
cover art for AuthenFelicitea with Felicity Bean

AuthenFelicitea with Felicity Bean

Deep Dives, Conscious Conversations & Authentic Discussion

My chosen name is Felicity Bean. I am a nomadic traveller, navigating the globe, whilst on my journey of self-discovery. Each episode invites you into genuine, thought-provoking discussions with interesting and intrepid

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  • Can You Be Too Self-Aware: The Secret To True Awareness

    Hey and Welcome to my Podcast I'm so blessed to have you here! WHEN I POST:Each week, Every Wednesday I will be uploading at least 1 longer, solo or discussion style Podcast based around a topic of interest. This I Pinky Promise you. Then Internet + Mental state dependent. I'd love to share more...THIS EPISODE: Self-Awareness is the key that unlocks the door to personal growth and transformation. With mindfulness and Personal development hot topics, we are continuously striving to be the best versions of ourselves; but is there such a thing as being too aware? Here I explore self-awareness on a sliding scale and the benefits as well as costs of having both too little and too much self- awareness. Then of course in true authenfelicitea style, I share tips to find balance and how not to get caught up in "analysis paralysis" when on a journey of self-discovery. The most profound self-awareness comes not from seeking answers, but from questioning the questions themselves. What is self-awareness When and how do we develop this skill (because it is a skill) Finding balance - tipping the scale from too little to too much awareness Tips on how to curate the healthiest self-awareness in an overstimulating world full of opinions and insights CONNECT WITH ME, JOIN THE COMMUNITY + SHARE:Want to stay connected and join our amazing community?Instagram: - (Inspirational /Coaching tips)Instagram: (personal / travel & shenanigans)TikTok:'s start a discussion on these topics. I'd love to hear your thoughts and what topics you'd like me to cover. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Plus you can have fun doing so!Thank you so much for your energy and support it means the world to me. And I really hope you find something valuable in this channel. Lots of love and hugs <3

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  • Beginners Guide To Meditation: How To Make It Work For You

    Hey and Welcome to my Podcast I'm so blessed to have you here! WHEN I POST:Each week, Every Wednesday I will be uploading at least 1 longer, solo or discussion style Podcast based around a topic of interest. This I Promise you. Then Internet + Mental state dependent. I'd love to share more...THIS EPISODE: Clear your mind, find your smile and let your thoughts go on a peaceful vacation. Or don't and sit there authentically with the noise and be present with yourself. There is no right way to meditate! Despite what others may tell you. Here I want to share a little bit about my rocky journey with meditation and how I made it work for me. Along with the realizations and insights I had. Meditation: The art of silencing the mind and soothing the soulMy path to stillness (spoiler it's not always still) Types of mediation, myths debunked about meditation And as always tips and insights that may alter your thinking.... CONNECT WITH ME, JOIN THE COMMUNITY + SHARE:Want to stay connected and join our amazing community?Instagram: - (Inspirational)Instagram: (personal))TikTok:'s start a discussion on these topics. I'd love to hear your thoughts and what topics you'd like me to cover. Together we can make our voices heard and have fun doing it!Thank you so much for your energy and support it means the world to me. And I really hope you find something valuable in this channel. Lots of love and hugs <3
  • Rewiring for Wellness: 5 Sustainable Tips to Build Healthy Habits

    Hey and Welcome to my Podcast I'm so blessed to have you here! WHEN I POST:Each week, Every Wednesday I will be uploading at least 1 longer, solo or discussion style Podcast based around a topic of interest. This I Promise you. Then Internet + Mental state dependent. I'd love to share more...THIS EPISODE: Did you know that 40% of our daily actions are not determined by decisions but instead by habits! With this in mind it is key to build habits that are beneficial for you. I will be sharing 5 easy and sustainable tips on how we can all start to build better habits. "your habits will determine your quality of life" - Jack Canfield What are Habits Internal vs External triggers Practical exercises for building new & sustainable habits CONNECT WITH ME, JOIN THE COMMUNITY + SHARE:Want to stay connected and join our amazing community?Instagram: - (Inspirational)Instagram: (personal)) TikTok:'s start a discussion on these topics. I'd love to hear your thoughts and what topics you'd like me to cover. Together we can make our voices heard and have fun doing it!Thank you so much for your energy and support it means the world to me. And I really hope you find something valuable in this channel. Lots of love and hugs <3
  • Tune In To Your Intuition: 5 Self-Help Tips for Listening to Your Inner Guide

