
Building Resilience

Learn to create a more resilient, purposeful and joyful life

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  • 188. Balancing Grit and Grace

    Life is full of challenges and moments that test our limits. It's not just about getting through them, but growing from them and embracing the experiences they bring. But how do you find the balance between pushing yourself and being kind to yourself?On this episode of Building Resilience I’ll give you the keys to find the sweet spot between grit and grace. I'll share personal stories and explore how grit helps us stay committed to our goals, while grace allows us to maintain our emotional health and positive relationships. We'll discuss the importance of having both traits, how they complement each other, and ways to develop and integrate them into our lives. Links:Ep. 20: Growth MindsetEp. 131: Exploring Empathy and Compassion Angela Duckworth's TED Talk on GritResources:  The "Memory Matters" course---cherish and protect your memories, they're invaluable.  The Advanced Nervous System Resilience training---join the waitlist! Dive deep into understanding the nervous system and its role in our lives. The new cohort starts this fall.  My video series, "The 30 Second Burnout Solution"---a lifeline for those grappling with stress and burnout, especially compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress.Connect:Could you do me a favor? Please leave a review on your preferred podcast platform---it helps me reach more and more people. I'd also love to hear any insights or questions you have.You can also pay me a visit on Facebook or Instagram. You can also fin d me on my website and book a mini session with me!

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  • 187. Building Your Healing Infrastructure

    Every city has a unique infrastructure, built to withstand different climates and conditions. Our genetics, environment, and experiences change us too—guiding us to adapt to our individual challenges.On this episode of Building Resilience, we’ll get into this analogy even more: constructing your personal healing infrastructure. We'll explore the key elements necessary to fortify your resilience: sleep, nutrition, movement, and connection. I'll share practical tips on how to create intentional habits that support these fundamentals, while balancing consistency with flexibility.Links:Ep.133 - The Three Guiding PrinciplesEp.127 - Affect LabelingResources:The "Memory Matters" course---cherish and protect your memories, they're invaluable.The Advanced Nervous System Resilience training---join the waitlist! Dive deep into understanding the nervous system and its role in our lives.My video series, "The 30 Second Burnout Solution"---a lifeline for those grappling with stress and burnout, especially compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress.Connect:Could you do me a favor? Please leave a review on your preferred podcast platform---it helps me reach more and more people. I'd also love to hear any insights or questions you have.You can also pay me a visit on Facebook or Instagram. You can also find me on my website and book a mini session with me!
  • 186. Nervous System Resilience on the Road

    Your driving style might reveal more about you than just your skills behind the wheel. It’s just a theory— but I’m convinced that how you handle the road can be a peek into your state of mind.On this episode of Building Resilience, I’ll share my (not necessarily scientific) connection between driving styles and our nervous system states. Whether you're an aggressive driver or a cautious one, your behavior on the road may reflect deeper patterns of stress and resilience—and your coping mechanisms. This episode might just change the way you think about your daily commute.Links:Ep. 168: 10 Mistakes That People Make When They Try to Heal Their Nervous System Ep. 182: Slow It DownResources:The "Memory Matters" course---cherish and protect your memories, they're invaluable.The Advanced Nervous System Resilience training---join the waitlist! Dive deep into understanding the nervous system and its role in our lives.My video series, "The 30 Second Burnout Solution"---a lifeline for those grappling with stress and burnout, especially compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress.Connect:Could you do me a favor? Please leave a review on your preferred podcast platform---it helps me reach more and more people. I'd also love to hear any insights or questions you have.You can also pay me a visit on Facebook or Instagram. You can also find me on my website and book a mini session with me!
  • 185. Embracing Uncertainty

