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68. One Strange Way to Reduce Anxiety in Dental Hygiene School
05:58||Season 1, Ep. 68It's no secret what working in dentistry can do to your body long term... but a topic that isn't talked about enough is noise fatigue. This episode focuses on how noise fatigue is common in the dental office and how it affects both our ear health as well as our mental health. Do you want to know the simple solution to this? Give this episode a listen right now!Submit your application for the DHB Scholarship HERE! Transcripts are available on Apple or by request. Slide into my DMs HERE: Instagram: @dentalhygienebasics Facebook: Dental Hygiene Basics Twitter: @DH_Basics Want a question answered on the show? Fill out the DHB Questionnaire HERE.Timestamps:(00:00) Intro(02:02) Long-Term Effects of Noise Fatigue(03:15) Protecting Your Ears
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67. How Maryam Found Passion and Success in Dental Hygiene
39:34||Season 1, Ep. 67In today's episode, Maryam shares her personal struggles to get through dental hygiene school including the struggles of English not being her first language and how that affected her application. She got into hygiene school on the 4th try and has loved the career since! She's doing amazing things in this profession by writing articles and being a trainer on innovative technology. I found her story so motivational and I think you will too!Submit your application for the DHB Scholarship HERE! Transcripts are available on Apple or by request. Slide into my DMs HERE: Instagram: @dentalhygienebasics Facebook: Dental Hygiene Basics Twitter: @DH_Basics Want a question answered on the show? Fill out the DHB Questionnaire HERE. Timestamps:(00:00) Maryam’s RDH Origin Story(07:21) Her Career in Dental Hygiene(09:53) Applying to Hygiene School(12:27) Struggles of Being Bilingual(18:43) Staying Motivated During Gap Years(22:25) Graduating Debt-Free(25:56) Associates in Dental Hygiene(30:52) “Never Treat a Stranger”(32:28) Favorite Memory in School66. The Guygienist on Making the Most of Dental Hygiene School
36:16||Season 1, Ep. 66Matthew @the_guygienist joins me on this episode to talk about his experience as a senior in dental hygiene school. It's amazing how many connections he's made so far within the dental community before even graduating! Matthew is attending an accelerated 2-year program that includes some pre-requisite courses and, although the breaks between semesters are minimal, he still finds time to work part-time as a dental assistant, apply for scholarships, and attend dental conferences like RDH Under One Roof! I can tell you right now, this GUYgienist is going places!Submit your application for the DHB Scholarship HERE! Transcripts are available on Apple or by request. Slide into my DMs HERE: Instagram: @dentalhygienebasics Facebook: Dental Hygiene Basics Twitter: @DH_Basics Want a question answered on the show? Fill out the DHB Questionnaire HERE. Timestamps:(00:00) Intro(01:18) Matthew’s RDH Origin Story(07:35) Applying to Hygiene School(12:30) Dental Assisting Experience(16:08) Paying for School(19:20) Managing Time(22:10) Giving Yourself Grace(27:28) RDH Under One Roof65. Transforming a School Project into a Business Idea with Carl Demadema
34:22||Season 1, Ep. 65Register for "A Night with Teacher Tina" on January 28th at 7:00 pm CT HERE!!I love sharing stories of dental hygienists who have carved out a new path in this profession for themselves. Carl Demadema, CEO of Dente Media, shares his amazing story of attending oral hygiene school in South Africa where he was assigned a school project assignment and ended up founding Dente Magazine! This really unique story is a great one and he also offers some invaluable advice for dental hygiene students.Submit your application for the DHB Scholarship HERE! Transcripts are available on Apple or by request. Slide into my DMs HERE: Instagram: @dentalhygienebasics Facebook: Dental Hygiene Basics Twitter: @DH_Basics Want a question answered on the show? Fill out the DHB Questionnaire HERE.Timestamps:(00:00) Intro(10:30) Carl’s Oral Health Program(15:12) Jobs for Hygienists in South Africa(16:58) Paying for Hygiene School(22:22) The Rigors of Carl’s Program(26:59) Three Pearls of WisdomBonus! Teacher Tina Shares Her Dental Hygiene Wisdom
