
cover art for World Mental Health Day 2022... Gemma's Story

Dear Lecturer...

World Mental Health Day 2022... Gemma's Story

Season 3, Ep. 5

This episode is part of a mini-series for World Mental Health Day 2022. Within this mini series, we have a number of guests from the field of academia, including both students and lecturers, sharing their mental health journeys to normalise discussions within academia about mental health.

In this episode, we will be hearing about "Gemma's story". Gemma is a Psychology student and, in this episode, she will be speaking primarily about her experiences of Generalised Anxiety Disorder. More specifically, she will touch upon school anxiety, social anxiety, health anxiety and emetophobia. There are support websites for each of these below:

  • NHS mental health:
  • MIND Helpline:
  • Samaritans helpline number: 116 123 (freephone)
  • NHS Social Anxiety:,big%20impact%20on%20your%20life.
  • Anxiety UK - Emetophobia:
  • Health anxiety:

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  • 7. World Mental Health Day 2022... Ella's Story

    43:14||Season 3, Ep. 7
    This episode is part of a mini-series for World Mental Health Day 2022. Within this mini series, we have a number of guests from the field of academia, including both students and lecturers, sharing their mental health journeys to normalise discussions within academia about mental health.In this episode, we will hear "Ella's story". Ella is a Senior Lecturer in Business Psychology. Ella will be talking about her experience of having Bipolar Disorder, Type 2, touching mainly on the topics of depression and hypomania. There are support websites for each of these below:NHS mental health: Helpline: helpline number: 116 123 (freephone)About depression: anxiety: Bipolar Disorder:
  • 6. World Mental Health Day 2022... Mel's Story

    45:04||Season 3, Ep. 6
    This episode is part of a mini-series for World Mental Health Day 2022. Within this mini series, we have a number of guests from the field of academia, including both students and lecturers, sharing their mental health journeys to normalise discussions within academia about mental health.In this episode, we will hearing about "Mel's story". Mel is a Psychology student and works as a Civil Registration Officer as a Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. She will be speaking primarily about her experiences with depression, adjustment disorder and anxiety. There are also very brief mentions of loss and grief, premature birth, divorce and suicide. There are support websites for each of these below:NHS mental health: Helpline: helpline number: 116 123 (freephone)Support after losing someone to suicide: depression: anxiety: Clinic - Adjustment disorder: after losing someone to suicide: grief and loss:
  • 4. World Mental Health Day 2022... Kim's Story

    43:19||Season 3, Ep. 4
    This episode is part of a mini-series for World Mental Health Day 2022. Within this mini series, we have a number of guests from the field of academia, including both students and lecturers, sharing their mental health journeys to normalise discussions within academia about mental health.In this episode, we will be hearing about "Kim's story". Kim is a Leadership Development Specialist working within Learning & Development & Wellbeing in the NHS. Kim is also a Psychology student. In this episode, Kim will be speaking primarily about her experience of having an eating disorder. There are also very brief mentions of sexual abuse, though this is not spoken about in any detail. There are support websites for each of these below:NHS mental health: Helpline: helpline number: 116 123 (freephone)NHS eating disorders: help for eating disorders: child sexual abuse: survivors trust helplines for sexual abuse:
  • 3. World Mental Health Day 2022... Kerry's Story

    57:16||Season 3, Ep. 3
    This episode is part of a mini-series for World Mental Health Day 2022. Within this mini series, we have a number of guests from the field of academia, including both students and lecturers, sharing their mental health journeys to normalise discussions within academia about mental health.In this episode, we will be hearing about "Kerry's story". Kerry is a Criminology and Psychology student. Within this episode, Kerry will be touching upon the topics of anxiety, personality disorder, substance misuse and a very brief mention of suicide. There are support websites for each of these below:NHS mental health: anxiety: Helpline: helpline number: 116 123 (freephone)Borderline personality disorder support UK: those with personality disorder:
  • 2. World Mental Health Day 2022... Holly's Story

    46:53||Season 3, Ep. 2
    This episode is part of a mini-series for World Mental Health Day 2022. Within this mini series, we have a number of guests from the field of academia, including both students and lecturers, sharing their mental health journeys to normalise discussions within academia about mental health.In this episode, we will be hearing about "Holly's story". Holly is a Lecturer in Psychology and one of the hosts of the podcast. Within this episode, Holly will be touching upon the topics of depression, anxiety, health anxiety and self-harm. There are support websites for each of these below:NHS mental health: depression: anxiety: anxiety: Helpline: helpline number: 116 123 (freephone)Self harm: self harm:
  • 1. World Mental Health Day 2022... Kieron's Story

    45:20||Season 3, Ep. 1
    This episode is part of a mini-series for World Mental Health Day 2022. Within this mini series, we have a number of guests from the field of academia, including both students and lecturers, sharing their mental health journeys to normalise discussions within academia about mental health.In this episode, we will be hearing about "Kieron's story". Kieron is a Lecturer in Psychology and one of the hosts of the podcast. Within this episode, Kieron will be touching upon the topics of depression, anxiety, suicide and grief (after losing a family member to suicide). There are support websites for each of these below:NHS mental health: depression: anxiety: Helpline: helpline number: 116 123 (freephone)Support after losing someone to suicide:
  • 18. EP18: Dear Lecturer... Why Do I Need to Write in My Own Words? What is Plagiarism?

    18:10||Season 1, Ep. 18
    "Dear Lecturer,Along with the millions of things that go into studying and trying to do well – I am really worried about plagiarism! I am still unsure about what it is, and how I can avoid getting into trouble for taking information from other sources when we are told we need to provide evidence for everything in our work. Do you have any tips or can you explain it in a way I understand?"In this episode, Holly and Kieron talk about what plagiarism is and how you can avoid it whilst still ensuring that your work is well-supported by academic literature!
  • 17. EP17: Dear Lecturer... I'm Swimming in 1000s of Journal Articles!

    15:28||Season 1, Ep. 17
    "Dear Lecturer,I am a couple of weeks into a new module and I am finding it very interesting (shock horror). However, I have spent the last few days reading what feels like 1000s of journal articles on the assignment topic, and I am feeling a little overwhelmed. How do I make this manageable? How do I know when to stop searching and reading? And how do I know what to include and what to leave out of my assignment?"In this episode, Kieron and Holly discuss how to make our literature searching and reading manageable, and how to choose what literature you include in your final assignment after reading what feels like 1000s of journal articles.