
cover art for The Good Samaritan

Discovery Church: Grand Rapids

The Good Samaritan

The Bible teaches that the motivation to serve others, all others, selflessly is not from duty or guilt, but because of grace. Because of all that God has done for us, and it is all because of His grace, we are not free to pick and choose who we are to treat with kindness and grace. Our relationship with Jesus prompts us to respond to all others as He has responded to us.


Verse: “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

(Luke 10:36-37)

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  • 3. Joseph: The Savior

    27:39||Ep. 3
    Genesis 45:1-18Joseph foreshadows Jesus in forgiving his brothers, saving their lives, and restoring them to abundant life.View the full service on our YouTube channel.
  • 2. Judah: The Substitute

    28:40||Ep. 2
    Genesis 44:1-18a, 30-34Judah’s willingness to substitute himself to spare Benjamin from slavery foreshadows Jesus’ willingness to substitute himself to spare us from slavery to sin.View the full service on our YouTube channel.
  • 1. Isaac: The Sacrifice

    27:21||Ep. 1
    Genesis 22:1-18Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac foreshadows God’s willingness to sacrifice his one and only Son and Jesus’ willingness to lay down his life for us.View the full service on our YouTube channel.
  • Open-Handed

    I Timothy 6:17-18; Mark 12:41-44God calls us to be open-handed: generous with our money and talents and time; in this we imitate God’s generosity towards us in the gift of Jesus.View the full service on our YouTube channel.Preached by Pastor Neil Jasperse.
  • Transitions

    A big welcome to our new Specialized Transitional Minister, Neil Jasperse!Genesis 27:30-41; 28:10-15Transitions can be full of uncertainty and anxiety; God meets us in them.Watch the full service:
  • God of the Disposable

    Genesis 21:8-21We live in a society that loves to throw people away. But sometimes, one person’s trash turns out to be God’s treasure.View the full service on our YouTube channel.
  • 6. God's V-Day: The Second Coming of Jesus

    37:56||Ep. 6
    This is Pastor Tim's final week with us. We're so grateful for his interim leadership these past 6 weeks!In the second coming of Jesus, the church is inseparably linked with the victory of Jesus: in salvation, resurrection, and the restoration of all things.Key congregational question: to what end is all our faithfulness in the Lord directed?Adult unlearning: Rebel against fear, resist passivity, and reject escapism regarding the second coming of Jesus to our world.Watch the full service here:
  • 5. God’s Super Society: Gospel Saturated Churches

    48:41||Ep. 5
    The gospel of Jesus creates the church that Jesus builds.Acts 2:1-47; Matthew 16:18Key congregational question: Are we aligned as a church with the church’s architectural design?Adult unlearning: empowerment in the Spirit moves us from the seats to the streetsWatch the full service here:
  • 4. God's Supermodel: Higher Thoughts of Jesus

    36:09||Ep. 4
    Pastor Tim mentions the 50 Commands of Christ in the beginning; here's where you can find that document:'s talk is based on Acts 1:1-8; Matthew 24:14.Every fully surrendered disciple of Jesus to his Lordship can experience the greatest prophet’s greatest prophecy about Jesus.Key congregational question: Where is Jesus at work and how do we join him?Adult unlearning: Surprise! You are living in the greatest revival of human history(disciple making movements are shifting the field today)Watch the full service: