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SOUTHRIDGE CHURCH with Micaiah Irmler

When You're Pushed Over The Edge

Season 2024, Ep. 125

Think about the time when you're pushed over the edge. You may even be in this season right now when you feel like you've got nothing left to give. Moms especially know this feeling as we're always giving day in and day out -- and sometimes from a place of deficiency. What do you do when you're asked to do more and feel like you're on your last resort?

The widow at Zarephath was asked this same request and showed us how to handle this. Maybe you or someone you know is dealing with this, and you're not sure what to do. Don't miss this encouraging message!

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    Are you struggling to understand the meaning of life and what it takes to live a meaningful life? God's purpose for our life is the proof we need to know that our life has meaning and can be meaningful. Listen in on this past Sunday's message as we learned about our part in God's purpose for our lives. 
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  • 126. Chasing Purpose

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  • 121. Red Flags in Relationship

    Ever wonder why seemingly strong and great looking relationships suddenly separate? Are there any indicators about the health and strength of a relationship? Join us this sermon as we going to talk about the Red Flags in Relationships.