
cover art for How to Create The Life You Actually Want by Nate Bailey #63

Find Your Voice

How to Create The Life You Actually Want by Nate Bailey #63

Ep. 63

"Integrity Bank" by Nate Bailey #63

Nate is a man of many talents. A successful entrepreneur, real estate investor, speaker, coach and author. Along with many other talents and avenues he has pursued such as podcasting, serving his country in the war and running 100 miles (ca. 161 km) at once! But one thing from this interview that really stuck out for me, was his authenticity and integrity. Nate is a man of his word, who has used his life experiences to not only level his own life up and reach a life he is proud and happy with, but he also now helps other people too.

Recognising there has to be more to life, Nate went on a personal journey of transforming his own life. He did this by banking all the things he said he would do, into what he calls the Integrity Bank. Then through consistent actions and staying true to his word, he has achieved some incredible feats that have not only built his resilience but also his experience that he now shares with the world.

Super intentional behaviours and being clarity on all aspects of his life, Nate has really managed to mould his life into a place he is now happy with. One that now gives him a meaning, but is not just about him. Using his own words, of: "It's not all about you" Nates honest story showcases the journey of life many of us go through. We rarely have it figured out, however we can figure it out if we put the work in!

Key timestamps:

[05:25] Figuring out the purpose of life

[14:45] What do you want from life?

[24:00] Imposter Syndrome

[30:00] Running 100 miles after a 3rd attempt

Key Quotes by Nate Bailey

"When emotions are high, clarity is low"

"Be super intentional"

"Its not all about you"

I urge you all to please follow Nate and support his amazing journey.

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  • 128. Beating Stage 4 Cancer & Living in the Now

    PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR NEW SPONSOR! - Use Code FYV10 for 10% offBeating Stage 4 Cancer & Living in the Now"Life is a hell of a thing to happen to someone" By FahadCancer has ripped through many families across the world, including my own. But when I saw Fahads story of hope having beaten stage 4 cancer I had to bring him onto the podcast. It gave me a new lease of life and perspective once more and I am so grateful he bravely and so openly shared his story. He is now sharing his story openly and honestly on TikTok a platform, worth signing up for even if it is just to hear his story.Fahad is an amazing human being who deserves nothing but good health moving forward and I hope you can support him and more importantly live your life and be present in each moment, taking on the perspective he delivers so well in this episode.Links to me:YouTube: https://www.healthxcel.comInstagram: sponsor (Use Code FYV10 for 10% off): to Fahad Khan:Tik Tok:
  • 127. Dealing with Miscarriages and being told you can't have children - A mans perspective

    PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR NEW SPONSOR! - Use Code FYV10 for 10% offDealing with Miscarriages and being told you can't have children - A mans perspective with Tristan Hardman-Dodd"Noone said it was going to be easy" By Tristan Hardman-DoddAs parents, future parents and people who love children and the idea of one day raising them, we can all take something away from this episode. Tristan bravely shares the miscarriages he and his partner have had to deal with, along with the devastating news that they won't be able to conceive and have a baby.There are no words that I can write here that can give as much impact as the words he speaks on today's podcast. I encourage you all to reach out to Tristan if you ever need to speak about such issues and know you are not alone, to blame and able to move past this, with time and healing.Links to me:YouTube: https://www.healthxcel.comInstagram: sponsor (Use Code FYV10 for 10% off): to Tristan:Instagram:
  • 127. The Spotlight Effect is ruining your chances of happiness

