
cover art for 1336 || a paradise built in hell (part II)

Make Your Damn Bed

1336 || a paradise built in hell (part II)

"In an era whose sense of the human psyche is dominated by entertainment and consumerism and by therapy culture—the personal and private are most often emphasized to the exclusion of almost everything else. Conventional therapy, necessary and valuable at times to resolve personal crises and suffering, presents a very incomplete sense of self.

As a guide to the range of human possibility it is grimly reductive. It will help you deal with your private shames and pains, but it won’t generally have much to say about your society and your purpose on earth.

It won’t even suggest, most of the time, that you provide yourself with relief from and perspective on the purely personal by living in the larger world. Nor will it ordinarily diagnose people as suffering from social alienation, meaninglessness, or other anomies that arise from something other than familial and erotic life.

It more often leads to personal adjustment than social change.

Such a confinement of desire and possibility to the private serves the status quo as well: it describes no role for citizenship and no need for social change or engagement." - Rebecca Solnit

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The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • 1356 || meditations in an emergency (rebecca solnit)

    "But they are few and we are many. A coup, which is what we are having this week, is never the end of the story: all across the world we can find examples of how people resisted kings and dictators and wrote the next chapter themselves as civil society." - Rebecca Solnit "They do not understand that the reason they need to be authoritarian is because they are at war with the will of the people (not all the American people, of course, but a whole lot of us). Much of what they are doing is wildly unpopular and will only become more so. They do not understand power itself, and the limits on theirs. They do not understand that they cannot strong-arm all of us into abandoning our beliefs, values, commitments, and knowledge." - Rebecca SolnitRebecca Solnit's emergency meditations: AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or impl
  • 1355 || Rebecca Solnit fan club

    "No one can deal with every issue at once, and choosing which part of the problem to commit to is part of the work of resistance. Some of you are already doing important work on human rights or climate or criminal justice. Some of you can commit to addressing immigration or the underground railroads for abortions. Some of you will find your commitment or have skills and resources to bring to multiple issues. Daniel Berrigan, the Jesuit priest turned anti-war organiser, once wrote: “One cannot level one’s moral lance at every evil in the universe. There are just too many of them. But you can do something; and the difference between doing something and doing nothing is everything.”" - Rebecca Solnit The Rebecca Solnit Article I referenced today: Solnit's emergency meditations: AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or impl
  • 1354 || finding your herd

    "Some say that murmurations – those beautiful flights of thousands of starlings undulating and pulsating as they whirl through the sky together – create flocks that are hard for predators to attack. There’s safety in numbers, which is why a lot of prey animals move in herds and flocks and schools. For those who dissent from what this new administration intends to do, we may sometimes be able to surround an Ice van or march by the thousands, but every time we dissent we make room for others to dissent. Courage, like fear, is contagious. For a lot of us, right now, we get to choose, and what we choose has an impact on what others choose." - Rebecca SolnitED KILGORE'S ARTICLE: SOLNIT'S ARTICLE: AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or impl
  • 1353 || your overwhelm is the point

    They are banking on us feeling so hopeless that we don’t fight back. This is why they constantly overload us with information about the constant threats and violence against humanity. It’s a tool meant to paralyze you to keep you from the work that needs to be done. You can’t focus on everything, but you can pick a lane and prepare to fight."This is a strategic exploitation of our cognitive limits." - Jennifer Walter"Move quickly through the shock and condemnation, into identifying what needs to be done." - Pete Buttigieg Identify an effective motivation. Mine is doing everything as an act of resistance. Knowing the wealth-hoarding class doesn't want me creating, focusing, strategizing, enjoying, taking care of myself, taking care of my community, means I will do exactly that, as an act of resistance.Start to recognize where you don't have to spend extra money, time, energy + reclaim it for whatever you decide to spend it on for a change.Good news, you're joining a fight that has been happening a long time Pete Buttigieg’s “we cannot be mesmerized” speech from Now This Impact on Tiktok: 63r=1&t=ZT-8tOK2pzU7nnb Sociologist Jennifer Walter’s Threads Account post on what to expect + what to do: @Rachellapointe on Tiktok "Destroy the Cop Inside Yourself": on Tiktok " Everything we're about to face, we've already overcome": AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1352 || the white rose papers (leaflet 5 + 6)

