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Infinite Minute

A 'Sk8 the Infinity' anime-by-minute podcast!

Sk8 + friends = Infinite Minute! Adapting the movie-by-minute podcast genre to anime-by-minute, Jonathon Lawrence and Caitlin Mathieson attempt to rewatch the Winter 2021 anime 'Sk8 the Infinity' minute by minute! They'l

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  • Static Duck - Sk8 OVA Trailer

    We’re baaaaack, but are you, dear listener?? We’re watching the OVA trailer and loving it! We’re hype, there’s zero skateboarding, and we’re travelling through time (both in the trailer and in the sense that we’re so behind the times releasing this episode now!)Full spoilers for ‘Sk8 the Infinity' are contained within this podcast.Twitter: infinite_minute Email: infiniteminutepodcast@gmail.comJono’s MyAnimeList: Caity’s MyAnimeList: Art by Mitchell TurekMusic by Blue Wave Theory and Wataboi

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  • Infinite Goofs and Gaffes

    A final little bonus ‘Infinite Minute’! This was some of the stuff that I had to cut for context/coughing, funny little bloopers, or moments that I would send to Caity while I was editing that made us both laugh. Enjoy, or don’t! - JonoFull spoilers for ‘Sk8 the Infinity' are contained within this podcast.If you hate coughing on podcasts, do not listen 🙂Twitter: infinite_minute Email: infiniteminutepodcast@gmail.comJono’s MyAnimeList: Caity’s MyAnimeList: Art by Mitchell TurekMusic by Blue Wave Theory and Wataboi
  • 287. Our Final Infinite Minute! - Minute 24 Episode 12

    38:56||Season 1, Ep. 287
    We finished ‘Infinite Minute’! We have finally completed "Sk8 the Infinity" minute by minute, our long journey has come to a close, the dub gets one final chance to redeem themselves and they kinda blow it, we’re getting our tennis players and hurdlers confused, and Jono has STATS.Thank you for joining us on this MASSIVE undertaking, whether you’ve been with us since the start, or have joined us long after the journey was over in the future. BIG THANK if you’re the one person who reads these episode descriptions. We appreciate you, our listeners! Thank you, thank you 🙏♾️⌚🛹Full spoilers for ‘Sk8 the Infinity' are contained within this podcast.Not calling our last episode “Dick to dick” 👀Anna Kournikova's Smash Court TennisTwitter: infinite_minute Email: infiniteminutepodcast@gmail.comJono’s MyAnimeList: Caity’s MyAnimeList: Art by Mitchell TurekMusic by Blue Wave Theory and Wataboi
  • 286. Bookends - Minute 23 Episode 12

    25:56||Season 1, Ep. 286
    Classic church and steeple bit on ‘Infinite Minute’! Holy god it is the final full minute of the show and we’re not sure what to do with ourselves, the boys got closure because the pup said kay and the dog said hai and we’re not calling this episode Tadushy, we don’t know where anyone is, the whole show is bookended beautifully, and good work, guitarists!Full spoilers for ‘Sk8 the Infinity' are contained within this podcast.Twitter: infinite_minute Email: infiniteminutepodcast@gmail.comJono’s MyAnimeList: Caity’s MyAnimeList: Art by Mitchell TurekMusic by Blue Wave Theory and Wataboi
  • 285. Our Early Thirties - Minute 22 Episode 12

    29:58||Season 1, Ep. 285
    The political subplot is the centrepiece of ‘Infinite Minute’! This podcast has been our early thirties, Kaoru “caligraphies” on Joe’s face, Miya gets a cute send off (care of the Chill Out comics), POV you’re standing on Kiriko’s desk as she gets shipped off to Tokyo, the superintendent has a funny voice, and Mitch teaches us about Meguca and asks us what our favourite, low-budget moments are in anime!Full spoilers for ‘Sk8 the Infinity' are contained within this podcast.Twitter: infinite_minute Email: infiniteminutepodcast@gmail.comJono’s MyAnimeList: Caity’s MyAnimeList: Art by Mitchell TurekMusic by Blue Wave Theory and Wataboi
  • 284. Jam-Packed ED Montage - Minute 21 Episode 12

    41:53||Season 1, Ep. 284
    It’s Mitchell again on ‘Infinite Minute’! We’re served up with a jam-packed ED montage, Mitchell can’t remember every character from this show because he hasn’t watched it in three years, we’re STILL talking about Challengers (2024), the green hoody is canon, and Jono sounds extremely out of touch talking about a meme no-one understandsFull spoilers for ‘Sk8 the Infinity' are contained within this podcast.TRIGUN SPOILERSDAD ALERTThe Right Amount of Detail video Mitch speaks onThe Chill Out comics we definitely didn’t forget the name ofTwitter: infinite_minute Email: infiniteminutepodcast@gmail.comArt by Mitchell TurekMusic by Blue Wave Theory and Wataboi
  • 283. Moonlit Whisper - Minute 20 Episode 12

    20:45||Season 1, Ep. 283
    SHADOKA APPEARS on ‘Infinite Minute’! We finally see a long-awaited ship moment, we feel more for Tadashi and Ainosuke than the Renga hug, Shadow is the best and Cherry is the worst? and “if the hug doesn‘t get me the puppy play will” will be etched into Jono’s tombstone.Full spoilers for ‘Sk8 the Infinity' are contained within this podcast.Twitter: infinite_minute Email: infiniteminutepodcast@gmail.comJono’s MyAnimeList: Caity’s MyAnimeList: Art by Mitchell TurekMusic by Blue Wave Theory and Wataboi