
cover art for PREMIUM: The secrets of BPD recovery (Melanie Goldman interview part 1)

Back From The Borderline

PREMIUM: The secrets of BPD recovery (Melanie Goldman interview part 1)

Note: This is an OG episode of BFTB. For some of my older episodes, I’ve decided to archive them and make them available only for Premium Submarines. Enjoy this throwback episode. Original air date: 7/6/21

Original episode description: Can you recover from BPD? And if so, how long does it take and what does it look like? Chances are if you have likely typed these exact questions into Google at some point. On this episode of the podcast, I sit down with Toronto-based music artist, aspiring therapist and bad ass mental health advocate Melanie Goldman. After being formally diagnosed with borderline personality disorder over ten years ago, Melanie has learned a thing or two about the reality of BPD recovery. During our conversation, she holds nothing back. If you've ever felt like you could never hope to live a "normal" life with BPD traits, this episode will change your mind for good. By the time you finish listening, you'll have wealth of resources and knowledge you can use to kickstart your own recovery journey.

Topics explored and questions answered in this episode:

■ What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (How does DBT help treat BPD?)

■ How negative feedback loops keep us stuck (how BPD affects the brain)

■ What does “high functioning BPD” look like?

■ Is BPD (EUPD) a spectrum disorder? (How everyone with BPD traits will display them in their own unique way)

■ Should you tell someone you have BPD? (How to navigate these intensely intimate conversations with partners and loved ones)

■ What is negative self-talk and how to stop it (dealing with our “BPD monster”)

■ Managing BPD with mindfulness meditation 

■ Dealing with the complex and confusing feelings of both sexual aversion and sexual impulsivity that are common in BPD

■ Maintaining friendships and navigating social anxiety during BPD recovery

Connect with Melanie on IG @mindovermelanie

📝Recommended and mentioned resources:

Book | "I Hate You, Don't Leave Me" by Jerold J. Kreisman & Hal Straus

Book | "Unf*ck Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life" by Gary Bishop John

Book "Building a Life Worth Living: A Memoir" by Marsha Linehan

Disclaimer: information contained in this podcast episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment or consultation with a licensed mental health professional.

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    In this explosive episode, we peel back the glitzy veneer of the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants to reveal a world riddled with scandal, misogyny, and exploitation. From Caite Upton's unforgettable "everywhere like such as" answer in 2007 to the shocking resignations of Miss USA Noelia Voigt and Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava, you'll dive deep into the systemic issues plaguing these competitions.As someone who witnessed Caite Upton's infamous moment firsthand from backstage as a contestant in the 2007 Miss Teen USA pageant, I offer a unique insider's perspective on the toxic culture within the pageant industry. Watching Caite deliver her answer, I saw the immediate reactions and felt the collective shock. This was one of the first viral events on the internet, back when YouTube was still in its infancy. We all laughed, but what impact does being publicly shamed on such a massive scale have on someone? In this episode, we'll discuss this and the profound effect it had on Caite, who was just a teenage girl at the time. She became a spectacle, an early guinea pig of internet public shaming during the wild west era of social media.You'll get an in-depth analysis of the current drama surrounding UmaSofia Srivastava and Noelia Voigt's resignations. Their PR-friendly and somewhat cryptic statements reveal the darker side of these 'empowering' platforms, which often reduce young women to their physical appearance and silence their voices through ironclad NDAs. We’ll explore how these resignations expose systemic exploitation and control within the pageant industry.Trace the history of beauty pageants, from their rise in the 1950s to their recent fall, marred by scandals and allegations of harassment. Discover the shocking stories of abuse and exploitation during Donald Trump's controversial ownership, and dive into the ongoing chaos within the Miss Universe Organization marked by financial instability, rigging accusations, and toxic leadership.Uncover how powerful men like Trump have weaponized the law to silence victims, and delve into the broader cultural implications of a society obsessed with hyper-sexualized and unattainable beauty standards. This episode is a call to action. Imagine the impact if every contestant walked away, just like Noelia and UmaSofia. Such a bold stand could force the Miss USA organization to confront its deep-seated issues. Real change won't come from performative Instagram posts; it requires bold, revolutionary steps. Tune in to hear the real stories behind the headlines, the dark underbelly of the pageant world, and how we can collectively demand better for future generations of young women. Are we ready to end this exploitative circus, or will we continue to prop up a system that degrades and silences women? The choice is ours.CONTACT ME + UNLOCK THE EXTENDED EPISODE: To join the Premium Submarines on Patreon (unlocking full + ad-free episodes), check out my sponsors, or contact me, visit  Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast episode is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment or consultation with a licensed mental health professional.
  • exposing miss USA’s dark secrets: title holder resignations, misogyny, corruption, and 'everywhere like such as’ [exclusive extended storytime version]

