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Einzelgänger provides philosophical entertainment to warm the soul and tingle the mind. As a creator of the most-watched Taoism series on YouTube, a growing collection of Stoicism videos, and essays on many other philoso

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  • STOICISM | The Art Of Tranquility (Seneca's Wisdom)

    Seneca The Younger was a philosopher who held an important position in the Roman Empire, and is one of the major contributors to the ancient & potent philosophy of Stoicism. Seneca exchanged letters with his friend Serenus, on how to free the mind from anxiety and worry in a Stoic way. This dialogue is now called 'De Tranquillitate Animi' which is Latin for 'On The Tranquility Of The Mind'. Seneca’s words are not only geared towards caring less; they also point out what we should care about in order to achieve tranquility. This video presents you Seneca’s suggestions for calming the mind, so Serenus can become a bit more serene.PURCHASE MY BOOK (affiliate links):Ebook:​Paperback:​Merchandise:​Merchandise design by Punksthetic Art:​Support on Patreon:​Music used:- Geographer - Lightning Bugs- Emily A. Sprague - Float- Kevin MacLeod - Long Road Ahead BLicensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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  • From Doomer To Bloomer | My Story

    A story about how I transitioned from doomer to bloomer. As someone who's high in the traits neuroticism and openness, I've always been prone to 'weltschmerz' and feelings of hopelessness. But I found a solution to change my life for the better.PURCHASE MY BOOK (affiliate links):Ebook:​Paperback:​Merchandise:​Merchandise design by Punksthetic Art:​Support on Patreon:​Music used:Jingle Punks | Back of the Room Hang The Brothers Records | Now Launch Aakash Ghandi | Spirit of the DeadAnn Annie | Silence For A FilmKevin MaxLeod | Blue Sizzle - Madness ParanoiaLicensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license Source​Artist:
  • The Philosophy of Pills | Red & Blue

    A story about knowledge, ignorance, absurdity, and acceptance.PURCHASE MY BOOK (affiliate links):Ebook:​Paperback:​Merchandise:​Merchandise design by Punksthetic Art:​Support on Patreon:​Music used:Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-licence (​)Source​Artist:
  • Stoicism: an Introvert's Philosophy?

    Is Stoicism a philosophy suitable for introverts? How can introverts benefit from Stoic philosophy? PURCHASE MY BOOK (affiliate links):Ebook:​Paperback:​Merchandise:​Merchandise design by Punksthetic Art:​Support on Patreon:​Music used:Text Me Records / Bobby Renz - EtherDoug Maxwell/Media Right Productions - Angelic Forest
  • Philosophy For a Quiet Mind

    Who doesn’t want a quiet mind? I think most people do, although many don’t even realize it. It’s the reason we drink, smoke a joint, binge-watch series on Netflix, and check our smartphones.We want an escape from our over-encumbered minds that torment us with repetitive thinking patterns about what happened today, and what might happen tomorrow. A Patreon named Jacob asked me for philosophical ideas we can use to quiet our mind and, basically, feel less overwhelmed by daily life. So, I turned to different philosophers for answers.Now, for starters, let’s do some backward thinking. If our goal is to achieve a quiet mind, we should find out what exactly causes a noisy mind first. The answer is very simple: a noisy mind is caused by overthinking. Excessive thinking patterns can be dangerous and I made a video about this if you want to know why. Most philosophers that were concerned with obtained inner peace, came to the conclusion that the way we use our minds decides how we feel. However, there are different philosophical viewpoints on how this works. So, let's dive in.PURCHASE MY BOOK (affiliate links):Ebook:​Paperback:​Merchandise:​Merchandise design by Punksthetic Art:​Support on Patreon:​Music:Kevin MacLeod - Groove Grove
  • Stoicism for Doomers

    Could Stoicism help Doomers to deal with their pain and despair? Can the teachings of Stoic philosophers like Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus benefit a generation that suffers loneliness, sadness, and hopelessness, and help them overcome their mindstate of pessimism?PURCHASE MY BOOK (affiliate links):Ebook:​Paperback:​Merchandise:​Merchandise design by Punksthetic Art:​Support on Patreon:​Music:Doug Maxwell - Cantus Firmus MonksPuddle of Infinity - Porches and Universes
  • The Power of Solitude

    The idea of being alone often frightens people. And I agree that being alone forever isn't necessarily a desirable position to be in. However, being separated from the herd for a while to spend time by yourself can benefit us immensely. Let’s explore the power of solitude.Human beings are social creatures. Nevertheless, there were many human beings throughout the ages that chose to live a solitary life. Anthony The Great was one of the Desert Fathers; Christian monks who withdrew from society to live in the deserts of Egypt and follow God. Despite their seclusion, the Desert Fathers were highly influential on the development of Christianity. Since ancient times, Buddhist monks spend time alone - sometimes many months - to deepen their meditation practice and, simply, because they know that happiness comes from within and does not require the presence of other people. PURCHASE MY BOOK (affiliate links):Ebook:​Paperback:​Merchandise:​Merchandise design by Punksthetic Art:​Support on Patreon:​Music used:Jeremy Blake - Pixelated Autumn Leaves