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4.07 - Steven Meo
01:03:02|My chat with Steve starts with a kid shitting on his own shoulder and ends with a welshman sipping gin in a camisole. If that doesn't hook you, you're looking at the wrong show. Interview by Jonathan Harden. Recorded via Zoom, June 2020. Studio facilities provided by
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4.06 - Bronagh Waugh
01:18:27|A fascinating, honest chat with Bronagh Waugh. From working as nanny following The Fall, to being trolled in the gutter press off the back of Hollyoaks, and how she's coped with it all. Some cracking nuggets of wisdom and polished gems of advice, all in a really unique story. It'll make a great film script some day... Interview by Jonathan Harden. Recorded via Zoom, June 2020. Studio facilities provided by - Lucas Hare
01:34:55|A long and winding chat with, Lucas Hare. Don't be fooled by the oak beams in the background, like 93.7% of us, Luke is a distant relative of Danny Dyer (Source: His Bob Dylan podcast, Is it Rolling, Bob? is available wherever you got this. Interview by Jonathan Harden. Recorded via Zoom, June 2020. Studio facilities provided by Laura Gourdine
01:00:25|Laura Gourdine on Lockdown, Black Lives Matter and more, via Zoom, from her apartment in NYC. Honest Actors Lockdown - rambling long distance catch-ups with old friends of the show. The original interview with Laura appeared as episode 4 of Series 4. Interview by Jonathan Harden. Recorded via Zoom, June 2020. Studio facilities provided by Joanna Scanlan
44:45|Joanna Scanlan on how lockdown has been treating her, from cleaning days to building a 'wigwam' voiceover studio, enjoying 'Normal People', and coping with there not being any work to not get. Honest Actors Lockdown - rambling long distance catch-ups with old friends of the show. The original interview with Isaiah appeared as episode 3 of Series 3. Interview by Jonathan Harden. Recorded via Zoom, June 2020. Studio facilities provided by - Laura Gourdine
51:16|A totally different interview, and a rare thing for the podcast: several, yes several brand new answers to longstanding questions. Have you any idea how long I've been awaiting for that?! Hear them all in this brand-new chat with Laura Gourdine, speaking during lockdown from her apartment in Manhattan. Interview by Jonathan Harden. Recorded via Zoom, June 2020. Studio facilities provided by