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Grow Yourself Up

Grow Yourself Up is a podcast to support all of us in our adult lives

Grow Yourself Up is a podcast to support all of us in our adult lives. Many of us did not get our needs adequately met in childhood. The devastating legacy of childhood trauma, wounding and traumatic

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  • 124. Ep 124: The Good Girl Grid and Owning our Own Motherhood Experience

    21:57||Ep. 124
    In this solo episode Cath uses her concept 'The Good Girl Grid' to explain how women are held down in society and how this complicates our ability to own our own internal and motherhood experience. She talks about the idea of 'being on our own sides' and what that means and how that might look in practise (using anecdotes from her own life).Parenting is a huge growth opportunity, please be gentle with yourself.If you're enjoying this podcast. Please leave a review and rate the podcast, this really helps others to find it.To sign up for the journal prompts and Nurture.Heal.Grow (on Substack) please head to or @cathcounihan on Instagram. Follow Cath on social media here:Instagram: @cathcounihanSubstack: Nurture.Heal.GrowFacebook: Cath Counihan

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  • 123. Ep 123: Ancestral Healing and Wisdom, Power and Growing Up in Motherhood with Kate Merrick

    01:01:16||Ep. 123
    Cath was joined by psychotherapist and coach Kate Merrick this week. Cath and Kate talked about Kate's path to motherhood, her lineage, how her ancestors turned up to support her journey, personal power in the postpartum time, advocating for our children, medical herbalism and much more.Kate is a mother, an embodied gestalt psychotherapist, transformational coach and a home herbalist and she is dedicated to guiding women on their journey's of healing and transformation. Kate specialises in the holistic treatment of childhood developmental trauma, ancestral trauma and Post-Traumatic Growth, empowering womento reclaim their inner authority, their innate wisdom, their cyclical rhythm and to deepen into loving compassionate relationships with themselves.As well as working in one to one practice, Kate also runs women’s circles that centre around psychological and spiritual growth work. In addition, she now runs Rushmead Farm, her “garden cauldron”, making organic therapeutic products from her Somerset herb garden; natural elixirs that support our minds, bodies and spirits.You can connect with Kate on Instagram:@the.embodiedwoman@rushmeadfarmWebsite: you're enjoying this podcast. Please leave a review and rate the podcast, this really helps others to find it.To sign up for the journal prompts and Nurture.Heal.Grow (on Substack) please head to or @cathcounihan on Instagram. Follow Cath on social media here:Instagram: @cathcounihanSubstack: Nurture.Heal.GrowFacebook: Cath Counihan
  • 122. Ep 122: Our Inner Child, Authenticity, Big Emotions and Feedback

    34:53||Ep. 122
    In this episode Cath speaks to how much our own inner child may be triggered in parenting and makes some suggestions about what to hold in mind to support yourself.She speaks to the important psychological role of the mother/primary caregiver and how much this is to hold, learn and practise. She answers a listener question about criticism and comments from our kids. And weaves in psychological theory to support your role in your family, using personal anecdotes to explain some points.If you're enjoying this podcast. Please leave a review and rate the podcast, this really helps others to find it.To sign up for the journal prompts and Nurture.Heal.Grow (on Substack) please head to or @cathcounihan on Instagram. Follow Cath on social media here:Instagram: @cathcounihanSubstack: Nurture.Heal.GrowFacebook: Cath Counihan
  • 121. Ep 121: Thoughts on Embracing and Enjoying Time with our Kids

    18:22||Ep. 121
    In this deeply personal episode Cath reflects on what often trips us up when we spend long periods of time with our kids, particularly when we have childhood trauma. She highlights some of the key issues we deal with when we have experienced trauma and gives some tips and suggestions for how you can make the most of time spent with your kids (while holding onto your sanity).If you're enjoying this podcast. Please leave a review and rate the podcast, this really helps others to find it.To sign up for the journal prompts and Nurture.Heal.Grow (on Substack) please head to or @cathcounihan on Instagram. Follow Cath on social media here:Instagram: @cathcounihanSubstack: Nurture.Heal.GrowFacebook: Cath Counihan
  • 120. Ep 120: The Fatherwound, Patriarchy and Growing up in Fatherhood with Clint Davis (Re-release)