    The Spotlight effect - The spotlight effect is the phenomenon in which people tend to believe they are being noticed more than they really are. Being that one is constantly in the center of one's own world, an accurate evaluation of how much one is noticed by others is uncommon. The reason for the spotlight effect is the innate tendency to forget that although one is the center of one's own world, one is not the center of everyone else's. This tendency is especially prominent when one does something atypical.Show sponsor (Use Code FYV10 for 10% off): Dispenza Book: on Perfectionism: on forgiveness: to buy:Buy Outwitting the Devil: Principles: How to stop worrying & start living: The 4 hour work week: Essentialism: Mindset by Carol Dweck the podcast: equipment recommended:Rodecaster Pro: podmic: NT-USB - DSCHX90 Digital - Powershot SX730 HS - EOS 4000D DSLR Camera and EF-S 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 III Lens - D5300 - BRIO 4K webcam - a6500 mirrorless - host (acast):Acast: to me:YouTube: https://www.healthxcel.comInstagram: to an episode of find your voice a movement led by yours truly Aaron do a guy who was overcome crippling anxiety adversity and difficulty like so many of you in life whose main goal now is to help you combat your excuses take control of your life write your own story and most importantly find your voice so now without further ado I welcome the host of the show himself Mr Aaron do what's going on a run thank you so so much for tuning in to another episode of finding your voice my name is iron and as always I am the host of the show so today I just want a few minutes of your time just to speak about something that I think is really really important and something that I actually do not it was a natural name for it maybe you don't know either and I think hopefully at least I hope and my fingers are crossed that the end of the next few minutes you're gonna know something that will hopefully change the trajectory of at least twenty twenty one but definitely your life what I want to speak about is the spot light effect now this is a term that's used by social psychologists to refer to the tendency that we won't have to over estimate how much other people notice about us in other words yes we tend to think there was a spotlight on us at all times highlighted all of our mistakes and floors for the world to see now if you happens I eat %HESITATION you over thank then the spotlight effect definitely pays as part of your day and it certainly paid his paw throughout many years of my own life so I'm telling you this well for a few reasons actually the first is that how do I always believe that the spotlight if it was true for myself and that seven billion people in the world we're constantly looking at me wait for me to make mistakes wait for me to start a way for me to say the wrong way it's for example there probably would've got started or anything one thing I hope for well the past lists there's a current listeners and hopefully future listeners as well you may stumble across this episode is that my life really really start to change when I ignore the spotlight effect in fact I just put myself out there and I knew that of course there was a chance that I could get ridiculed there's a chance that somebody could point out a flaw in the way that I am but I also knew and I'm able to improve %HESITATION said you that I'm comfortable at least of tried and one of the things I think many of us often don't do is you don't try is that fear of failure is that fair of what if but I tell you nine if I had to start for your voice they met some of the most incredible I know I mean incredible people in the boat and the podcast hadn't gone global and we had enough thanks to all your reviews and support reach the charts and I would be the person I am today I would be on you cheap shooting videos how can people invest in property become financially free I would be public speaking actually doing quite well as well so it's incredible what happens when you truly put yourself out there what I will say is the spotlight effect may happen one day especially if you hone your craft you become really great at it but by that time you'll be used to it and the spotlight effect will be deserved because you would have put the wicked I love it like I suppose this podcast initially the goal of people hearing especially if they didn't like the way I sound it or they never enjoyed the interviews it scared me it almost paralyzed me from Stein but not yes the occasional imposter syndrome kicks in I'll be completely honest I'm comfortable now I have most certainly already achieved or the goals and dreams I want to put this podcast and I'm so so grateful for that that comes down to a lot of you support the show and this is why in twenty twenty one as a fucking got going again with the podcast I'm gonna try to keep everything the role as possible any mistakes any as any brain fog so I get where you're going to have them unless they just show you guys that the person on the other side of a Mike it's just a normal person to put all the things that I may be at least perceived to be good at trust me there are thousands I'm not great at it to be honest I'm gonna take a guess here and I think I might be right that this so many of you listening today you're more entertaining charismatic funny yeah the myself if you picked up a Mike you would be absolutely incredible or if you picked up a video is start recording you two videos you could be amazing in a few years time and I just hope that the spotlight if it doesn't harm you it is a hobby the person that you could become it doesn't stop me from doing the things that you can do and it really forces you to go out there and yes of course find your voice so that's what I wanted to say today I sincerely from the bottom of my heart I hope you have an incredible twenty twenty one hope is much closer to you than twenty twenty and I truly hope if there is that something in your heart and mind that you're thinking should I or shouldn't I I hope this episode is by you to go and do it so until next time thank you so much for listening and remember this podcast is absolutely free so all we ask in return is for you to share this with a friend and drop us a five star review over on iTunes have an awesome day
  • 126. From witnessing his fathers murder to building his own legacy Sirtaj Rahman shares his incredible story

    PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR NEW SPONSOR! - Use Code FYV10 for 10% off"Never look back" By Sirtaj RahmanA husband, a father and a professional athlete who shines his bright across his followers with his humour, candour, empathy and transparency, Sirtaj Rahman is a someone out there building his own legacy. Riddled with adversity growing up through the loss of his father which he witnessed as a ten-year-old child. Using the lessons he had learnt from his father and mother who raised him and his family, Sirtaj spends each moment trying to live without regrets and ensure his legacy is one not only would his father have been proud of, but also one that will be spoken of for many years to come.I urge you all to follow his journey as he is growing in influence and I hope you all have the best year ahead! It feels great to be back!Links to me:YouTube: https://www.healthxcel.comInstagram: sponsor (Use Code FYV10 for 10% off): to Sirtaj:Instagram:
  • 125. How to write your own story with Bhavik Patel

    Show sponsor (Use Code FYV10 for 10% off):"Thinking it real" By Bhavik PatelA fascinating conversation from someone who has now started to find his way in life, or should I say found his voice. Recognising he has always been, and still is in control of his own destiny Bhavik has made bold decisions across his life to pivot towards a life he truly wants. A life worth living and one he can be proud of, and I personally couldn't be happier to see him in such a happier place than he once was.Very honest in his ups and downs, Bhavik has hit the lows, to now completely having a different perspective and outcome on what it truly means to be living a fulfilled life and one that is successful in his own mind. I am so confident this will resonate with the majority of you listening today, because sometimes we have to truly sit with ourselves and understand what makes us tick and what we truly want to get out of this world.Please follow him in the links below and show your support and more importantly, start today to write your own story and live life on your own terms.Useful timestamps:03:00 Bhaviks 1st entrepreneurial start with £50014:25 Tips to start a business today 26:00 Entrepreneur life realities34:55 Broken part of his life47:50 Don't have an opinion about things58:40 Words of wisdom to a younger selfLinks to me:YouTube: https://www.healthxcel.comInstagram: sponsor (Use Code FYV10 for 10% off): to Bhavik:LinkedIN:
  • 123. 5 Ways to Avoid Panic Attacks #123