    Uncertainty is an inevitable part of life. Whether it's the uncertainty of a new job, a relationship, or even the weather, our brains are wired to crave stability and predictability. But why is that? What happens in our brains and our bodies when we face uncertainty, and how can we navigate through it effectively?On this episode of Building Resilience, we're talking about the universal topic of facing uncertainty. We’ll discuss why our brains see unpredictability as a potential threat and how this triggers a stress response. From career changes and health scares to financial instability and global events, I'll share practical strategies for managing these stressors—and maybe even turn them into an opportunity for growth.Links:Ep.20. Growth MindsetResources:The "Memory Matters" course---cherish and protect your memories, they're invaluable.The Advanced Nervous System Resilience training---join the waitlist! Dive deep into understanding the nervous system and its role in our lives.My video series, "The 30 Second Burnout Solution"---a lifeline for those grappling with stress and burnout, especially compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress.Connect:Could you do me a favor? Please leave a review on your preferred podcast platform---it helps me reach more and more people. I'd also love to hear any insights or questions you have.You can also pay me a visit on Facebook or Instagram. You can also find me on my website and book a mini session with me!
  • 184. Boost Your Learning Power

    Learning new things can sometimes be a struggle. We have all this new information, but how can we make sure we can retain and use it? Fortunately, there are strategies that can help you boost your learning power and enhance your memory retention.On this episode of Building Resilience, we're going to dig into the world of learning and memory. I'll share the impact of stress on memory, practical tips to reduce stress, create a productive learning environment, and use effective learning techniques like repetition and the Pomodoro Technique. Whether you're a student or a parent of students, these insights can make a significant difference in your learning journey.Links:Ep. 110 - The Zone of ResilienceEp. 172 - Stress ResilienceResources:The "Memory Matters" course---cherish and protect your memories, they're invaluable.The Advanced Nervous System Resilience training---join the waitlist! Dive deep into understanding the nervous system and its role in our lives.My video series, "The 30 Second Burnout Solution"---a lifeline for those grappling with stress and burnout, especially compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress.Connect:Could you do me a favor? Please leave a review on your preferred podcast platform---it helps me reach more and more people. I'd also love to hear any insights or questions you have.You can also pay me a visit on Facebook or Instagram. You can also find me on my websiteand book a mini session with me!Watch:Find the video version of this podcast on YouTube!
  • 183. How “It Is Safe” Can Change Your Life

    Our words can be more influential than we realize. Simple statements can turn our day around---for better or worse. It's fascinating how the language we use can shape our feelings, actions—and ultimately, our lives.In this episode of Building Resilience, we're talking about the power of words and their transformative abilities. With my simple trick, the concept of "It is safe to…", I’ll show you how adding this phrase to your thoughts can open up new possibilities, calm your nervous system, and boost your confidence. We'll also discuss practical techniques to incorporate this mindset shift into your daily life.Links for Today:The 30 Second Solution to BurnoutResources:The "Memory Matters" course---cherish and protect your memories, they're invaluable.The Advanced Nervous System Resilience training---join the waitlist! Dive deep into understanding the nervous system and its role in our lives.My video series, "The 30 Second Burnout Solution"---a lifeline for those grappling with stress and burnout, especially compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress.Connect: Could you do me a favor? Please leave a review on your preferred podcast platform---it helps me reach more and more people. I'd also love to hear any insights or questions you have. You can also pay me a visit on Facebook or Instagram. You can also find me on my website and book a mini session with me!Watch: Find the video version of this podcast on YouTube!
  • 182. Slow It Down

    Life has a funny way of making us rush around, doesn't it? Many of us find ourselves constantly moving, always trying to get to the next thing. But what if we just slowed it down a bit? What if we took a moment to breathe and really savor the moment we're in?On this episode of Building Resilience, we’re talking about the power and importance of slowing down. I'll be sharing insights from my own experiences and the lessons I've learned from my coaching certification program, I’ll explain why rushing can be detrimental to our health, relationships, and quality of life, and I’ll give some practical tips on how to prioritize, manage time effectively, and cultivate mindfulness to bring a sense of calm and balance to your everyday life.Links:Ep. 110: The Zone of ResilienceResources:The "Memory Matters" course---cherish and protect your memories, they're invaluable.The Advanced Nervous System Resilience training! Dive deep into understanding the nervous system and its role in our lives.My video series, "The 30 Second Burnout Solution"---a lifeline for those grappling with stress and burnout, especially compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress.Connect:Could you do me a favor? Please leave a review on your preferred podcast platform---it helps me reach more and more people. I'd also love to hear any insights or questions you have.You can also pay me a visit on Facebook or Instagram. Find me on my website and book a mini session with me!Watch:Find the video version of this podcast on YouTube!