
cover art for Chakra Chat - with Gay Longworth (Author of "When You Lose It)

The Chakra Way Meditation Podcast

Chakra Chat - with Gay Longworth (Author of "When You Lose It)

Season 2, Ep. 4

This episode of my Chakra Chats is around the Anahata or Heart Chakra and I am talking with the author Gay Longworth who is a student of mine and also a friend. She is the sort of person who you can talk about anything with and who will give you honesty and compassion in any situation. She was my obvious choice to talk about all things heart chakra.

Our talk covers so many subjects from self-care, and forgiveness, to teenagers and how understanding the chakras has the power to change your life!

If you are interested in the course please go to and if you would like to get in touch here is the link to email me!

Gay's books are easily found online under the names Gay Longworth and Carrie Adams and her new book "When You Lose It" by Gay and Roxy Longworth, is a searing real life story of her, and her daughters', experience with social media and the resulting devastating mental health crisis. This is a book ALL parents should read!

Much love

Rosanne x

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