In Conversation With STPN

  • 4. Networks and ICBs

    On this episode we are joined by Rupi Dev - director of Mental Health, Children and Young People & Health Inequalities at South East London ICS, and Harriet Ward - STPN Network Manager. Listen to learn more about the role and function of the ICB, how the ICB works with STPN currently, and the further opportunities for closer working between ICBs, systems and STPN moving forward.
  • 3. Reflections on STPN - Clinical Director

    Our outgoing clinical director, Marilyn McDougall, shares reflections on the growth of STPN since it began in 2018.
  • 2. The Tony Hudgell Rehabilitation Programme

    In this episode of In Conversation with STPN, we are joined by Sammy Randall, Clinical Lead AHP for the Tony Hudgell Rehabilitation Programme, and Rosie White, Project Coordinator, South Thames Paediatric Network. Sammy and Rosie share their work on the programme and give some exciting insight into the results and how to join the upcoming launch events. If you are interested in finding out more about the project and launch events, please email
  • 1. Introduction to The South Thames Paediatric Network

    Joining us on our first podcast is Harriet Ward and Sally Watts - Joint Network Managers, discussing an introduction to The South Thames Paediatric Network