
Podden som pratar om drifting runt om i hela världen, allt från tävlingsdrifting till gräsrotsevent. Programledare är Henrik Andersson, Christer Hägglund och Robban Strandberg. Ljudet redigeras av Robban Strandberg.

Henrik Andersson

Henrik is a photographer from the beginning, but also works with film, livestreams, texts and now podcasts. With a lifelong interest in motorsports, there is not much you can bring up that Henrik doesn't know about. Working with DriftZone from the start.

Christer Hägglund

Christer is a photographer that got stuck in drifting a few years ago. Writer and web editor for DriftZone.se and also working as commentator for the livestreams. Lifelong interest in motorsports that started with dragracing in the 80's, racing in 00's to drifting in the last few years.