Let's Talk Quantum Mechanics

  • 1. Schrödinger Equation and related concepts: Introductory discussion

    Introduction to this new podcast series, followed by a discussion of prerequisites. In this inaugural episode, I discuss the Schrödinger equation and it's interpretation in both position and momentum space.
  • 2. Ehrenfest's Theorem and Discussion of Operators

    In this second episode, I build upon the equations for expectation values from the previous (first) episode to derive Ehrenfest's theorem and its generalization. I also discuss some basic properties of operators and commutators.
  • Uncertainty Principle and Minimum Uncertainty Wave Packet

    In the third episode, I derive the famous Heisenberg's uncertainty for position and momentum. Using this, I then derive what is known as a minimum uncertainty wave packet. We explore together a wide variety of mathematics, and in particular, demonstrate applications involving expectation value calculations.