
Black History Unveiled

From the Continent to the Diaspora

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  • Minisode: A reintroduction of female genital mutilation in The Gambia?

    Today’s minisode of the Black History Unveiled podcast is about the fight to reintroduce female genital mutilation (FGM) in The Gambia. And how it’s a part of a global movement where, primarily, conservative men seek to maintain and/or regain control over women's bodies and sexuality.

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  • Minisode: The Haitian Crisis

    Today's episode of the Black History Unveiled podcast provides some background to the scenes unfolding in Haiti as we speak. Too many media outlets ignore the context and are only interested in creating the most spectacular headline. 
  • #8 – The Haitian Revolution, Part 3 

    Today's episode of the Black History Unveiled Podcast marks the third and final part of the Haitian Revolution series. In the previous episode, we witnessed the outbreak of the revolt and the successful expulsion of the invading British and Spanish forces by the enslaved people of Saint-Domingue. However, instead of peace, the so-called "War of the Knives" ensued, with leaders of the newly liberated population vying for control of the colony. After two years of conflict, the former slave Toussaint Louverture emerged as the victor. But what had he really won? Officially, Saint-Domingue still remained under French sovereignty.Our story picks up when the French are gearing up to assert their authority. Louverture and the rest of the freed slaves are faced with an overpowering enemy and impossible odds, with the violence in Saint-Domingue reaching apocalyptic levels. The episode also provides keys to understanding why Haiti is in such a vulnerable position today.You can find Black History Unveiled wherever you get your podcasts. 
  • #7 – The Haitian Revolution, part 2

    This is the second episode of our three-part series about the Haitian revolution: one of history's biggest upsets, a classic David and Goliath moment. In the first episode – which I recommend you listen to if you haven't already – we covered the creation of the French Caribbean colony of Saint-Domingue, which, from the late 17th century onwards, was the primary source of all coffee and sugar consumed in Europe. To make this possible, imported Africans were subjected to a particularly hideous form of slavery. As this episode begins—late summer 1791—the slaves—the island's majority population—are preparing to give their lives for a chance at freedom.
  • #6 – The Haitian Revolution, part 1

    Today's episode touches on one of the most fascinating events in history. It's a story containing incomprehensible evil, incredible courage, and inspiring resistance. By understanding this story, you also understand more about why things look the way they do today. How, for example, can two neighboring Caribbean countries – sharing an island – have such enormously different conditions? How can there be prosperity, investment, and hope for the future on one side of the border, while on the other, there is mainly talk of societal collapse, poverty, and suffering?Many of the answers can be found here.The episode is about the colonization of a Caribbean island and the particularly brutal slavery that followed. But also about the revolt that culminated in creating what is usually called "the world's first black republic" – Haiti.
  • Minisode: The British monarchy's refusal to return the remains of a stolen Ethiopian prince

    Today's minisode is about an Ethiopian prince whisked away to England under mysterious circumstances. Since then, a battle has been waged over his remains, with Ethiopia yearning for his return, a request staunchly denied by the British monarchy.
  • #5: Aksum – One of the Four Great Powers of Antiquity

    Today's episode is about an East African kingdom that, in the 2nd century CE, was described as one of the world's foremost powers, along with Rome, Persia, and China. A kingdom that erected grand monuments and whose coinage spread throughout the world. It was not only among the first in history to convert to Christianity – a couple of hundred years later, it may have played a decisive role in the survival of Islam as a religion. Today's episode is about Aksum.