
BayInCo podden

Be All You Can Be inspiration med Lars, Craig och gäster

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  • 13. #13 - Emil Pettersen - A Norwegian eco-warrior on a battle so save the planet.

    Who is this Norwegian eco-warrior? We meet with Emil who is facing many different challenges to get his business up and running. Sustainability already a highly controversial subject to defend, to COVID and fires. Yet this warrior will not surrender and his fight goes on. Emil signifies everything we describe as BE ALL YOU CAN BE!

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  • 11. #11 - Johan Åstrand - • En nyfiken mitt 6:a och interim CFO

    Johan Åstrand - En nyfiken mitt 6:a och interim CFO som ser till människan, strävar efter ”SSK” med ”KISS” som ledstjärna.Missa inte vårt avsnitt med Johan, en positiv ekonom, där han delar med sig av sin mer än 10-åriga bild av hur det är att vara interim konsult.Vi är så stolta och glada att få dela med oss av Johans berättelse och insikter i vårt senaste avsnitt av BayInCo Podden. 
  • 10. #10 - Marcus Scoliege - a foreigner that grows Gothenburg to greatness

    What do you know about Gothenburg? and who would have thought Ice cream can feature so highly………Meeting Marcus Scoliège (Head Foreign Direct Investment) from @Business Region Gothenburg was a very special opportunity. Marcus himself is a foreigner to Gothenburg and has lived in Sweden for many years supporting the growth of our once small city. Gothenburg boasts many different accolades like No1 on the list of Sweden's best logistics locations and 34% of Sweden's private sector R&D investments are made in Gothenburg's county. It will also offer many job opportunities with over 120 000 jobs created until 2035. This will bring new ideas and skills, create diversity and add to the fabric of a dynamic, growing city.Gothenburg is the most sustainable city destination (Global Destination Sustainability Index, 2023). The ambition is to be emission free by 2030 and by this creating green city zones. Gothenburg Green City Zone is initially comprised by the central parts of Gothenburg, from Lindholmen, via the Event District, to Forsåker in Mölndal. Areas to generate potential for companies, societal stakeholders, and the research community to test, develop, and scale up their ideas.Gothenburg’s three science parks are important components of the region’s innovation ecosystem. They offer cooperation-friendly environments perfect for initiating testbeds and collaborations, among other things. In Gothenburg, there are extraordinary wealth of expertise, high level of academia, cutting-edge test beds, a high standard of education, and a skilled workforce comprising engineers and IT-trained professionals, Gothenburg is at the forefront of innovation. The collective of competence spans across 98% of Sweden's industries, driving progress and excellence in every field.For more about Gothenburg and its potential. Listen to this edition of our BayInCo Podden with Marcus Scoliège (Head Foreign Direct Investment).
  • 9. #9 - Urban Björn - A Finance guy that preaches equality

    Meet Urban Björn a Finance guy that preaches equalityMcKinsey captured the phrase ”Variety, as they say, is the spice of life. If diversity is another word for variety, how can it enhance or flavour the world?Diversity, equity, and inclusion are three closely linked values held by many organizations that are working to be supportive of different groups of individuals, including people of different races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, genders, and sexual orientations”It became a mission for Urban after years of seeing so many mistakes and old school thinking that led him to switch from the financial sector to focus within HR and specifically drive the agenda for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - and how to make this work in practice.He has worked for many reputable companies in helping to train and educate people on inclusive leadership but also help people stay on course with their moral compass. Unfortunately, the mindset is not easily changed, yet Urban continues to do his work with passion and commitment. We were privileged to meet with Urban in our Be All You Can Be studio, where we discussed some of these important topics and how we (you) could contribute to making a difference.Be inspired and listen in to another inspirational person that has done what it takes to reach his full potential, Be All You Can Be!
  • 8. #8 - Marcus Eriksson - En värmlänning i Göteborg som "Vågar fråga"

    Möt Marcus Ericsson från Suicide Zero ” En värmlänning i Göteborg som brinner för att "Våga fråga"”.1 500 tar varje år sitt liv i Sverige. Möt Marcus från Suicide Zero som delar med sig av sin berättelse, hur han själv fått hjälp och hur han idag hjälper andra genom att lyfta denna frågan och sprida kunskapen bland idrottsföreningar, skolor och företag. Få inblick i hur komplex frågan är samtidigt som all kan vara en liten del av lösningen om vi bara ”Vågar fråga”.Det kan vara allt som krävs för att återge en person möjligheten att nå sin fulla potential, Be All You Can Be!Behöver du hjälp finns det på akut – ring 112
  • 7. #7 - Caroline Spännar - Möt kvinnan som startade världens första Mentala gym, som älskar att hjälpa andra och som har sin mamma som mentor

    Låt dig inspireras av vår senaste BayInCo profil, Caroline Spännar ”En kvinna som älskar att hjälpa andra människor och som njuter av att ha sin mamma som mentor”.Möt Caroline som efter en lång karriär som HR chef bestämde sig för att följa sin dröm, sitt kall och utveckla sin vision när hon var med och skapade, kanske världens första Mentala Gym, Mindworkout. Ett gym öppet för allt från idrottsföreningar, till kommuner, universitet och företag med ett gemensamt fokus att vi skall bli bättre på att ta hand om våra mentala hälsa och därigenom ge oss själva möjlighet att nå vår fulla potential.