
cover art for #C0988_210525_Thomas Aas and Bryton Shang: Data from different points of view


#C0988_210525_Thomas Aas and Bryton Shang: Data from different points of view

Season 1, Ep. 988

In this episode of #LØRN Silvija talks to founder and CEO of Aquabyte Bryton Shang and managing director in Kontali, Thomas Aas. Both Aas and Shang use AI and big data to help companies make better decisions in aquaculture. They explain how companies can use the quantitative data to innovate and have a more efficient production. Shang says that farmers work with them because they represent the future of aquaculture.


— You need to know what you are looking for before you can use the data to start innovate, the clearer the picture of the industry is the more innovation we are able to put into motion.  


You will LØRN about 

Mapping stock in fish farming 

AI and BigData  


Using insight to get a competitive advantage  

Fish well-fare 


Recommended litteratur:  

Essentialism – great book on how to focus on the right things. Also our TV episode where we brought the CTO of Amazon to a Norwegian fish farm (Now Go Build) 

Hans Rosling, Factfulness (but considering the volume of my reading, I should have left this one blank) 

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