
cover art for 1127 || week 9 finale || the artist's way

Make Your Damn Bed

1127 || week 9 finale || the artist's way

We're doing a deep dive on Julia Cameron's Twelve Week Process of The Artist's Way. This is week 9:

"You're not lazy, you're blocked."

"We shouldn't call an inability to start laziness, we should call it fear."





The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • 1164 || the power of persuasion

    Humans are animals and I can’t tell you how hard it is for me to remember that fact. This is why it feels like, every time I am reminded of that fact - that we are all just big dumb animals - there’s a part of me that is humbled but there is a bigger part of me that is relieved because it feels like my failings are less of a personal attack and more of a common symptom of what happens in the life of a human animal.  One thing in particular I feel VERY conscious of my humanness in is when it comes to my struggles with restlessness and wanting - because there are billion dollar corporations manipulating our animal instincts to make us feel that way.  The best shoppers are the restless, wanting shoppers + I spend every day resisting my urges to go buy a little trinket or tasty treat or new business venture for myself. Every time I see a targeted ad, I curse out that company’s marketing budget because it’s really violently targeted to what I want and they’re only getting more specific. My phone literally knows what I want before I do - often and that’s not only scary for privacy reasons, it’s also super fucking manipulative. DONATE:www.pcrf.netGet Involved:Operation Olive Branch: Spreadsheets + LinksGET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1163 || connecting through gift giving

    It’s not about giving someone the world, it’s about making them feel like they are an important part of yours. Which means, it’s hard to do properly. It’s a ton of cognitive load to pay attention to, remember what, and constantly hunt for things with a perfect discernment. It’s really easy to fuck it up, and that’s okay too. I think,, fucks ups are easy to overlook if your intention is genuinely pure, and probably why we should be a little more socially conscious of the things people give to us.  I do also find it powerful to recognize that if you focus too much on the reaction, you’re losing sight of the purpose of gift giving altogether. You wanna give them something nice, not force them to smile.  Most people are just happy you thought of them at all, don’t overthink it if it’s becoming stressful, just lean into your first instincts, or do what I do, ask around and get some ideas for fan favorites, and again, so many people are just happy to get a gift, it doesn’t matter if it’s prolonged eye contact. That’s how attention starved so many of us are. DONATE:www.pcrf.netGet Involved:Operation Olive Branch: Spreadsheets + LinksGET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1162 || fighting the powers that be (and winning)

    "Climate change is here because of the current global systems, and that means that, eventually, the system will become obsolete. It already is when it comes to the survival of humanity. I think that ultimately people will come to see that the system doesn’t work for them. It’s never been designed to work for the masses." - Murrawah Maroochy JohnsonRESOURCE: GET INVOLVED:  Operation Olive Branch: Spreadsheets + LinksGET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1161 || deescalating conflict + a little Deepak Chopra

     DONATE: GET INVOLVED:  Operation Olive Branch: Spreadsheets + LinksGET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.According to Deepak Chopra: "Language and action go together. If you are stuck in the metaphor of war, with its winners and losers, revenge, enmities that last for generations, and the macho image of the warrior, you can never end war even though you want to.There is no clean end to war once you are in a war mentality. Winners in one war become losers the next, and combat runs into a quagmire in which it is obvious that neither side will be able to claim victory,. As history teaches us from World War I to Afghanistan, wars are at once pointless, relentless, and endless. War heroes on one side are war criminals on the other.There is a way to end war, and one sees signs of the solution appearing wherever people realize that we share the same goal, to achieve a prosperous, healthy, sustainable planet. War doesn’t serve this shared goal, and the question is how long it will take for a positive global purpose to overshadow the metaphor of war that is embedded in nationalism, tribalism, racial and ethnic divides, and the other fellow travelers of war. All of these divisions are mind-made. They exist because we constructed them, and the secret is that whatever you made you can unmake."LINKS + RESOURCES: 
  • 1160 || the ethics of wealth || patreon

    Most nations are more intent on policing the poor than the rich, when the opposite would be more effective, lucrative, and important. Tax evasion is estimated to cost Austria about one thousand times more than welfare fraud.RESOURCES: DONATE: GET INVOLVED:  Operation Olive Branch: Spreadsheets + LinksGET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1160 || the ethics of wealth

    Most nations are more intent on policing the poor than the rich, when the opposite would be more effective, lucrative, and important. Tax evasion is estimated to cost Austria about one thousand times more than welfare fraud. RESOURCES: DONATE: GET INVOLVED:  Operation Olive Branch: Spreadsheets + LinksGET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1159 || anti-capitalism 101

    Riley Brooke wrote a dope ass article and I need everyone to hear it. Today we're talking capitalism, means of production, unions, exploitation, scabs, and profits. RESOURCE: GET INVOLVED:  Operation Olive Branch: Spreadsheets + LinksGET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1158 || ban the billionaires

    You cannot earn a billion dollars. You can take a billion dollars, but you can't make it. Every billionaire has built their "empire" off of the exploitation of laborers. UNFUN FACTS:Jeff Bezos could give every single one of his 876,000 employees a $105,000 bonus and he’d still be as rich as he was at the start of the pandemic.The median U.S. salary is $34,612, but even if you tripled that and saved every penny for a lifetime, you still wouldn’t accumulate anywhere close to a billion dollars.Jeff Bezos makes $149,353.12 EVERY SINGLE MINUTE. Every 14 minutes, Elon Musk earns as much as an average american earns in their entire lifetime. Full time employees at Walmart + Amazon are the biggest utilizers of federal food programs like SNAP and Welfare. While the CEO's make more money than is possible to spend in a lifetime. Something's gotta give. RESOURCES: + DONATE: GET INVOLVED:  Operation Olive Branch: Spreadsheets + LinksGET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • 1157 || post-scarcity society || patreon

    Utopia feels far away, post-scarcity feels less so.According to wikipedia: Post-scarcity is a theoretical economic situation in which most goods can be produced in great abundance with minimal human labor needed, so that they become available to all very cheaply or even freely.[1][2] Post-scarcity does not mean that scarcity has been eliminated for all goods and services but that all people can easily have their basic survival needs met along with some significant proportion of their desires for goods and services.[3] Writers on the topic often emphasize that some commodities will remain scarce in a post-scarcity society.RESOURCES: DONATE: GET INVOLVED:  Operation Olive Branch: Spreadsheets + LinksGET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.comTUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.