
cover art for How I Created a HAPPY Space in an UNHAPPY Place


How I Created a HAPPY Space in an UNHAPPY Place

Ep. 7

When was the last time you consciously decided to give up control? 

The truth is, gripping onto the notion that you have control over your life and circumstances is the fastest path away from living a boldly lit and on fire life. 

On this episode, I’m going to share with you a recent breakthrough that I had, where I realized I was not living boldly lit and on fire. Instead, I was holding onto control and allowing myself to slip into a negative space when I realized I had none. At that moment, I realized that I had to choose to give up that control, choose to experience happiness, joy, and gratefulness, and choose to surrender. When I did that, I regained a sense of control, and I created space to emotionally and spiritually expand, and further my journey to self-mastery. 

Tune in to take a step toward surrendering to the notion that you have no control over the world around you and choose to control everything within yourself. 

In This Episode You Will Learn: 

  • How I’ve emotionally and spiritually expanded during this COVID-19 pandemic. (1:46)
  • How to find a happy place in an unhappy space. (6:48)
  • How refusing to allow circumstances to dictate your emotions leads to personal growth and self-mastery. (8:11)
  • Why it’s essential to give yourself credit for taking responsibility for how you show up in the world. (12:52)

Let’s Connect! 


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  • 15. Eliminating Envy

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  • 14. Unleash Your Heart with Abigail Gazda

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  • 13. Stop Ignoring and Start Listening to Your Heart

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  • 12. How Do You Express Love?

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  • 11. The Art of Listening with Rico No Suave

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  • 10. What’s The Difference Between Struggle and Sacrifice

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  • 9. How I Went from Being a Prude to Having a Sexual Breakthrough

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  • 8. How to have Courageous Conversations with Tracey Benson

    It’s time to start having COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS! If there’s one thing that my friend Tracey Benson has taught me, it’s the power of having courageous conversations with others and always being willing to apologize first. Tracey Benson is an amazing, multi-dimensional human. She’s a businesswoman, wife, mother, and animal whisperer. Throughout our conversation, Tracey and I discuss what true, authentic connection with others looks like, how to achieve it, and why relationships ebb and flow over time. Tracey vulnerably shares how she’s grown in self-awareness over time, re-evaluated the relationships she has with people in her life, and how she handles courageous conversations with them. Tune in to learn how you can cultivate space for healthy, humble, and ultimately loving connections with yourself and loved ones! In This Episode, You Will Learn: Why tapping into your authentic self connects you to others. (5:37)Why the opposite of connection is addiction. (8:44)How Tracey’s relationships have changed as she’s grown in self-awareness and learned to re-evaluate her tribe. How to handle relationships where you’re not feeling connected anymore. (22:43)How Tracey handles courageous conversations. (26:20)How to shift from expectations to appreciation in your relationships. (31:18)Why apologies are key to a happy, healthy, peaceful, and loving relationships. (38:27)Resources: Tony RobbinsLoving What Is by Byron KatieConnect with Tracey Benson: InstagramFacebookEmail Podcast: Joyful-Souls with Tracey BensonLet’s Connect! Email