    "Prove by your deeds that you think otherwise. A new war of liberation is about to begin. The better part of the nation will fight on our side. Cast off the cloak of indifference you have wrapped around you. Make the decision before it is too late."LEAFLET 5: 6: to Palestine Children's Relief Fund:www.pcrf.netDONATE to American Civil Liberties Union: AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1351 || the white rose papers (leaflet 4)

    "We will not be silent. We are your bad conscience. The White Rose will not leave you in peace!"THE SOURCE: to Palestine Children's Relief Fund:www.pcrf.netDONATE to American Civil Liberties Union: AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1350 || the white rose papers (leaflet 3)

    "Every individual human being has a claim to a useful and just state, a state which secures freedom of the individual as well as the good of the whole. For, according to God's will, man is intended to pursue his natural goal, his earthly happiness, in self-reliance and self-chosen activity, freely and independently within the community of life and work of the nation.Is your spirit already so crushed by abuse that you forget it is your right - or rather, your moral duty - to eliminate this system? But if a man no longer can summon the strength to demand his right, then it is absolutely certain that he will perish. Many, perhaps most, of the readers of these leaflets do not see clearly how they can practice an effective opposition. They do not see any avenues open to them. We want to try to show them that everyone is in a position to contribute to the overthrow of this system. It is not possible through solitary withdrawal, in the manner of embittered hermits, to prepare the ground for the overturn of this "government" or bring about the revolution at the earliest possible moment. No, it can be done only by the cooperation of many convinced, energetic people - people who are agreed as to the means they must use to attain their goal. Do not give a penny to public drives (even when they are conducted under the pretence of charity). The government does not need this money; it is not financially interested in these money drives. After all, the presses run continuously to manufacture any desired amount of paper currency. But the populace must be kept constantly under tension, the pressure of the bit must not be allowed to slacken! Do not contribute to the collections of metal, textiles, and the like. Try to convince all your acquaintances, including those in the lower social classes, of the senselessness of continuing, of the hopelessness of this war; of our spiritual and economic enslavement at the hands of the National Socialists; of the destruction of all moral and religious values; and urge them to passive resistance!" - The White Rose Leaflets, 1942THE SOURCE: AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1349 || the white rose papers (leaflet 2)

    Nazi ideology cannot be engaged with on an intellectual level because it lacks the coherence, logic, and moral foundation required for meaningful debate. True intellectual discourse requires a shared commitment to truth, reason, and ethical principles. The Nazis, however, rejected these values in favor of propaganda, manipulation, and brute force. Sound familiar?THE SOURCE: AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1348 || the white rose papers (leaflet 1)

    Nothing is so unworthy of a civilised nation as allowing itself to be governed without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct. It is certain that today every honest German is ashamed of his government.Who among us has any conception of the dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible of crimes - crimes that infinitely outdistance every human measure - reach the light of day? If the German people are already so corrupted and spiritually crushed that they do not raise a hand, frivolously trusting in a questionable faith in lawful order of history; if they surrender man's highest principle, that which raises him above all other God's creatures, his free will; if they abandon the will to take decisive action and turn the wheel of history and thus subject it to their own rational decision; if they are so devoid of all individuality, have already gone so far along the road toward turning into a spiritless and cowardly mass - then, yes, they deserve their downfall. Goethe speaks of the Germans as a tragic people, like the Jews and the Greeks, but today it would appear rather that they are a spineless, will-less herd of hangers-on, who now - the marrow sucked out of their bones, robbed of their centre of stability - are waiting to be hounded to their destruction. So it seems - but it is not so. Rather, by means of gradual, treacherous, systematic abuse, the system has put every man into a spiritual prison. Only now, finding himself lying in fetters, has he become aware of his fate. Only a few recognised the threat of ruin, and the reward for their heroic warning was death. We will have more to say about the fate of these persons. If everyone waits until the other man makes a start, the messengers of avenging Nemesis will come steadily closer; then even the last victim will have been cast senselessly into the maw of the insatiable demon. Therefore every individual, conscious of his responsibility as a member of Christian and Western civilisation, must defend himself as best he can at this late hour, he must work against the scourges of mankind, against fascism and any similar system of totalitarianism. Offer passive resistance - resistance - wherever you may be, forestall the spread of this atheistic war machine before it is too late. - the white rose papers 1942 SOURCE: AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.