
Keep It Quirky podcast
How a Childhood Nomad Became a Foodie, with Jenny Linford
Jenny Linford is the food writer behind the massively popular Food Lover's London guides, Great British Cheeses, and many more drool-worthy books. Her most recent book is an absolute joy -- The Missing Ingredient: The Curious Role of Time in Food and Flavor.
She currently lives in London, but has lived in Italy, Singapore (where her mother is from), Trinidad, and Ghana. In this episode we talk about the affect travel during the early years of her life has had on not only how she sees food culture, but also how she writes and how she experiences life.
We chat about the deeply ingrained cultural aspects of food, writing as a conduits for others, and the satisfaction of doing something you believe in. It was a pleasure to talk at length with Jenny; I hope you enjoy our chat!
@jlinford on Instagram
@jennylinford on Twitter
Preorder my book, Cheese, Wine, and Bread: Discovering the Magic of Fermentation in England, Italy, and France!
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74. Doing Yoga While Pregnant Saved My Sanity, with Jessica Weiss of Wild Heart Yoga
28:45||Season 2, Ep. 74In this episode, my all-time favorite yoga teacher Jessica Weiss tells us how she handled maternity leave and new parenthood as a creative freelancer. We also talk about her prenatal yoga series, which has been an absolutely life saver for me during my pregnancy!! My favorite take away from this conversation is: TAKE YOUR TIME. That's a mantra to remember -- especially as a new mom -- even when life is a whirlwind around you and you feel the pressure to resume your career ASAP.To see Jess's yoga classes -- from online livestreams to on-demand videos, in addition to the prenatal course -- visit and follow her on Instagram at jessweissyoga.73. Putting My Dad In The Hotseat
26:16||Season 3, Ep. 73I’ve wanted to have this person on for years. Spoiler: it’s my dad. But I’m not just having him on because he’s my dad, I invited him to be a guest because he has inspired me and my path in life -- has inspired me, and inspires me to this day!There are endless facets to his enjoyment and dedeication to his chosen work, but also for living his passions, for connecting with other humans, and adding positivity to the world. If you’d be even 5% as inspired by him as I am, this episode is a worthwhile listen. I hope you enjoy this DADCAST! ;)The musician who wrote the theme song: @bqfunkHost Katie on Instagram: @qkatie@keepitquirkypodcastKatie's Patreon: my book "Cheese, Wine, and Bread" -- available everywhere books are sold! This author’s dream illustrator, Jessie Kanelos Weiner
35:23||Season 3, Ep. 72Jessie Kanelos Weiner is an author and illustrator -- and she was the illustrator for my book, which publishes today, "Cheese, Wine, and Bread!" Her illustrations are absolutely incredible, and I'm excited to have her on the show. In this episode, we talk about how she landed on illustration as an art form, her side hustles, and telling stories with her paintbrush. She says, ""The work that speaks most to people is personal work," and I adore the way she defines keeping it quirky: Having the courage to by yourself. YES!Jessie was born in America, but has lived in France for some time now. She has worked as a food stylist in Paris and New York, and was a costume designer (which led her to picking up watercolor). Now, she is known and highly regarded in the industry for her detailed, whimsical, and instantly recognizable style. Some of her books are “Paris In Stride," and "Edible Paradise." Her work explores gastronomy, travel, lifestyle, architecture, and pop culture. You may have seen her illustrations in Vogue, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, among many others. Jessie on Instagram: @jessiekanelosweiner Check out Jessie’s illustrated books: Katie on Instagram: @qkatie@keepitquirkypodcastYou can order "Cheese, Wine, and Bread" -- available everywhere books are sold! Teaching Normal People about Wine, with Caroline Conner
30:08||Season 3, Ep. 71Caroline Conner is an American entrepreneur living in Lyon, France. She is the woman behind Wine Dine Caroline — a company all about enjoying wine and learning about it in the most accessible way. She’s just the kind of wine lover I want to have as a friend because she doesn’t stand for snobbery, but her knowledge of wine — everything from the science specifics to historical background — is incredible. She has her WSET diploma, over 12 years of experience in the industry, and is currently pursuing her master of wine.In this episode, we talk about why she’s focused her wine knowledge and educating us normal people ;) and why she loves living in Lyon, France. In the latter part of the show, I got a little nerdy with her, asking about some specifics of how Italy’s wines differ from France’s wine. (I loved her breakdown of Champagne versus Prosecco!) All that and much more, in this episode!Show Notes:Wine Dine Caroline’s Food & Wine Pairing PDF Download: Wine Dine Caroline’s Video: “Sulfites in Wine - Are Sulfites Bad For You?” Caroline on Instagram: @winedinecarolineCheese, Wine, & Bread Preorder Giveaway: Sourdough Pizza Night E-Book! Katie on Instagram: @qkatie@keepitquirkypodcast70. This is Why Puglia, Italy is So Special, with Anna Maggio