    In this explosive episode, we peel back the glitzy veneer of the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants to reveal a world riddled with scandal, misogyny, and exploitation. From Caite Upton's unforgettable "everywhere like such as" answer in 2007 to the shocking resignations of Miss USA Noelia Voigt and Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava, you'll dive deep into the systemic issues plaguing these competitions.As someone who witnessed Caite Upton's infamous moment firsthand from backstage as a contestant in the 2007 Miss Teen USA pageant, I offer a unique insider's perspective on the toxic culture within the pageant industry. Watching Caite deliver her answer, I saw the immediate reactions and felt the collective shock. This was one of the first viral events on the internet, back when YouTube was still in its infancy. We all laughed, but what impact does being publicly shamed on such a massive scale have on someone? In this episode, we'll discuss this and the profound effect it had on Caite, who was just a teenage girl at the time. She became a spectacle, an early guinea pig of internet public shaming during the wild west era of social media.You'll get an in-depth analysis of the current drama surrounding UmaSofia Srivastava and Noelia Voigt's resignations. Their PR-friendly and somewhat cryptic statements reveal the darker side of these 'empowering' platforms, which often reduce young women to their physical appearance and silence their voices through ironclad NDAs. We’ll explore how these resignations expose systemic exploitation and control within the pageant industry.Trace the history of beauty pageants, from their rise in the 1950s to their recent fall, marred by scandals and allegations of harassment. Discover the shocking stories of abuse and exploitation during Donald Trump's controversial ownership, and dive into the ongoing chaos within the Miss Universe Organization marked by financial instability, rigging accusations, and toxic leadership. Uncover how powerful men like Trump have weaponized the law to silence victims, and delve into the broader cultural implications of a society obsessed with hyper-sexualized and unattainable beauty standards.This episode is a call to action. Imagine the impact if every contestant walked away, just like Noelia and UmaSofia. Such a bold stand could force the Miss USA organization to confront its deep-seated issues. Real change won't come from performative Instagram posts; it requires bold, revolutionary steps. Tune in to hear the real stories behind the headlines, the dark underbelly of the pageant world, and how we can collectively demand better for future generations of young women. Are we ready to end this exploitative circus, or will we continue to prop up a system that degrades and silences women? The choice is ours.PREMIUM SUBMARINE QUESTIONS // Have a question about your premium submarine access or account? First, try reading the Premium Submarine Welcome Guide or check out the pinned post on Patreon. You should find answers to most questions there. Still stuck? Email Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast episode is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment or consultation with a licensed mental health professional.
  • BPD as hysteria in sheep’s clothing: the persistent myth of female instability from ancient greece to modern psychiatry [preview]

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  • BPD as hysteria in sheep’s clothing: the persistent myth of female instability from ancient greece to modern psychiatry [premium exclusive]

    In honor of "BPD Awareness Month", we’re taking a critical and eye-opening journey through time to deeply understand the history of the borderline personality disorder diagnostic label, tracing its disturbing roots back to the ancient concept of 'hysteria.'Together, we’ll explore the pathologization of women's emotions and behaviors from the times of Plato and Hippocrates, through the 19th-century diagnosis of hysteria, to the contemporary label of BPD. We delve into the controversial legacy of Jean-Martin Charcot, whose exploitative and later debunked experiments on "hysterical" women laid the groundwork for modern psychiatry and influenced figures like Sigmund Freud. You’ll also discover how Freud's initial recognition of the trauma and sexual abuse suffered by his female patients morphed into the infamous, blaming women for their own distress.This episode also shines a light on Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), another modern label that pathologizes the natural cyclical changes in women, reinforcing outdated notions of female instability.Drawing from historical accounts and modern critiques, this episode will reveal how the diagnostic criteria for hysteria were simply repackaged into histrionic personality disorder, and later, BPD. The result is a powerful critique of the psychiatric model, showing how little has changed in the medical gaze on women’s mental health.Listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the gender biases that persist in psychiatry and how the stigmatization of women’s experiences continues to echo through time. This episode challenges the liberating narrative of mental health labels, urging us to reconsider the origins and implications of these diagnoses. BPD is not just a modern label—it is hysteria in sheep's clothing. By the end of this episode, you'll view BPD and the entire psychiatric model through a new lens, questioning the narratives that have been accepted for centuries. RESOURCES: ✧ Ussher, J. M. (2013). Diagnosing difficult women and pathologising femininity: Gender bias in psychiatric nosology. Feminism & Psychology, 23(1), 63-69. ✧ BPD = Hysteria? By Amanda Robins via  (October, 2017) ✧ Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) – The New Hysteria by Joy Eidse MSW, RSW (November, 2017)✧In Search of Hysteria: The Man Who Thought He Could Define Madness (On Jean-Martin Charcot, Dark Star of 19th-Century Neurology) by By Allan H. Ropper and Brian Burrell via LitHub (September, 2019)
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  • childhood emotional neglect part 9: signs and symptoms – internalized anger, lack of self-discipline, and alexithymia [ad-free premium]

