
Evolution 2.0
Picasso Tadpoles: Michael Levin on the 'Dark Matter' of Biology
Dr. Michael Levin of Tufts University crosses many disciplines: computer science, embryo development, cancer and tumor research; limb regeneration; evolutionary theory and neural networks. If you watch some of Michael's fascinating talks at he'll take you down his magical rabbit hole including worms that grow new heads when you cut them in half, tumors that heal themselves and eyes planted on tails that actually work. In this interview, Michael explodes the myth that "we've got it mostly figured out." The truth is closer to 1% understanding and 99% is Dark Matter. Discover Michael's research at and
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Donna Meyers is STILL beating cancer after 35 years
01:05:20|She's 86, yet she looks like she's in her 60s. After 35 years of Myelodysplastic Syndrome, she is still beating the odds every day. In our conversation, she explains her radical outlook and her success under the watchful eye of oncologist Dr. Azra Raza at Columbia University in New York City. To learn more about Azra's work, visit or contact John Correll Mind: Why the Current Paradigm is passed its expiration date with Edward Kelly
01:05:26|Edward Kelly is a neuroscientist whose research overturns the current popular definition of the mind. We had a fantastic conversation about his non-traditional path in scientific research. He is a scientist at the University of Virginia.Courage Fueled by Curiosity = Love
01:00:45|Why are important conversations so difficult, and why is curiosity the greatest virtue? Dov Baron from British Columbia describes the emotional source code rules that govern our discussions about politics, religion, evolution, cancer, and relationships.Dov Baron has a unique ability to stab at the roots of a problem and recognize its signature pattern. It’s amazing to watch him problem-solve in real-time, and he’s famous for navigating difficult conversations.His website is Cancer at Stage Negative One - Perry Marshall at SBMT
18:52|Perry Marshall spoke at the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics 21st annual conference in Los Angeles, 16 March 2024. He describes how outdated textbook evolution is inhibiting research and keeping us stuck in the old, gene-centric paradigm, and how the Polyploid Giant Cancer Cell model, advocated at a recent conference at MD Anderson in Houston, is a far more elegant model for detecting and treating cancer at the very earliest stages.Brothers Reunite: The Story Behind Evolution 2.0
01:18:08|EXACTLY 20 years ago this week, I flew to China to see my brother Bryan.We got into an argument on a bus (a story I’ve told 1000 times). He wasbailing on his missionary career and his entire Christian upbringing, and I found this deeply upsetting.Odds are you’ve heard my version of the story: the Evolution 2.0 book andprize, my work in virology and cancer research, and the 1/3 of my life I spent asa member of the science community. It has redefined my life.People always ask how this turned out for Bryan. Odds are you have NOTheard his side of the story! You might be surprised how attentively he haswatched as this has unfolded. www.coffeehousetheology.com on Amazon"Understanding Living Systems" by Denis and Ray Noble"Evolution 2.0" by Perry Marshall"Master and his Emissary" by Iain McGilchristThe Reasonable Ineffectiveness of Mathematics in the Life Sciences
01:03:09|Well-known biologist and author Sy Garte, author of the new book “Science and Faith in Harmony” joins Perry. They explore the alignment between science and faith and probe purpose in biology. They discuss the challenges of applying mathematical concepts to biological systems, recognizing that EVERY rule in biology has an exception. The two discuss changing norms in academic discourse, the new journal Biocosmos and "The Unreasonable Ineffectiveness of Mathematics in the Life Sciences.” Sy's book:'s website: www.sygarte.comSy's X feed: Update Directly from Perry Marshall: An "Open Source Breakthrough" for Saving Millions of Lives
01:06:39|"The Open Source Tissue Search Engine". This "Tissue Search Engine" will allow us to detect the early evolution of cancer -- THE KEY to reversing it. And this is why we should all be so excited by its breakthrough potential.The best part? With a little bit of help from you... We'll be intercepting hundreds of patients with early-stage, treatable cancers in 12 months!The Quantum Physics of Business
01:49:53|What does quantum physics have to do with business decision-making, art, and AI? Perry Marshall spoke to Brian Kurtz’s Titans group in Connecticut in April and covered a dizzying range of topics from quantum physics to ChatGPT and the real problems of AI that no one seems to be talking about. Titans Xcelerator (