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Life on a Stick

An adventurous podcast with Malin & Tom!

Welcome to the Life on a Stick podcast with Malin & Tom!We are the grown-up department of a half-English, half-Swedish adventure family living in our Campervan called Sunny. We're based on the East coast of Sweden, b

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  • 16. 16. Letting a 3 year old renovate our cabin - GOOD parenting or a BAD move!?

    35:22||Ep. 16
    This week we're chatting about our Swedish cabin renovations - they've begun! We've started by renovation our kids bedroom, and we've been letting our kids join in on the action. Is it a bad move to let your 3 and 5 year old loose with a bucket of wallpaper glue, or is it good parenting? We're on the fence.We also discuss some of the after effects of cancer, and how it still feels like we're very much still recovering from cancer.---Find us here:🏠 Website:✉️ Contact -🎬 Youtube -📸 Instagram -

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  • 15. 15. We’re BACK with some HUGE NEWS!

    39:25||Ep. 15
    The Life on a Stick podcast is back baby! And we’ve come equipped with some huge exciting news.This week we’re chatting about medical updates concerning Malin’s post-cancer treatments, a little update on our upcoming travel plans, and we REVEAL EVERYTHING about a huge bit of recent news… Many exciting projects coming up, exciting stuff!---Find us here:🏠 Website:✉️ Contact -🎬 Youtube -📸 Instagram -
  • 14. 14. MIDNIGHT AMBULANCE PICKUP and the start of a terrifying month

    43:51||Ep. 14
    The start of October marks a the beginning of an oddly scary month for us. Malin was diagnosed with an aggressive colon cancer in October 2022, one year later in October 2023 Malin was admitted to the hospital for over a week with a terrible infection where she was also given a medicine she was HUGELY allergic to in a major hospital mishap. On the flipside, we also moved in to our van in October last year, starting our journey of full time van life with kids! So a very ‘up and down’ month for us, we’re hoping for an October without any drama this year, thank you very much.We also chat about the events of last week where Malin was once again taken in to the hospital, being picked up in an ambulance in the middle of the night with acute abdominal pain. You get both barrels with this podcast - the extreme positive and the extreme negative… That’s Life on a Stick, baby!---Find us here:🏠 Website:✉️ Contact -🎬 Youtube -📸 Instagram -
  • 13. 13. A BRIT moving to SWEDEN: Best decision or a huge mistake?

    42:04||Ep. 13
    This week we’re discussing some massive culture clashes between Sweden and the UK! As a British person, moving to Sweden was a huge decision, but 9 years later we haven’t looked back. Some of the subjects in this episode include ‘how is the parental leave in Sweden?’, and we explore other questions such as ‘is Sweden the BEST place to raise kids?’ We also chat about (read: poke fun at) the Swedish language, how it was to actually move to Sweden from the UK, some of the big cultural differences, pub culture in Sweden vs UK and a lot more!We also introduce a BRAND NEW one-off segment, where Malin's in the hot seat as she quizzes down on the literalness of the Swedish language!---Find us here:🏠 Website:✉️ Contact -🎬 Youtube -📸 Instagram -
  • 12. 12. "Your SON looks like a GIRL" (and other mean words of encouragement)

    38:10||Ep. 12
    We get comments like this ALL THE TIME! It's odd, but it's a part of choosing to publicise parts of your life on the internet. We also chat about some extremely mean comments that Malin got during her battle with cancer, including someone telling her to 'buy a coffin'. This week, we also chat about some HUGE hospital mistakes made during Malin’s journey towards being free from colon cancer, our future VANLIFE plans including Portugal and beyond, and nerves and anxieties around Malin's upcoming cancer scans. We're also soon celebrating ONE WHOLE YEAR of living in our van!---Find us here:🏠 Website:✉️ Contact -🎬 Youtube -📸 Instagram -
  • 11. 11. Is VAN LIFE really that LONELY?

    39:43||Ep. 11
    This week we're chatting all about how our SOCIAL LIVES are while living in a van. Is vanlife really that lonely?We also get questions such as 'do your kids EVER play with other kids?' surprisingly often, so we're tackling those sorts of things on this podcast about van life! In October 2023, we made the big move to sell our house and move in to our van, just over a year after Malin's huge battle with colon cancer. It's so far been the best decision we've ever made, we love van life! ---Find us here:🏠 Website:✉️ Contact -🎬 Youtube -📸 Instagram -
  • 10. 10. Saying GOODBYE to van life!?

    41:09||Ep. 10
    This week, we're chatting about future plans - including the scary prospect of SAYING GOODBYE TO VAN LIFE. We've lived in our van for the best part of a year, but now we're talking about buying a house in the future and giving up vanlife. Who knows?We started our van life when we moved in to our van last year, after Malin's rough battle with colorectal cancer.---Find us here:🏠 Website:✉️ Contact -🎬 Youtube -📸 Instagram -