
cover art for Eclipse Season  (Spring 2024) - Thrive Guide & Lunar Eclipse Ritual


Eclipse Season (Spring 2024) - Thrive Guide & Lunar Eclipse Ritual

Join me for this solo episode to learn all about Spring 2024's potent eclipse portal. We're collectively learning how to balance the feminine & masculine energies within and without. This means that relationships are rapidly evolving, and the patterns that we learned to uphold in them. Contracts are being renegotiatied, and the scales are being re-balanced. This is a particularly activating eclipse for anyone with prominent cardinal energy (Cancer, Capricorn, Libra or Aries), but you will be affected wherever this energy is activated in your chart.

If you'd like to dive deeper, there's only 7 spots open for a Mini Eclipse Reading & Aries Circle until April 7th. During the reading, I'll cover what you can expect from both eclipses in this portal, and guide you how to find surrender to the realignment at this time. Then you'll get to attend (or watch on your own time) the circle & ritual for the Aries Solar Eclipse to step into your courage & power on this major initiation.


This package includes:

  • Message from the divine feminine oracle
  • Guidance on your journey to your authentic self
  • Journal prompts
  • Recording of the session
  • & FREE attendance to the potent Aries Solar Eclipse Circle & Ritual (virtual/replay) on April 8

Claim yours here

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  • Finding Authenticity: Rock Bottoms & Somatic Healing with Bianca Uguccioni

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