    Hey and Welcome to my Podcast I'm so blessed to have you here! WHEN I POST:Each week, Every Wednesday I will be uploading at least 1 longer, solo or discussion style Podcast based around a topic of interest. This I Promise you. Then Internet + Mental state dependent. I'd love to share more...P.S. Apologies for not posting for a couple weeks. Life has been a little crazy but beautiful. I listened to my inner voice and decided to slow down and take a break. It was well worth it and now I want to talk more on this wise wisdom keeper we all possess inside of us.THIS EPISODE: I want to explore more on the inner voice we hear within us, the unexplainable but compelling feelings in our body that arise at the most peculiar times. What is intuition, where does it come from and why is it important for our well-being. Using Science I wish to share how our intuition is there to best serve us and how we can listen and be guided to serve our best intentions. Intuition is The Whisper of The Soul Defining Intuition & how it can be our best friend Using Science to explore deeper 5 easy practical exercises to strengthen your intuition CONNECT WITH ME, JOIN THE COMMUNITY + SHARE:Want to stay connected and join the amazing community?Instagram:'s start a discussion on these topics. I'd love to hear your thoughts and what topics you'd like me to cover. Together we can make our voices heard and have fun doing it!Thank you so much for your energy and support it means the world to me. And I really hope you find something valuable in this channel. Lots of love and hugs <3
  • Empowering your Relationships: Nurturing Autonomy and Independence

    Hey and Welcome to my Podcast I'm so blessed to have you here! WHEN I POST:Each week, Every Wednesday I will be uploading at least 1 longer, solo or discussion style Podcast based around a topic of interest. This I Promise you. Then Internet + Mental state dependent. I'd love to share more...THIS EPISODE: My first podcast with my partner Joe. We are in a very untraditional polyamorous relationship, travelling the world whilst doing the new age thing of digital nomading. We discuss people pleasing in relationships. I previously did a whole podcast specifically exploring people pleasing but this one dives into how to navigate people pleasing in relationships and how not to lose your own identity, whilst compromising in a self-loving way. With: Joe @ Instagram: (all other links in his bio)CONNECT WITH ME, JOIN THE COMMUNITY + SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS...Instagram:'s start a discussion on these topics. I'd love to hear your thoughts and what topics you'd like me to cover. Together we can make our voices heard and have fun doing it!Thank you so much for your energy and support it means the world to me. And I really hope you find something valuable in this channel. Lots of love and hugs <3
  • The Science of Gratitude & 7 Practices to Improve Your Wellbeing

    Hey and Welcome to my Podcast I'm so blessed to have you here! WHEN I POST:Each week, Every Wednesday I will be uploading at least 1 longer, solo or discussion style Podcast based around a topic of interest. This I Promise you. Then Internet + Mental state dependent. I'd love to share more...THIS EPISODE: I will be sharing extensive scientific evidence around gratitude. We have all heard of it and it's becoming ever so popular. But is it another fade or wish-washy practice that makes you sound enlightened and woke or does it actually work? Well science seems to believe it has benefits across all areas of your life. And I too love the practice of gratitude! We Get Out What We Put In Defining GratitudeExtensive scientific evidence in support of it's benefits Improved relationships, better sleep, increased happiness & reduced depression and much more... 7 Practical gratitude exercises you can try out and implement into your daily lifestyle CONNECT WITH ME, JOIN THE COMMUNITY + SHARE:Want to stay connected and join the amazing community?Instagram:'s start a discussion on these topics. I'd love to hear your thoughts and what topics you'd like me to cover. Together we can make our voices heard and have fun doing it!Thank you so much for your energy and support it means the world to me. And I really hope you find something valuable in this channel. Lots of love and hugs <3
  • Eliminating Limiting Beliefs - How to Become Limitless

    Hey and Welcome to my Podcast I'm so blessed to have you here! WHEN I POST:Each week, Every Wednesday I will be uploading at least 1 longer, solo or discussion style Podcast based around a topic of interest. This I Promise you. Then Internet + Mental state dependent. I'd love to share more...THIS EPISODE: I will be discussing Limiting Beliefs, what they are, where they stem from and how we can rewire our brains into not allowing these thoughts hold us back from our full potential As always I will be sharing Call To Actions - practices you can try that will help you become more aware of your thoughts & belief system as well as change your mindset to be limitless. Turning Limits in to Liberation Defining Limiting Beliefs Where where they stem from?How they effect us consciously and unconsciously How can we identify the root cause. Awareness = Change Practical exercises to make your mindset a happier place to recede & free from limitations CONNECT WITH ME, JOIN THE COMMUNITY + SHARE:Want to stay connected and join our amazing community?Instagram:'s start a discussion on these topics. I'd love to hear your thoughts and what topics you'd like me to cover. Together we can make our voices heard and have fun doing it!Thank you so much for your energy and support it means the world to me. And I really hope you find something valuable in this channel. Lots of love and hugs <3