F**king Normal

Join hosts, Lauren Fenton and Rina Teslica, both mothers to daughters with special needs as they and their guests share unique parenting stories and chat about the things they've learnt and are still learning. Prepare to sometimes laugh, sometimes cry, but hopefully leave with a shot of optimism in your arm!

The goal of the F**king Normal podcast is to extend the conversation and build a supportive community for other parents. We don't have the answers but want to create a safe space to share stories as we venture through parenting disabled children together.

Note: The F**king normal podcast is a parents perspective. We are not talking on behalf of disabled children or adults. We can't and we would never presume to. That's not our experience. We want to learn to parent and advocate better and this show is about our experience as parents.

For more information and transcripts for each episode go to our website at www.fkingnormalpodcast.com

The F**king Normal Team

Hosts & Editing: Lauren Fenton, Rina Teslica

Production team: Genevieve Porritt, Victoria Wason

Artwork: Sharon King-Chai

Music: Æ Mak - Listen on Spotify

Wider creative team: Mary Forrest, Clare Wright, Gemma Sherlock, Helen Gamble-Shields, Kathleen Javalla, Caroline MacPake, Evangelia Vasiliadou.

Lauren Fenton

Lauren is mum to Olivia and Bea and lives with her husband Patrick in North London. Originally from Newcastle, Lauren has lived in London since 2005 and now considers herself a bit of a “southern softy”. Bea was born in 2015 with 18q deletion syndrome, a rare chromosomal abnormality that affects Bea both physically and in her ability to learn and communicate. As well as hosting the Podcast, Lauren is a school governor, runner, pond swimmer and very amateur pianist. She is passionate about connecting with people and building community and hopes the podcast will help others feel less alone.

Rina Teslica

Rina is mummy to Lua and a fellow North Londoner. She has lived in the city since her parents immigrated from Kosovo in the 90s. On a cold January morning in 2016, her world was turned upside down with the arrival of her daughter. Although a difficult period in her life, she was able to connect with other wonderful mums in similar positions, making her feel less overwhelmed. It’s because of this that she's so passionate about the F**king Normal. Away from motherhood, Rina works in marketing and is a copywriter for an online beauty retailer. She loves yoga, true crime podcasts and a cold pint.