Kultural Capsule

  • 5. Lyubov Panchenko - Art and Design

    When Russia invaded Ukraine, an artist from the group known as the "sixtiers" Шістидесятники Lyubov Panchenko commenced a hunger strike. Her home town of Bucha became a killing field for invading orcs from the north. I refrain from using a title of a country that has been nothing but thieves since autumn of 1671, when they changed their nation's name from Moscovia to Rus'.
  • 4. She Watched it Burn

    In 1986 the world first learnt just how things with nuclear power stations could go wrong. This is a piece that wrote for the Kyiv Weekly on the 20th anniversary of that disaster. It is both an Authentic Life Story and a Kultural Capsule.
  • 2. Ira Aldridge and Taras Shevchenko

    I first produced a Kultural Capsule for Nash Holos Ukrainian Roots Radio in 2011. This is an expanded version produced using better hardware than I had long ago, with a much improved knowledge on my part regarding sound production. It gives a glimpse into the like of Ukraine's bard and poet Taras Shevchenko and the American-British actor Ira Aldridge.