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Coffee Break Japanese: Coming Soon!
01:26||Season 1, Ep. 0Coffee Break Japanese is a podcast for complete beginners in Japanese from Coffee Break Languages. Throughout this 40-lesson series, teacher Chie guides learner Mark from the very beginning of his Japanese-learning journey and equips him (and you as the listener!) with the skills required to communicate in Japanese. We'll learn to communicate confidently with native speakers through a range of topics associated with common travel situations such as introducing ourselves, ordering food and drink, checking into a hotel, and asking for directions. In this short introduction to the series, Chie and Mark introduce themselves and share some information about what's to come!
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Introducing Coffee Break Japanese
03:09||Season 1, Ep. 0In this short introductory episode of Coffee Break Japanese, teacher Chie and learner Mark explain what’s to come in this series for beginners in Japanese. We hear more about the types of topics that will be covered to help us when travelling to Japan. We also get to know more about Chie and Mark and their language-learning backgrounds.Coffee Break Japanese - Trailer
04:24||Season 1, Ep. 0Coffee Break Japanese Lesson 1 launches on 6th February. Here's a trailer to let you know what you can expect from the series.For all the details on Coffee Break Japanese, including our online course, visit CBJ 1.01 | Greetings - Konnichiwa! こんにちは!
16:45||Season 1, Ep. 1Coffee Break Japanese e yōkoso - welcome to Coffee Break Japanese! This series will introduce you to the Japanese language, starting from the basics. By the end of this series you'll be able to use the language in many situations and understand what native speakers say to you.In this first lesson you'll learn how to introduce yourself and say how you are feeling. You'll also learn about Japanese pronunciation along the way.If you'd like to get more out of the lessons then check out our online course which provides access to video versions of the lesson, lesson notes, review audio consolidation lessons, and quizzes to test your understanding. Click here to find out more.2. CBJ 1.02 | Introducing yourself - Hajimemashite はじめまして
25:40||Season 1, Ep. 2In lesson two, we’re moving on from the previous lesson and learning how to greet people at different times of the day. We’ll also learn how to introduce ourselves and ask other people “what is your name?”If you'd like to get more out of the lessons then check out our online course which provides access to video versions of the lesson, lesson notes, review audio consolidation lessons, and quizzes to test your understanding. Click here to find out more.3. CBJ 1.03 | Nationalities - Watashi wa Nihon-jin desu. 私は、日本人です。
21:03||Season 1, Ep. 3We're moving on from the previous lesson and learning how to talk about nationalities and where you are from in Japan.If you'd like to get more out of the lessons then check out our online course which provides access to video versions of the lesson, lesson notes, review audio consolidation lessons, and quizzes to test your understanding. Click here to find out more.4. CBJ 1.04 | Family members - Kochira wa watashi no kazoku desu. マークさん、こちらは、私の家族です。
24:34||Season 1, Ep. 4Welcome back to another episode of Coffee Break Japanese! In lesson four we’re moving on from the previous lesson and we’ll be learning how to talk about family and different family members.If you'd like to get more out of the lessons then check out our online course which provides access to video versions of the lesson, lesson notes, review audio consolidation lessons, and quizzes to test your understanding. Click here to find out more.