    5 Ways to Avoid Panic AttacksTRANSCRIPT FROM SHOW:So for anyone listening in the UK we are now undergoing a second lockdown, one which I know will have adverse effects on peoples mental and physical wellbeing, but sadly we are unable to do change the situation we are in. Therefore, it is essential we all try to at least make the best of the situation and I sincerely hope you all come out of this lockdown, whenever that may be happier, more fulfilled and most importantly healthier too.Now of course that may seem a stretch, but I am certain we can use this time to reflect, heal or even just active with walks and runs to really allow ourselves to realign and focus for hopefully a nice Christmas or a much better 2021.But anyways, I thought I would do some solo episodes over this period for which I hope you will find value from.And todays episode will be around Panic Attacks.The term panic attack has been getting misused a LOT recently. People tend to use it loosely — but a panic attack is a very specific kind of experience. This is when you suddenly feel an overwhelming amount of stress. It may come from the mind, but it can cause intense physical reactions such as chills or hot flashes, nausea, numbness, shakes, dizziness or in the worst of cases, a temporary loss of consciousness.Full Video version: panic attacks can become a hindrance in your daily life. But there are ways to control them, too. Here are 5 ways To Prevent Panic Attacks:1. Deep breathsBreathing is the way our bodies get oxygen. When you’re starting to get anxious, one of the first things that happen is that your breathing gets irregular, shorter, even if you don’t realise it. This limits the amount of oxygen that makes it to your brain — triggering a stress response that can fling you into a panic attack.When you begin to feel anxious, the first thing you should do is do some breathing exercises. This is one that doesn’t require remembering anything, you just need to listen to your body,Breathe in slowly through your nose, until you take a full belly breath.Breathe out just as slowly through your mouth,You’ll feel tingles in your chest and ears, that’s the anxiety leaving with each breath.Repeat until you feel better (it can take a few minutes, keep at it, you’ll get there)2. Catch it early onIt’s easier to stop a panic attack at it’s earlier stages. If you’ve struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for a while, chances are you know the early signs of one. These signs are different for everybody. Some experience an irregular heart rate as their first sign, some have trouble breathing, others experience dizziness that slowly gets worse until they pass out.If you can figure out where your panic attack begins, you can immediately jump into breathing exercises and calm yourself down before it gets to an actual panic attack. With time, you can learn how to avoid them before the first signs even show up!3. Close your eyesIf you’re in a very busy environment with too much going on, the stimulation from the environment can make your panic attack come on a lot faster. Since this is usually in public places you can’t exactly resort to someplace that feels safe like your bedroom, the next best thing is to close your eyes and take yourself “out” of the environment.Then, you’re only dealing with the noise, inside and outside of your head. Here, you revert back to simple breathing exercises, slowly relax your shoulder, unclench your hands and try to make your mind and body relax.Try to envision the anxiety travelling from your mind, down through your shoulder, making its way out of your body through your feet. This will stop a panic attack right in its tracks.4. Go to your happy placePanic attacks can be brought on by a lot of things. Often, it’s because you just have too many things in your mind. When you feel overwhelmed to the point that you can feel your thoughts getting jumbled up, try to get away from this “place” in your head.Think of a place that calms you, feels safe. This is different for everyone, it doesn’t have to be the thought of a beach or a vacation, it can be something as simple as your bedroom or your favourite corner of your home. Picture yourself being in this place. Then, breathe. You’ll start to calm down soon enough.5. H.A.L.THALT is an acronym for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. The feeling you get when you’re experiencing any one of these 4 things can amplify and cause your body to go into a panic. If you feel yourself suddenly going into a panic attack without anything triggering it, it can be helpful to ask yourself “Am I hungry, angry, lonely or tired?”And so with that, I hope these truly help you and more importantly do not hesitate to reach out IF you ever just need a soundboard, a chat or someone to listen to you.Thanks for tuning in.Joe Dispenza Book: on Perfectionism: on forgiveness: to buy:Buy Outwitting the Devil: Principles: How to stop worrying & start living: The 4 hour work week: Essentialism: Mindset by Carol Dweck the podcast: equipment recommended:Rodecaster Pro: podmic: NT-USB - DSCHX90 Digital - Powershot SX730 HS - EOS 4000D DSLR Camera and EF-S 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 III Lens - D5300 - BRIO 4K webcam - a6500 mirrorless - host (acast):Acast: to me:YouTube: https://www.healthxcel.comInstagram: sponsor (Use Code FYV10 for 10% off):
  • 122. Living with Aspergers & cerebral palsy - An unfiltered mind #122

