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Atomic Hobo - Nuclear War Podcast

Praying for Nuclear War

What happened when a sect arrived in Montana in the 1980s, with predictions that the end was nigh, annoying the bears at Yellowstone, and digging shelters all over the place?

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  • A Silly Name for the H-Bomb

    The 1950s trend - which caused mockery and anger - for calling the hydrogen bomb "clean" or "humanitarian". Could the Americans make this awful weapon clean, or was it just a ploy to quiet our fear of fallout, and silence calls to ban nuclear testing?If you've been enjoying my FOUR MINUTES OF...episodes, please know I'm doing the same on Patreon for THE WAR GAME. Episode 6 of Four Minutes of The War Game was uploaded at the weekend, and you can join us for £3 a month and get all extra episodes. Find it here: Thanks for listening,Julie
  • When The Wind Blows, Part 6

    The shadow of death falls over Jim and Hilda's cottage. Not that they notice! Too busy sorting out bottles and pepper pots - getting things just right for the bomb!
  • "Killed Twice": Cars in Nuclear Tests

    Operation Hot Rod in 1951 took five 1930s cars out to the new Nevada test site.
  • Annie and Her Flying Toilet

    The 1953 nuclear test, ANNIE, and her creepy mannequins, wrecked cars, and flying toilets. Join us on Patreon for more content at
  • Four Minutes of When the Wind Blows, Part 5

    A long episode today because the bomb draws near. Jim tries to protect his home with pineapple chunks, cushions and white paint.Join us on Patreon to read Jim's civil defence booklet, and get a bonus podcast on it: The Householder's Survival Guide from West Sussex Council, published in 1979.
  • When The Wind Blows, Part 4

    Examining the film, four minutes at a time. This week, Jim and Hilda hide from reality via wartime nostalgia. But the missiles are being readied. Join my Patreon here and get extra pod episodes and content! you for listening.
  • This Is Only A Jingle

    The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) was set up in 1963 to alert Americans, via TV and radio, of nuclear attack. Stations were required to test the EBS once a week, but some got bored of reading the same sombre script, and tried to recite the script as a jaunty jingle. Nuclear war delivered with some easy listening?I have a bonus podcast episode out NOW on the 1971 event when an EBS test went wrong, and was broadcast across America as a real alert. Find it on Patreon here: My book, Attack Warning Red: How Britain Prepared for Nuclear War is currently on an Amazon special deal in paperback. Down to £7.49 for a limited period. Thank you for listening.Julie

    The American radio system which operated from 1953 - 1963 and would dispense civil defence advice to the public whilst working to confuse an incoming Soviet bomber. Join us on Patreon here for more episodes book, ATTACK WARNING RED: HOW BRITAIN PREPARED FOR NUCLEAR WAR is currently on a special paperback deal for £7.49 here