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Second Grader Stories

Significant Places in Regina Saskatchewan

This podcast is a showcase of the significant places that our second-grade class has researched.

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  • 1. All About Regina

    02:04||Season 1, Ep. 1
    Regina, Saskatchewan has a rich history and is home to many significant places.

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  • 2. Stone Hall Castle

    01:19||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Stone Hall Castle was built in 1926 by Francis Drake and his wife Annie after their home was destroyed by the 1912 cyclone.
  • Introductions

    00:32||Season 0, Ep. 0
    Welcome! I’m Ms. Koval! I teach grade two at Boux’s school in Regina Saskatchewan. My grade two’s and I are working on learning about the significant events, people and places in our local community.