    Telling people to choose themselves and be themselves in a world that often has our attention diverted whilst indirectly persuading us to conform, is tough. But for Daniel, he is blessed with an unfiltered mind to live life on his own terms. Well and truly, Daniel has found his own voice and also writes his only story every single day, without any concerns about the opinions of others.This conversation was also incredibly insightful due to Daniel, openly speaking about his lowered levels of empathy and the way he views and sees the world. His genuine happiness in how he lives for the days and moments is a gift for us all to take note off, regardless of whether it is down to him living with aspergers.A fascinating mind and one which hopefully helps give you all the perspective of life through someone elses eyes.PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR NEW SPONSOR: urge you to follow his journey and I thank you once more for tuning in:)Joe Dispenza Book: on Perfectionism: on forgiveness: to buy:Buy Outwitting the Devil: Principles: How to stop worrying & start living: The 4 hour work week: Essentialism: Mindset by Carol Dweck the podcast: equipment recommended:Rodecaster Pro: podmic: NT-USB - DSCHX90 Digital - Powershot SX730 HS - EOS 4000D DSLR Camera and EF-S 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 III Lens - D5300 - BRIO 4K webcam - a6500 mirrorless - host (acast):Acast: to me:YouTube: https://www.arendeu.comInstagram: to guest:Facebook: video to this will be out here soon: A channel I need to invest some time into, to share the visuals of such powerful stories.
  • 121. How to Overcome the Adversities of Murder, Loss, Sexual Abuse & Lifelong Trauma

    "Our stories our powerful. Our stories matter. Our stories need to be heard."Diana Carolina Munera Gallo bravely shares one of the most remarkable stories, we have been able to record for Find Your Voice. As she is a good friend, I had to record this a second time, as the first time personally had me in tears and left me in an over emotional state. Having seen the tragic loss of her mother, the murder of her sister, the sexual abuse of her niece and so much more toxicity across her life, Diana could have thrown the towel in, or turned bitter towards the world. Yet remarkably, she stands here today, full of love, gratitude, hope and kindness, a message not just through her words, but her actions she hopes trickles down into the rest of the world around her.This is one of the most infectious, beautiful souls I have been so grateful to have connected with on Find Your Voice and I hope her lessons, allow you to change your own perspectives and also help you, dream and hope, in the midst of the adversities life will throw your way.PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR NEW SPONSOR: urge you to follow her journey and I thank you once more for tuning in:)Joe Dispenza Book: on Perfectionism: on forgiveness: to buy:Buy Outwitting the Devil: Principles: How to stop worrying & start living: The 4 hour work week: Essentialism: Mindset by Carol Dweck the podcast: equipment recommended:Rodecaster Pro: podmic: NT-USB - DSCHX90 Digital - Powershot SX730 HS - EOS 4000D DSLR Camera and EF-S 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 III Lens - D5300 - BRIO 4K webcam - a6500 mirrorless - host (acast):Acast: to me:YouTube: https://www.arendeu.comInstagram: to guest:Instagram: video to this will be out here soon: A channel I need to invest some time into, to share the visuals of such powerful stories.
  • 120. How to bring your thoughts to life with Dr Laura Cole #120

    "Empower yourself"The incredible Dr Laura Cole joins Aren Deu on this weeks Find Your Voice in an amazing interview. Dr Laura Cole is a certified sign language interpreter (BEI III and RID-CI) as well as holding an MSW degree from Gallaudet and a Doctorate of Spiritual Studies from Emerson Institute. She is a life coach, interpreter trainer, and CEO of Inspirational Outcomes.Her new book is also out now too: CHECK OUT OUR NEW SPONSOR: interesting conversation navigating around spirituality, intuitive pulls from the universe, values and living out our passions and truly finding our purpose.Some useful time stamps:02:05 Who is Dr Laura Cole 08:50 Understanding the higher power in the universe12:55 Listening to your intuition and gut25:05 Reticular activation system35:00 Gratitude explained42:48 Fun part of the show48:30 LegacyI urge you to follow her journey and I thank you once more for tuning in:)Episode on Perfectionism: on forgiveness: to buy:Buy Outwitting the Devil: Principles: How to stop worrying & start living: The 4 hour work week: Essentialism: Mindset by Carol Dweck the podcast: equipment recommended:Rodecaster Pro: podmic: NT-USB - DSCHX90 Digital - Powershot SX730 HS - EOS 4000D DSLR Camera and EF-S 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 III Lens - D5300 - BRIO 4K webcam - a6500 mirrorless - host (acast):Acast: to me:YouTube: https://www.arendeu.comInstagram: to guest:Website: