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Close Readings

Among the Ancients II: Juvenal

Season 10, Ep. 10

In this episode, we tackle Juvenal, whose sixteen satires influenced libertines, neoclassicists and early Christian moralists alike. Conservative to a fault, Juvenal’s Satires rails against the rapid expansion and transformation of Roman society in the early principate. But where his contemporary Tacitus handled the same material with restraint, Juvenal’s work explodes with vivid and vicious depictions of urban life, including immigration, sexual mores and eating habits. Emily and Tom explore the idiosyncrasies of Juvenal’s verse and its handling in Peter Green’s translation, and how best to parse his over-the-top hostility to everyone and everything.

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Further reading in the LRB:

Remembering Peter Green

Claude Rawson: Blistering Attacks

Clare Bucknell & Colin Burrow: What is satire?

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  • 10. Medieval LOLs: Boccaccio’s ‘Decameron’, Part Two

    14:44||Season 9, Ep. 10
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  • 10. Human Conditions: ‘Discourse on Colonialism’ by Aimé Césaire

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  • 10. On Satire: 'The Importance of Being Earnest' by Oscar Wilde

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  • 9. Among the Ancients II: Tacitus

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  • 9. Human Conditions: ‘The Souls of Black Folk’ by W.E.B. Du Bois

    13:43||Season 8, Ep. 9
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  • 9. On Satire: Byron's 'Don Juan'

    17:54||Season 7, Ep. 9
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