
cover art for Little Wigs Abound! And Russell T Davies (DOCTOR WHO)

Firecrotch & Normcore: THEY LIKE TO WATCH

Little Wigs Abound! And Russell T Davies (DOCTOR WHO)

We've never been in love before

We thought our hearts were safe

We thought we knew the score! 

Are these lyrics from a musical? Or rather our unbridled feelings for this week's guest who just so happens to be RUSSELL T. DAVIES? WHAT IF IT IS BOTH? 

Dreams come true you guys, you just have to keep dreaming. This week's guest, see above, is the showrunner of Doctor Who, creator of It's a Sin, Queer as Folk, and too much more to mention. The King of British TV, and our new hero. 

Our hearts are full of gratitude towards beloved friend and listener Jan McVerry, without whom none of this would've happened!

Keep writing to us:

Join our Patreon for the FULL, HOUR-LONG CONVO WITH RUSSELL:

Edited by Annabel Port. Read her Substack, or Google her business endeavour, Get Get Got

Interview engineered by Ed @ Spiritland

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