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Let's Solve Nothing

Let's solve nothing with Muireann O'Connell & Joanne McNally

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  • Love

    Our first live! Well, our first zoom. We try to solve love, we recorded it on Valentine's Day but let's face it, the theme of love is not date specific so let's not dwell on it's tardiness. Joanne tells stories of her many failed relationships, Muireann necks a whole bottle of white wine & talks about heartbreak, Joanne trumps her with more tales of more failed relationships & a story about a man with a suspicious throat infection which means you'll never eat frubes again. Thank you so much to everyone who came, & to everyone who has supported the pod, you're the absolute best & we love you (well, most of you)

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  • Botox

    This week we try to solve botox, Joanne is all about it and would like to age gracefully into a sexy looking lizard, Muireann is terrified of it + thinks it will turn her into a melted looking wellington. We chat kegels, Liz Hurley's thirst trap + Demi Moore's new face.
  • True Crime

    This week we try to solve the current fascination with true crime, are we entertained by the pain of strangers or are we studying it for our own survival. Are we trash? Probably. Joanne talks about her new hymen + Muireann tells a tale of a famous lip virgin
  • Fakers-kinda

    We're back! This wk we talk all things Hilaria Baldwin, is she actually a Culturally appropriating monster or a just a woman who wanted to add a bit of spice to her life? Joanne has recently discovered something new about herself + Muireann is confused by the sex scenes in Bridgerton, the SATC reboot also gets a going over.
  • Alcohol

    This week it's all things alcohol; the pros, the cons, the Sauvignon Black outs. While Joanne talks us through an unfortunate incident she had on a flight involving herself & a human sized bottle of Baileys, Muireann schools us on teenage drinking in Limerick and the importance of lying to Doctors. We take a look at Joanne's mother's wine shoe and Muireann's mother's hospitality. We also cover the strange workings of Rita Ora and Joanne smack talks Muireann.
  • Presents

    This week, we wrestle the issue of presents, Christmas ones mostly. Maybe you don't deserve one, so don't be so arrogant. We also resent buying wedding presents because no-one wants to marry either of us, and we dig into the dark and controversial world of re-gifting. Muireann has a sustainability fail and Joanne tries to talk about a recent festive farce in Limerick involving an elf in a suspected white wine black out
  • Sexy School Uniforms

    This week we don't solve the issue of sexy school uniforms, we look at the Britney version of a school uniform versus the reality of our Irish school uniforms where we were covered head to toe like an Arabian man from the 15th century. We also touch on more of Joanne's unsettling love life and Muireann finds huge entertainment in Joanne's kneecaps.