Thirst Traps, offers valuable insights for anyone seeking a fulfilling relationship. 
  • 123. You Can't Buy Happiness

    Our teaching series called What Happy Couples Know is more than a teaching series about romantic relationships. Join us for this weeks message as we learn that in relationships you can't buy happiness.
  • 122. We Need to Talk

    I have a personal question to ask; have you ever gone back to a bad relationship? Why is it that we do that? How is that we tell ourselves we would never go back but somehow we do. Join part three of our series What Happy Couples Know we are going to see that we make bad picks when we are in bad places. 
  • 121. Red Flags in Relationship

    Ever wonder why seemingly strong and great looking relationships suddenly separate? Are there any indicators about the health and strength of a relationship? Join us this sermon as we going to talk about the Red Flags in Relationships.
  • 120. Love Isn't Blind

    Does it ever seem like every couple around you has it all together, while you can't even agree on what's for dinner? Wanna know the secret? Join us this online for a brand new teaching series called, "What Happy Couples Know."
  • 119. The Emptiness of Easter

    Looking around at the world we find ourselves in this Easter; we see a lot of emptiness. We see the emptiness everywhere. We see the emptiness in people, online posts, and in our power to change things from empty to filled and fulfilled. Come join us at Southridge Church as we discover the Emptiness of Easter and why that’s a wonderful thing that can forever change our lives.
  • 118. Welcome the King

    The kingdom they expected. The kingdom he established.