    01:01:06||Ep. 120
    In episode 120 of Grow Yourself Up Cath was joined by Clint Davis. Cath and Clint talked about culture and patriarchy, how Clint parents differently to how he was patented and how he continues to grow himself up in fatherhood. Cath and Clint talked about Clint’s book and how the conversations you have with your kids when they are young provide an important basis for later communication and much more.Clint Davis is an Army veteran, ordained minister, and licensed professional counselor trained in trauma and addiction. Clint is a speaker and hosts the 'Asking Why' podcast. He is also the author of 'Building Better Bridges', a guidebook to having difficult conversations that can save our children.Clint has a large team of mental health professionals that work together to make a difference in their communities.Resources for Clint Davis CounselingTEDx Talk: @clintdaviscounselingFacebook: @clintdaviscounselingYoutube: www.clintdaviscounseling.comEmail: Clintdaviscounseling@gmail.comBBB: www.buildingbetterbridgesbook.comAmazon: (Building Better Bridges) Why Podcast: you're enjoying this podcast. Please leave a review and rate the podcast, this really helps others to find it. To sign up for the journal prompts and Nurture.Heal.Grow (on Substack) please head to or @cathcounihan on Instagram. Follow Cath on social media here:Instagram: @cathcounihanSubstack: Nurture.Heal.GrowFacebook: Cath Counihan
  • 119. Ep 119: Rage, Vitality, Agency and Growing up in Motherhood with Lisa Marchiano

    53:41||Ep. 119
    In episode 119 of Grow Yourself Up Cath was joined by Lisa Marchiano.Lisa is an award-winning author, podcast host, and certified Jungian analyst. She is the author of three books published by Sounds True, Motherhood: Facing and Finding Yourself, The Vital Spark: Reclaim Your Outlaw Energies and Find Your Feminine Fire and Dream Wise: Unlocking the Meaning of Your Dreams. She is the cocreator and cohost of the popular depth psychology podcast This Jungian Life, and has a private practice in Philadelphia. Cath and Lisa talked about Lisa’s motherhood journey, how she has grown herself up, the need for women to grow up and let go of innocence, self abandonment and pleasing others. This maturation process and claiming all parts of our feminine energy (not just that which is kind or sweet) is essential to be able to protect ourselves and our kids and live a full adult life. You can connect with Lisa below:Instagram: @lisamarchianoOther web links: LisaMarchiano.comspinningstraw.comthisjungianlife.comIf you're enjoying this podcast. Please leave a review and rate the podcast, this really helps others to find it.To sign up for the journal prompts and Nurture.Heal.Grow (on Substack) please head to or @cathcounihan on Instagram. Follow Cath on social media here:Instagram: @cathcounihanSubstack: Nurture.Heal.GrowFacebook: Cath Counihan
  • 118. Ep 118: Stress Responses, Feelings, Mood and Emotional Flow

    29:22||Ep. 118
    It can feel really confusing as a cycle breaking parent learning to hold space for our child's feelings without taking responsibility for them. Often there is entanglement where we may feel we need our children to be a certain way so we can feel ok. Cath speaks to all of this and the overlap around holding space for feelings, stress responses and getting more comfortable with the displeasure of our children. She uses examples from her life to bring the points alive.If you're enjoying this podcast. Please leave a review and rate the podcast, this really helps others to find it.To sign up for the journal prompts and Nurture.Heal.Grow (on Substack) please head to or @cathcounihan on Instagram. Follow Cath on social media here:Instagram: @cathcounihanSubstack: Nurture.Heal.GrowFacebook: Cath Counihan