
cover art for Seeking Happiness is a Trap

Life in Progress

Seeking Happiness is a Trap

Ep. 227

In our relentless pursuit of happiness, we often fall into a trap of constantly seeking external sources to fulfill our desires. We believe that material possessions, relationships, or achievements will bring us lasting joy and contentment. However, the reality is that true happiness cannot be found in these fleeting moments of pleasure. The more we chase after happiness, the more it eludes us. We become trapped in a cycle of always wanting more, never satisfied with what we have. This constant craving for external validation and gratification only leads to disappointment and emptiness. Instead of seeking happiness outside ourselves, we must look within. True happiness comes from cultivating inner peace, gratitude, and self-acceptance. It is about finding contentment in the present moment and appreciating the simple joys of life. By letting go of the need to constantly seek happiness from external sources, we can break free from the trap and discover true fulfillment within ourselves. Happiness is not something to be chased after; it is something to be cultivated from within.

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  • 230. Are You Living for You or Other People?

    Are You Living for You or Other People? It is easy to get caught up in the expectations and opinions of others. We often find ourselves living our lives according to what we think will please those around us, rather than following our desires and passions. But the question remains: are we truly living for ourselves or other people? Living for others can lead to a life filled with resentment and regret. It is important to remember that our happiness should not be dependent on the approval of others. True fulfillment comes from following our dreams and aspirations, regardless of what others may think. It is crucial to take the time to reflect on our values and beliefs and make decisions based on what truly makes us happy. By living authentically and staying true to ourselves, we can lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life. So ask yourself: are you living for yourself or other people? The answer may surprise you.Follow me on IG: Instagram (@angelydub)Follow Life in Progress on IG: Instagram (@lifeinprogressph)Follow me on Tiktok: Angely Dub's Creator Profile
  • 229. The Later Mindset is Harming Us

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  • 228. Handling Hate and Jealousy with Ana Mae

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  • 226. Self-Love is Mandatory, not Optional

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  • 225. I Got Hurt and I Found the Root Cause

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  • 224. How Do I Date Nowadays?

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  • 223. Romanticizing Your Own Life

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  • 222. Delayed Gratification is Beautifiul

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