
cover art for 1204 || learning to dance with the chaos

Make Your Damn Bed

1204 || learning to dance with the chaos

There’s something freeing about realizing it’s time to let go. 

Life’s cycles sometimes match with my own, and things feel serendipitous and “meant to be” but more often than not, life cycles move faster than my own + I’m forced to play catch up on changes and news that I wasn’t just unprepared for, but in denial about. But things do happen. Life surprises you. And no matter how much you resist that reality, it doesn’t change it. I think life is a little bit fate and a little bit chaos. Like an improvised dance. Some steps may surprise you and others may feel like second nature, once you learn to stop resisting the unpredictability of it. 

Because the steps are not meant to become more predictable to us, we’re just supposed to get better at flowing with it. Of learning as we go. Of learning how to let go when there is a mis-step and to have faith that the dancing will get more fun and beautiful as we continue.

But just because we stop cold in the middle of the dance, doesn’t mean the dancing stops. You can take a break, get a water, and become a wallflower if you want, but the real power comes from stepping back into the chaos and embracing the next moves with as much enthusiasm and joy as possible. 

Because even if you choose to “hate dancing” and “sit this one out” life will eventually sweep you off your feet, and it’ll feel a lot more comfortable and enjoyable if you know how to confidently take a step or two for yourself, once in a while. 

Learning a new way to dance in a new environment is not just possible, it can actually be enjoyable if I stop worrying about what I look like, or what the song was supposed to sound like, and instead I focus on finding my own rhythm within the flow that’s currently taking place. 

I think I’ve spent a long time waiting for a more familiar song to play, so I can dance with confidence, but the longer I wait, the more resistant I get. If I can learn to jump in and “figure it out”, then the unfamiliar becomes familiar and the newness I feared is no longer new, and the resistance loses its power. 

It feels counterintuitive, but sometimes the thing you’re resisting is the resistance itself. Once you stand up and listen to the music that’s playing, you may find yourself actually enjoying the process of finding your place within it.

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The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • 1220 || love is so scary

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  • 1219 || the social withdrawal cycle

    There is a feedback loop that seems to happen whenever I’m spending more time alone. I notice that my need for connection seems to dissipate as my anger towards humanity inflates. Psychologists have noted this through various research and confirmed that “lonely individuals tend to think more negatively of others and see them as less trustworthy.”If the feeling of loneliness really worked as it should, it would prompt prosocial behaviors that fulfill our need for belonging. It’s like a craving. Our bodies are craving social connection, so we should then seek it out to rectify that craving. But unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Especially for me. Basically, when you feel lonely, you probably also feel more depressed, which means you’re not feeling like your most “you, you”. And because you feel a bit unpleasant, it can exacerbate these issues. Scientists have long studied the correlation between depression symptoms and loneliness, but there seems to be less focus on the cyclical nature of these implications. The study I’ve been referring to did its best to track the associations between these feelings of loneliness and prosocial behaviors. Apparently this means the results from this study came with two distinct findings: Loneliness often comes with:An increase in motivation to support others, but a poorer interpretation or execration of that social contact.That idea that we want + seek out connections but feel an absence of soothing and support still, is the part that tends to push us further in the cycle of loneliness and despair. I thought it was interesting though, that it wasn’t just relationships with others we tend to be more negative about, when we’re lonely. According to the study, we also tend to evaluate ourselves more negatively as well. This lower sense of self confidence means that the odds are stacked against us. We feel lonely, so we feel more insecure, AND we feel more hesitant to let others in, which causes a validation of those negative biases. THE RESOURCE: DONATE:www.pcrf.netGet Involved:Operation Olive Branch: Spreadsheets + LinksGET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
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