Discovery Church: Grand Rapids

  • Rerun: Living the Bible

    This Sunday, 9/1/24, we gave our tech team the week off and didn't record the service. Enjoy this throwback episode you may have missed when it first released.The Bible is truthful and reliable. We can believe this but not live it out—the Bible should guide the way we think, act, and live. The way of the Bible is for our and our neighbor’s good— living its ways out leads to life and fullness.2 Peter 1:12-20Preached by Pastor Paul Sausser.View the full service on our YouTube channel.
  • 4. Worship and Service

    29:23||Ep. 4
    Isaiah is given a glimpse into the majesty of God up in heaven, and the praise of angels to God because of His holiness. Viewing God as He truly is shouldn’t scare us but lead us into a deeper relationship. This depth is brought about by our confession of sin and God’s abundant grace of forgiveness. This growing relationship of grace should prompt our hearts into a greater desire not just for worship, but for service to God. Verse: 6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7 With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”(Isaiah 6:6-8) Watch the full service on our YouTube channel:
  • 3. God's Presence

    48:33||Ep. 3
    Pastor Mary continues the series on Worship focusing on the Presence of God. We explore God’s Presence in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and God’s Presence among us today. God’s Presence is always with us. One way God manifests His Presence is in and through our worship of Him.Psalm 139:1-12 with focus on vs. 7Watch the full service on YouTube:
  • 2. Worship and Relationship

    35:56||Ep. 2
    We know we should be more like Mary rather than Martha, and we want to be more like Mary. Of all the dishes to fix in life, the dish of worship is better than the rest. When we gather for worship, it is an expression and growth of the relationship of God and His people. In fact, it can be helpful to think of worship as a mutual pursuit of each other. Like Jesus entered into Mary and Martha’s home, so He comes to meet us too for the purpose of growing together.Luke 10:38-42Watch the full service on our YouTube channel:
  • 1. Worship and Glory

    34:06||Ep. 1
    In our daily life, our purpose is to bring glory to God in all we do. When we do this, we become the people God intended us to be, and He blesses our lives. In the sphere of corporate worship, this too is aimed to bring glory to God. In the Old Testament, God kept saying that He was tired of sacrifices during Temple worship—for what He wants is a pure and sincere heart—if the heart isn’t right, it really doesn’t matter what the outward expression is because it’s just motions.Hebrews 10:8-9; Psalm 51:10 Watch the full service on YouTube:
  • United

    As Jesus has broken down walls that bring division, God’s Spirit unites Jesus’ followers, who are so very different from each other, together.Ephesians 4:1-7Watch the full service here:
  • 18. Only Jesus

    30:00||Ep. 18
    Things that don’t change we can view as boring—same-o, same-o. But Jesus is anything but boring. Digging deep into Jesus unearths great truths with life changing insights about His love. Following Him leads us to new and exciting ways to experience Him and His love.Hebrews 13:8Watch the full service on our YouTube channel:
  • 19. Don't Give In

    31:29||Ep. 19
    While the Christian’s calling includes not conforming to the world, we do live life touching the world. We are not to be in isolation from the influences of the world but live out what it means to bring God’s grace and love to the world. In this way we serve as priests to those who need to see our Jesus. Verse: Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. (Hebrews 13:1)Watch the full service on YouTube:
  • Rerun: A Gathered Church

    We had technical issues recording July 7's talk, so please enjoy this rerun instead.Deuteronomy 4:5-8Being a community is more than a gathering of people. It is living out together the wisdom and ways of God. As a faith community does just this, its neighbors see God and His people as something they need and want. Living out God’s way of life together results in being on mission together with God.View the full service on our YouTube channel.