    In Episode 9 of our ongoing series on Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN), we delve into the final three in our list of symptoms that shape the adult lives of those affected by early emotional neglect: internalized anger, lack of self-discipline, and alexithymia. Each of these symptoms reveals a unique aspect of the long-term effects of neglect that continue to challenge individuals into adulthood.We begin by exploring internalized anger and self-blame, often hidden beneath the surface but profoundly influencing one’s self-image and interactions. This anger is typically directed inward as a misguided form of control and self-protection, originating from the false belief during childhood that one is inherently at fault for the neglect they experienced. This episode will dissect the origins and impacts of this self-directed anger, helping listeners recognize and address these often destructive patterns.Next, we address the lack of self-discipline, a less obvious but equally significant consequence of CEN. This symptom, often referred to as “executive dysfunction,” manifests as struggles with daily responsibilities and self-care, rooted in the absence of early life structure and emotional guidance. Listeners will gain insights into how emotional neglect disrupts the development of self-regulation skills and learn strategies to cultivate these essential aspects of adult life.Lastly, we cover alexithymia—the inability to identify and express emotions, a common but perplexing outcome of CEN. This condition can lead to significant challenges in personal relationships and overall emotional health. We'll explore how a childhood devoid of emotional validation can lead to this emotional blindness, and discuss ways to begin reconnecting with one's emotional self.This episode aims not only to shed light on these symptoms but also to offer paths toward healing and understanding. By recognizing the roots of these issues, listeners can start to transform their internal narrative from one of blame and confusion to one of recovery and clarity. Join me as we continue to unravel the complex legacy of childhood emotional neglect and forge a path towards emotional resilience and self-discovery.Recommended Resources:✧ Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect by Jonice Webb, PhD✧ My full episode exploring executive dysfunction (overcoming executive dysfunction: "why can't i just do the thing?!”) Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts or here to listen on Spotify.✧ Click here for a full depiction of the “feelings wheel” or visit SUBMARINE QUESTIONS // Have a question about your premium submarine access or account? First, try reading the Premium Submarine Welcome Guide or check out the pinned post on Patreon. You should find answers to most questions there. Still stuck? Email
  • the healing power of labyrinths and EMDR [preview]

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  • drake vs. kendrick: the battle over allegations of grooming and underage girls in the digital age

    Should Drake's denial of Kendrick Lamar's allegations of pursuing underage girls open a wider conversation on grooming, social media, and consent? In this episode, we dissect this pressing issue and much more.Unless you've been living under a rock, you've likely heard of the ongoing rap beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar that kicked off in April 2024.During the first week of May 2024, this months-long spat has hit full throttle. On Saturday (May 4th), Lamar put out yet another diss entitled "Not Like Us," which doubled down on allegations of Drake’s pedophilia (even going as far as to refer to him as a “certified pedophile”).The latest development came on the evening of May 5th, with Drake’s release of “The Heart Part 6.” On the track, the Toronto rapper mainly denies Lamar’s allegations that he has a pattern of pursuing underage girls, a claim that has plagued the rapper in the wake of tales from the likes of 'Stranger Tales' actress Millie Bobby Brown, 20, who said Drake regularly texted her when she was only 14.As the old saying goes, where there's smoke, there's usually fire. Rumors surrounding Drake's interactions with young women have persisted long before the Kendrick and Drake beef. In this episode, we delve into the longstanding and controversial history of Drake's relationships with girls on the cusp of womanhood. We'll examine the legal framework of consent and the ethical complexities surrounding men who pursue significantly younger partners, regardless of legal culpability.We'll conclude this discussion with a reading of a personal essay, recounting my experiences as a young girl navigating the digital landscape of the early 2000s, where I was groomed and pursued by much older men during the 'wild west days' of the internet and social media. Through this piece, I aim to shed light on the pervasive nature of this issue, transcending the confines of Drake's rap beef. It's imperative to recognize that these occurrences are symptomatic of a broader systemic problem—a culture that has long permitted the sexualization and exploitation of young girls online. Join me as we confront these uncomfortable truths and advocate for meaningful change.TIMESTAMPS:✧ 00:00 – 03:23: Intro✧ 03:23 – 10:27: quick timeline of the Kendrick Lamar and Drake feud✧ 10:27 – 41:17: an analysis of the Kendrick lyrics that level accusations against Drake✧ 41:17 – 01:07:16: six times Drake allegedly groomed young girls✧ 01:08:17 – 01:26:24: The fine line between grooming, pedophilia, and the “age of consent” (+ an exploration of Angel Reese’s appearance on The Breakfast Club)✧ 01:26:24 – 02:00:02: the circle jerk of sadness to grooming pipeline: how growing up during internet's wild west era arrested the sexual development of a generation (personal essay)CHECK OUT MORE OF MY WORK + UNLOCK PREMIUM: To join the Premium Submarines on Patreon (unlocking full + ad-free episodes), check out my sponsors, subscribe to my Substack, or contact me, visit Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast episode is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment or consultation with a licensed mental health professional.
  • drake vs. kendrick: the battle over allegations of grooming and underage girls in the digital age [ad-free premium]

    Should Drake's denial of Kendrick Lamar's allegations of pursuing underage girls open a wider conversation on grooming, social media, and consent? In this episode, we dissect this pressing issue and much more.Unless you've been living under a rock, you've likely heard of the ongoing rap beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar that kicked off in April 2024.During the first week of May 2024, this months-long spat has hit full throttle. On Saturday (May 4th), Lamar put out yet another diss entitled "Not Like Us," which doubled down on allegations of Drake’s pedophilia (even going as far as to refer to him as a “certified pedophile”).The latest development came on the evening of May 5th, with Drake’s release of “The Heart Part 6.” On the track, the Toronto rapper mainly denies Lamar’s allegations that he has a pattern of pursuing underage girls, a claim that has plagued the rapper in the wake of tales from the likes of 'Stranger Tales' actress Millie Bobby Brown, 20, who said Drake regularly texted her when she was only 14.As the old saying goes, where there's smoke, there's usually fire. Rumors surrounding Drake's interactions with young women have persisted long before the Kendrick and Drake beef. In this episode, we delve into the longstanding and controversial history of Drake's relationships with girls on the cusp of womanhood. We'll examine the legal framework of consent and the ethical complexities surrounding men who pursue significantly younger partners, regardless of legal culpability.We'll conclude this discussion with a reading of a personal essay, recounting my experiences as a young girl navigating the digital landscape of the early 2000s, where I was groomed and pursued by much older men during the 'wild west days' of the internet and social media. Through this piece, I aim to shed light on the pervasive nature of this issue, transcending the confines of Drake's rap beef. It's imperative to recognize that these occurrences are symptomatic of a broader systemic problem—a culture that has long permitted the sexualization and exploitation of young girls online. Join me as we confront these uncomfortable truths and advocate for meaningful change.TIMESTAMPS:✧ 00:00 – 03:23: Intro✧ 03:23 – 10:27: quick timeline of the Kendrick Lamar and Drake feud✧ 10:27 – 41:17: an analysis of the Kendrick lyrics that level accusations against Drake✧ 41:17 – 01:07:16: six times Drake allegedly groomed young girls✧ 01:08:17 – 01:26:24: The fine line between grooming, pedophilia, and the “age of consent” (+ an exploration of Angel Reese’s appearance on The Breakfast Club)✧ 01:26:24 – 02:00:02: the circle jerk of sadness to grooming pipeline: how growing up during internet's wild west era arrested the sexual development of a generation (personal essay)PREMIUM SUBMARINE QUESTIONS // Have a question about your premium submarine access or account? First, try reading the Premium Submarine Welcome Guide or check out the pinned post on Patreon. You should find answers to most questions there. Still stuck? Email Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast episode is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment or consultation with a licensed mental health professional.