37:51|This BONUS episode features Teacher Tina, a dental hygiene educator, published author, speaker, and educator. She wears many hats but also has an incredible wealth of knowledge on local anesthetics in dentistry. Teacher Tina is a great resource for both dental hygiene students and registered dental hygienists looking to get certified in local anesthetic- which is why we are partnering together for A Night with Teacher Tina! This event includes three giveaways and a presentation by Teacher Tina about local anesthesia. Registration fees will help fundraise for the Dental Hygiene Basics Scholarship Fund so we can keep giving back to future RDH's. Register for the webinar HERE. Make sure to check out Teacher Tina's website as well with the following link: Submit your application for the DHB Scholarship HERE! Transcripts are available on Apple or by request. Slide into my DMs HERE: Instagram: @dentalhygienebasics Facebook: Dental Hygiene Basics Twitter: @DH_Basics Want a question answered on the show? Fill out the DHB Questionnaire HERE. Timestamps: (00:00) Intro(02:08) Tina’s RDH Origin Story(03:17) Practicing Hygiene, Instructing, and Local Anesthetic(09:57) Working in Dental Hygiene School(13:43) Advice for Students(19:19) Teaching Local Anesthetic (29:37) Good Memories in Hygiene School(34:34) Collaboration Coming Soon!64. How to Do Less in Dental Hygiene School
23:25||Season 1, Ep. 64Register for "A Night with Teacher Tina" on January 28th at 7:00 pm CT HERE!!Do you ever feel like you’re not living in the moment? It’s probably because you need to “Do Less.” And doing less isn’t what you think it is- I'm not telling you to quit everything you’re doing or do the bare minimum. It simply comes down to living in the moment you are in presently, allowing yourself to enjoy the now instead of worrying about what happened 5 minutes prior or whatever task you have ahead of you. The concept of doing less can actually take you more places because- once you master this skill- you’ll feel less burnt out, less stressed, and more satisfied with yourself. Trust me when I say this isn’t something you learn to do overnight- in fact, it’s still something I’m working on after years of practice! I’ve seen a drastic change in my mental health and overall happiness by doing less, taking a step back, and reminding myself to be present and calm. The truth is, no one can work at full efficiency 24/7 without reaching a breaking point so my best advice to dental hygiene students is to master how to do less. Learn all about it in this episode!Submit your application for the DHB Scholarship HERE! Transcripts are available on Apple or by request. Slide into my DMs HERE: Instagram: @dentalhygienebasics Facebook: Dental Hygiene Basics Twitter: @DH_Basics Want a question answered on the show? Fill out the DHB Questionnaire HERE.Timestamps:(00:00) The Art of Doing Less(06:33) Starting Your Day Right(11:49) Being Present in the Classroom(13:30) Managing Stress in Clinic(18:14) Taking Control of Yourself Internally63. Maryam's Career of Lifelong Learning as an RDH
35:45||Season 1, Ep. 63Register for "A Night with Teacher Tina" on January 28th at 7:00 pm CT HERE!!Maryam is an RDH in Canada who currently works as an instructor for dental assisting students while also creating her very own dental hygiene practice! This episode is great for all the future AND current RDHs because we cover so many good topics, including different working environments available for dental hygienists, bachelor's completion programs, and paying for schooling. I learned a few things from Maryam and I think you will too!Submit your application for the DHB Scholarship HERE! Transcripts are available on Apple or by request. Slide into my DMs HERE: Instagram: @dentalhygienebasics Facebook: Dental Hygiene Basics Twitter: @DH_Basics Want a question answered on the show? Fill out the DHB Questionnaire HERE.Timestamps:(00:00) Intro(03:38) Maryam’s Current Role(06:50) DH Bachelor’s Completion Program(09:16) Autonomy in Dental Hygiene(15:14) Dental Hygiene School Application(21:07) Tuition for Dental Hygiene School(24:31) Finding Patients for Dental Hygiene School(31:05) Advice for Dental Hygiene Students