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1. S4 Ep.1 Sephora Kids and the Impact of Social Media On Pre-Teens
26:13||Season 4, Ep. 1Welcome to Braintalk’s new season! This episode delves into the Sephora epidemic and social media trends impacting youth. We explore shortened attention spans and evolving kid-directed media.
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8. S3 Ep.8 stubbornness and the extent to open-mindedness
38:48||Season 3, Ep. 8This week's episode definitely concerns most of the teen and parent community. A lot of the time we may hear our parents call us stubborn and we may go call our parents close-minded when it comes to explaining a decision in an environment they didn't grow up in. It's better to keep an open mind as to why people may feel the way they do, and make the decisions they make, tune in, and hear all of our opinions!7. S3 Ep.7 drug usage within adolescence
32:32||Season 3, Ep. 7On this week's episode of BrainTalks, we discussed drug usage within our current community and how it's abused by teens our age, whether that was through peer pressure or through social media, or different shows, we went through it all.6. S3 Ep.6 do we fake it till we make it w/ first impressions?
53:13||Season 3, Ep. 6On this week's episode, we broke down our first impression experiences as interns whether that was online in person, or a job interview, or simple friendships, tune in to a special message at the end from our director about her department's first impressions...tea was spilled.5. S3 Ep.5 unpopular opinions chit chat
53:28||Season 3, Ep. 5Yet another google search discussion type of episode, but this one was definitely a roller coaster...are beach dates cliche first dates? are you team Selena or team Hailey? orange juice or apple juice? Tune in while we go through a bunch of current unpopular opinions that weirded us out.4. S3 Ep.4 our opinions on conspiracy theories
36:03||Season 3, Ep. 4This week's episode was a little different than our typical podcast recordings. we searched up the most popular conspiracy theories trending nowadays and discussed our thoughts about them, lets's just say some were definitely interesting...3. S3 Ep.3 social media v. mental health
37:05||Season 3, Ep. 3This week's episode was our very first part two of a previous episode centered on social media and its impact on teen mental health. this episode we focused on reality shows and mental health issues that were shown throughout and our personal experiences on social media with our posting habits.