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Daily Advent Devotional

Seeking What is Holy

Season 2022, Ep. 16

Seeking What is Holy

Psalm 42

As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. Psalms 42:1

A popular Psalm and possibly even a more popular song derived from the Psalm invoking images of a deer thirsting for water symbolizing the author’s thirst for the divine. In a world where having clean water and even having access to water is a growing threat to the wellness of creation, we are reminded of the simple need to live in balance and harmony recognizing the divine or holy in all of creation.

Many of us in the United States have even distanced ourselves from the natural desire to drink straight from natural water sources, but yet we still thirst for what gives us life. Sometimes, without even knowing, we possess this thirst and even a hunger to be in fellowship with what is holy. 

During this moment in the church calendar, those who have found a home in the Christian movement are asked to remind themselves of the coming light and of the coming goodness we celebrate during this season.

In the same manner as our Psalmist, let us not forget the intimacy that we desire with our Creator and all of creation as we seek to live a life of abundance. And as our meditations and actions move us closer to the divine, may our prayers and thoughts center around our entire global community as we navigate a world that often disappoints.

May our lives point to the same presence that gives us life and may we also be reminded that this presence is found in all the world around us. May the joy we seek be a joy that is experienced by all. 

Rev. Chebon Kernell

Executive Director, Native American Comprehensive Plan

Phillips Seminary Board of Trustee Member

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