Glee | Aggressive

  • #BoCo: A Retrospective and GLINGO!

    As we stare down the barrel of season 6, Corrina and Ian reflect on Gleasons past, look to the gluture, and invite you fill out your own GLINGO card! We made it to the end of Season 5, folks. Unhinged behavior herein. Enjoy!@gleeaggressive@epicadventureof@ibroskigleeaggressive@gmail.comBuy our merch!Help Ian make an album!
  • 20. 5.20 - The Untitled Rachel Berry Project

    We made it to the end of Season 5, folks. Unhinged behavior herein. Enjoy!@gleeaggressive@epicadventureof@ibroskigleeaggressive@gmail.comBuy our merch!Help Ian make an album!
  • 19. 5.19 - Old Dog, New Tricks

    Today, we have our first sort-of-rerun! We have Rachel’s take on a real-life charity that already exists, the potential AHS/GLEE cinematic crossover, and potential for this to be a Kate Bush episode. There’s also dead folks, Sam’s surprisingly appropriate arc, almost zero Blaine arc… Is this… for revènge?@gleeaggressive@epicadventureof@ibroskigleeaggressive@gmail.comBuy our merch!Help Ian make an album!
  • 18. 5.18 - Back-Up Plan

    On today’s episode, Corrina and Ian prove themselves better agents than Richard Kind, a song from the club, other songs that are great but not here, and lies all around! Also, who pushed that girl off the stage!? Why is Shirley McClain singing Janis, and what’s her problem with Kurt? Why does Rachel get away with everything!? Write in.@gleeaggressive@epicadventureof@ibroskigleeaggressive@gmail.comBuy our merch!Help Ian make an album!
  • 17. 5.17 - Opening Night (w/ Shannon Walsh)

    Shannon Walsh joins us to discuss maybe more Funny Girl previews(!?), Will making horrible life decisions, and a Sue Sylvester love affair. We also got, you guessed it, OPENING NIGHT, 2014 sex dungeon gay clubs, Ian bragging about his first uber experience, and so much more!@shannonmareewalsh@gleeaggressive@epicadventureof@ibroskigleeaggressive@gmail.comBuy our merch!
  • Hang tight! We'll be back next week!

    We'll see you next week. Love you mean it!@gleeaggressive@epicadventureof@ibroskigleeaggressive@gmail.comBuy our merch!
  • 16. 5.16 - Tested

    Rascal is back to talk about her expertise and here’s a hint: it isn’t being Asian! We got the most bonkers opening in the series, college drinking standards, and Kurt’s hot now and Blaine’s not okay with it. There’s also a sexy church choir song, a guy who can definitely teach combat, unhealthy relationship conversations, and so much more! Dunkin’, please sponsor our show! @gleeaggressive@epicadventureof@ibroskigleeaggressive@gmail.comBuy our merch!
  • 15. 5.15 - Bash (w/ Gleeboot!)

    There’s some audio weirdness on this one… Sorry, folks!Today, we welcome Hannah Sylvester and Cullen Callaghan of the Not My Fantasy Podcast (formerly of GLEEboot)! We got a candlelight vigil for someone still alive, Carmen Tibideaux played by Whoopi Goldberg, and three plots that all could have been their own episode. We also have our own very own Air Bud rules, two amazing Mercedes solos, Gay Martyr Kurt, and Burt is still an angel.God bless the glee wiki.@notmyfantasypod@gleeaggressive@epicadventureof@ibroskigleeaggressive@gmail.comBuy our merch!
  • 14. 5.14 - New New York

    Wow! A metropolitan time jump episode of Glee Aggressive! We finally have a song that fits the singers’ voices, praised quite highly by Corrina’s husband, Zac! We talk about a weird cut of a song Ian loves, a sexless Klaine who needs space, Artie and Rachel *check notes* are friends (?), and the saddest fun fact of all time. Also, Ian puts way too much mental energy into the Subway math in this universe.@gleeaggressive@epicadventureof@ibroskigleeaggressive@gmail.comBuy our merch!