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Bonanas For Bonanza Episode #55: “The Tax Collector”
01:32:54|Subscribe to The Andy Daly Podcast Project at The old gray mare may not be what she used to be, but Bonanza is in fine form in Season 2, Episode 22, “The Tax Collector”. Guests Mark McConville and Colin Bannersham, host of the podcast Cheeky Minders For Peaky Blinders, discuss this highly comical episode about race horses, childbirth and taxes!Featuring Mark McConville and Taran KillamMerch: PO Box 9407 Glendale, CA 91226Email: bonanaspod@gmail.comAndy’s website: andydaly.comRecord date: 2/20/2024
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Bonanas For Bonanza Episode #54: “Vengeance”
01:12:58|Subscribe to The Andy Daly Podcast Project at Dalton and Mutt are joined by a very special guest, Dalton’s niece Markie. They catch up, reckon with a severe generation gap and discuss their (not at all) shared love of Bonanza. Season 2, Episode 21, “Vengeance”, brings one Cartwright to the brink of death and another to the brink of murder!Featuring Matt Gourley and Lily SullivanMerch: PO Box 9407 Glendale, CA 91226Email: bonanaspod@gmail.comAndy’s website: andydaly.comRecord date: 1/31/2024Bonanas For Bonanza Episode #53: “The Fugitive”
01:05:01|Subscribe to The Andy Daly Podcast Project at Matt Besser joins Dalton and Mutt to discuss The Swiss Family Robinson, Zsa Zsa Gabor, The Dukes of Hazzard and, of course, the very Pernell Roberts-heavy Bonanza Season 2, Episode 20, “The Fugitive”, which, among other things, stretches the definition of “fugitive”.Featuring Matt Gourley and Matt BesserMerch: PO Box 9407 Glendale, CA 91226Email: bonanaspod@gmail.comAndy’s website: andydaly.comRecord date: 1/10/2023Bonanas For Bonanza Episode #51: “Bank Run”
01:00:14|Subscribe to The Andy Daly Podcast Project at It’s another fantastic Bonanza episode directed by western-hating film legend Robert Altman! Self-described “Alt-man” Patton Oswalt joins Dalton and Mutt again to discuss season 2, episode 19 - “Bank Run” in all its glory, and all its mind-boggling complexity. Featuring Matt Gourley and Patton Oswalt Merch: PO Box 9407 Glendale, CA 91226Email: bonanaspod@gmail.comAndy’s website: andydaly.comRecord date: 11/14/2023Bonanas For Bonanza Episode #50: “The Bride”
01:22:56|Subscribe to The Andy Daly Podcast Project at Finally, an avid Bonanas For Bonanza listener joins Dalton and Mutt as a guest! Danielle Koenig helps break down Bonanza Season 2, episode 18 - “The Bride” and does some first class bottom getting on the subject of Ricardo Montalban’s chest. Plus, this action-packed and confusing episode of Bonanza features a Batman! Featuring Matt Gourley and Danielle KoenigMerch: PO Box 9407 Glendale, CA 91226Email: bonanaspod@gmail.comAndy’s website: andydaly.comRecord date: 11/1/2023Bonanas For Bonanza Episode #49: “The Spitfire”
01:15:43|Subscribe to The Andy Daly Podcast Project at Dalton and Mutt welcome professional background actor Shoe Griffin to get a show biz insider’s point of view on Bonanza Season 2, episode 17 - “The Spitfire”. Three women have speaking roles in this episode of Bonanza and none of them die, but one of them is nearly drowned in the bathing process. Featuring Matt Gourley and Drew TarverMerch: PO Box 9407 Glendale, CA 91226Email: bonanaspod@gmail.comAndy’s website: andydaly.comRecord date: 10/5/2023Bonanas For Bonanza Episode #48: “The Courtship”
54:14|Subscribe to The Andy Daly Podcast Project at Dalton and Mutt are joined by a very special guest, former “Paramount pup” Francine Pants. Together they discuss Bonanza Season 2, episode 16 - “The Courtship”. Yet another marriage proposal goes awry for a Cartwright and Francine dishes all the behind the scenes dirt!Featuring Matt Gourley and Erinn HayesMerch: PO Box 9407 Glendale, CA 91226Email: bonanaspod@gmail.comAndy’s website: andydaly.comRecord date: 9/22/2023