29:58||Season 2, Ep. 70Anna Maggio is the author of the cookbook "Under the Olive Tree: Memories and Flavours of Puglia." (Gourmand World Book award Winner 2020!) Anna is an Italian-born and bred woman who has lived in London since her early twenties, but has been a proud proponent of Puglia, the southern Italian region when she spent her childhood.In this episode, I talk with Anna about some of the ingredients and recipes in her cookbook -- all of which are very simple and accessible -- and we talk about the concept of "cucina povera." We delve into a bit of the history of the Puglia region, the differences between southern Italy and northern Italy, and her personal experiences in both places..."It set me up to fight for survival," says Anna about moving from southern Italy to the big northern Italian city of Milan, where she was "treated like an immigrant." We also talk about her move to London, her career in the arts, and how she began her food tours and writing this book, a beautiful love letter to her childhood home.Her book helped me discover more about the region of Puglia, which I'm now calling home! She made me appreciate this area in new ways, and added new staple recipes to my kitchen rolodex.Anna has just joined Instagram! Let's welcome her: @annamaggio858Under the Olive Tree: a voice memo for my new podcast with Jen Phanomrat and Food52, called Either Side Eaters! Here's the link to ask us a question, which we may answer on-air! my Patreon community for perks & rewards! : IT QUIRKY@keepitquirkypodcast@qkatiePreorder my book, Cheese, Wine, and Bread: Discovering the Magic of Fermentation in England, Italy, and France! to the monthly newsletter: She’s a Professional Pasta Eater (with Sophie Minchilli)
25:54||Season 3, Ep. 69Hi everyone! I start this episode with some big news: I've moved to Italy! And in the spirit of that move, I'd like to introduce you to someone who knows Italy like the back of her hand, adores it, and will make you want to eat pasta straight away.Sophie Minchilli was raised in Rome, Italy, to an Italian father and American mother (you may know of her mom -- author Elizabeth Minchilli, @eminchilli) and she is passionate about sharing Italian culture. In this conversation, we have a fun, nuanced chat about Italy -- we talk about the huge regional differences in Italy, making friends with the older generation here, and some of her favorite dishes from the part of Italy where I'm living (Puglia).Sophie and Elizabeth team up to do food tours all around Italy! - you can find more information here: Sophie on Instagram: @sminchilliWatch her make Orecchiette con Le Cime Di Rapa: my Patreon community for perks & rewards! : This Woman Has the Single Coolest Career Path, with Cree LeFavour
46:31||Season 2, Ep. 67Author Cree LeFavour has the kind of writing career many creatives (ahem, myself included) dream of. She's authored four cookbooks (and has ghostwritten countless others), an acclaimed memoir, and most recently -- a novel! She has such an intuitive relationship with her creativity, and it was an absolute delight to talk with her about her path, and the sparks that have led the work she’s done. In this episode, we start by talking about her new novel, "Private Means," which is a fascinating (and sometimes rather sexy!) book that is, on the surface, about a middle aged couple that loses their beloved dog and the unraveling that occurs thereafter...but of course what’s it’s really about is human relationships. It’s funny & thought provoking, dark & wry. We discuss her writing process and how writing a novel was different than writing her memoir, "Lights On, Rats Out," which came out a few years ago. If you're a foodie, check out the cookbooks she's written, "The New Steak," "Fish," "Pork," and "Poulet." How did she become this literary badass from a career in writing cookbooks? We’ll hear all about that, and the twists and turns her life as presented….they seem at one hand so varied, and yet it all seems to weave it together so wonderfully.And of course, we talk about embracing your quirkiness/weirdness (literary and otherwise).CREE LeFAVOUR@creelefavourwww.creelefavour.comKATIE QUINN@qkatieKEEP IT QUIRKY PODCAST@keepitquirkypodcastSign up for my monthly e-newsletter: Launching an Album in a Pandemic, with Brian Quinn
43:34||Season 3, Ep. 66Today's guest is Brian Quinn, a professional musician (the creator of this podcast's theme song!), and, yes, he's my brother. He graduated from Berklee College of Music in Boston, one of the preeminent music schools in the USA. Since then, he has worked as a professional musician, calling Chicago, IL his base. In this conversation we talk about everything from what it's like to be a professional, performing musician during this time of Covid-19, to discussing whether or not it's a good ideal to go to music school if you want to be a musician. The debut album of his band, bq, is releasing worldwide this Friday, September 4! The album is called "The Inner Solar system," and it's instrumental funk music that is sure to get your feet tapping and hips swinging. (He's also playing an album release show -- FREE and OUTDOORS -- this Saturday, September 5 from 5:30p-8:00pat Chicago's Navy Pier, at Miller Lite Beer Garden.)He gives us some sneak peeks of his songs, and talks us through elements of the music to listen for. It’s my favorite thing to listen to music with Brian; he points out things that my ear would never hear otherwise. He also describes the origin of certain musical techniques (attention, music history nerds!); it's super cool to get a peek into this artist’s mind with all that, and to hear how it evolved.I'm a proud sister. He's got a lot of experiences to share with you -- for other musicians, aspiring musicians, or anyone curious about what that creative process and reality of the industry looks like now. BRIAN QUINNInstagram: @qkatieWebsite: www.bqfunk.comThe Inner Solar System, debut album by bqKEEP IT QUIRKY@keepitquirkypodcast@qkatieSubscribe to my monthly newsletter: