
cover art for Believe? The Myths & Conspiracies Pod

Believe? The Myths & Conspiracies Pod

The myths, mysteries and conspiracy theories podcast

Believe? is a podcast all about the world's craziest myths, mysteries and conspiracy theories, or are they crazy? Each episode comedians Phil Green and David Ferguson invite a fellow comedian to pick their favourite myth

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  • Ep52. Katy Perry isn't Katy Perry | with Kyle Woolf

    Is Katy Perry actually former child beauty pageant queen JonBenét Ramsey? Believe? is a podcast about the world's craziest myths, mysteries and conspiracy theories... or are they crazy? Each episode comedians Phil Green and David Ferguson invite a guest to pick their favourite myth, mystery or conspiracy and then try to prove it, debunk it, or neither as they don't really know anything. In this episode we're joined by comedian and podcaster Kyle Woolf to discuss the theory that murdered child beauty pageant queen JonBenét Ramsey was never actually murdered but instead became pop sensation Katy Perry. Other important topics covered are Transformers movies, the beauty of Orlando Bloom and Pennywise the Clown as an American Idol judge.Join our patreon for extra episodes every week This week's patreon episode is on The Bermuda Triangle.Follow us on Insta @believepodFollow us on TikTok @believepodWatch on YouTube us believeconspiracypod@gmail.comFollow Kyle @kylewoolfsaysFollow Phil @philgreencomedyFollow David @lovedavidfergusonSee Phil's live shows David's live shows

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  • Believe Patreon Teaser: Nicolas Cage is a Vampire

    Here's a little teaser for our patreon. If you'd like to hear the full episode why not join our patreon at You'll get extra episodes every week with Phil & David trying to solve even more myths, mysteries and conspiracy theories. In this episode we're joined by comedian Jamie Clinton to try and make sense of the theory Nicolas Cage is a vampire, recorded in front of a live audience at Leicester Comedy Festival.Follow Jamie @panicattheasdaFollow us on Insta @believepodFollow us on TikTok @believepodWatch on YouTube
  • Ep51. The Face on Mars | with Kate Martin

    Is there a humanoid face structure on Mars? Believe? is a podcast about the world's craziest myths, mysteries and conspiracy theories... or are they crazy? Each episode comedians Phil Green and David Ferguson invite a guest to pick their favourite myth, mystery or conspiracy theory and then try to prove it, debunk it, or neither as they don't really know anything. In this episode we're joined by comedian Kate Martin to discuss the sinister human face like 'structure' captured by NASA's Viking 1 Orbiter in 1976. Other important topics covered are Button Moon, the greatest Sugababes lineup and Harold Bishop's return from the dead.Join our patreon for extra episodes every week This week's patreon episode is on whether Nicholas Cage is a Vampire.Follow us on Insta @believepodFollow us on TikTok @believepodWatch on YouTube us believeconspiracypod@gmail.comFollow Kate @thatkatemartinFollow Phil @philgreencomedyFollow David @lovedavidfergusonSee Phil's live shows David's live shows
  • Believe Patreon Teaser: The Loch Ness Monster

    Here's a little teaser for our patreon. If you'd like to hear the full episode why not join our patreon at You'll get extra episodes every week with Phil & David trying to solve even more myths, mysteries and conspiracy theories. In this episode we're joined by comedian and returning guest Nicole Harris to discuss the myth of the Loch Ness Monster.Follow us on Insta @believepodFollow us on TikTok @believepodWatch on YouTube
  • 50. Ep50. Hitler Survived World War II | with Ross Smith

    58:41||Season 3, Ep. 50
    Did Hitler survive World War II? Believe? is a podcast about the world's craziest myths, mysteries and conspiracy theories... or are they crazy? Each episode comedians Phil Green and David Ferguson invite a guest to pick their favourite myth, mystery or conspiracy and then try to prove it, debunk it, or neither as they don't really know anything. In this episode we're joined by comedian Ross Smith to try and work out if Hitler was smuggled out to south america at the end of WWII to live out his days. Other important topics covered are living with a conspiracy theorist, ayahuasca trips and getting rejected from art school.Join our Patreon for extra episodes every week This week's Patreon episode is on The Loch Ness Monster.Follow us on Insta @believepodFollow us on TikTok @believepodWatch on YouTube us believeconspiracypod@gmail.comFollow Ross @rosssmithcomedyFollow Phil @philgreencomedyFollow David @lovedavidfergusonSee Phil's live shows David's live shows
  • 49. Ep49. Big Pharma is Hiding Cures | with Blank Peng

    55:57||Season 3, Ep. 49
    Is big pharma hiding natural cures? Believe? is a podcast about the world's craziest myths, mysteries and conspiracy theories... or are they crazy? Each episode comedians Phil Green and David Ferguson invite a guest to pick their favourite myth, mystery or conspiracy and then try to prove it, debunk it, or neither as they don't really know anything. In this episode we're joined by comedian Blank Peng to discuss whether big pharmaceutical companies and health authorities are hiding some cures from us to maintain drugs sales. Other important topics covered are babies with massive heads, drinking boys wee and vegetables curing aids.Join our Patreon for extra episodes every week This week's Patreon episode is on The Zodiac Killer.Follow us on Insta @believepodFollow us on TikTok @believepodWatch on YouTube us believeconspiracypod@gmail.comFollow Blank @blankpeng404Follow Phil @philgreencomedyFollow David @lovedavidfergusonSee Phil's live shows David's live shows
  • 48. Ep48. The Worldwide Hum | with Jack Hester

    49:39||Season 3, Ep. 48
    Is a strange humming noise being heard across the world? Believe? is a podcast about the world's craziest myths, mysteries and conspiracy theories... or are they crazy? Each episode comedians Phil Green and David Ferguson invite a guest to pick their favourite myth, mystery or conspiracy and then try to prove it, debunk it, or neither as they don't really know anything. In this episode we're joined by comedian Jack Hester to discuss a strange low-frequency sound reported across continents. Other important topics covered are the eerie fields of Peckham, driving Colonel Gaddafi mad and Enya at the dentist.Also, we now have a Patreon! Become a Believer for just £5/month and you'll get extra episodes every week, early access and ad-free listening, plus you're helping us support the pod you lovely people. This week's Patreon episode is the theory giants built Stonehenge Join our Patreon hereFollow us on Insta @believepodFollow us on TikTok @believepodWatch on YouTube us believeconspiracypod@gmail.comFollow Phil @philgreencomedyFollow David @lovedavidfergusonSee Phil's live shows David's live shows