
cover art for 148: Morgan Crew Discusses Her Adlerian-based “PREVAIL – Prove Your Power” Program For Parents

Parenting The Adlerian Way

148: Morgan Crew Discusses Her Adlerian-based “PREVAIL – Prove Your Power” Program For Parents

Always fantastic to interview my fellow Adlerians who are creating important curriculum for the public. In this episode, I talk to Morgan Crew who is a single mother of two (ages 17 and 20), a registered nurse as well as a registered psychotherapist and mental health educator. She has created a program to help teach mental health skills in an upstream manner, rather than waiting for a crisis. It’s great for parents, but also for teens and parents to take together! 

Connecting with Morgan:

Therapy practice website is  


PREVAIL course can be found at:

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Facebook and LI is Morgan Crew

Instagram is 

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