
cover art for 143: “Never Enough – When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic And What We Can Do About It”

Parenting The Adlerian Way

143: “Never Enough – When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic And What We Can Do About It”

Author and journalist Jennifer Wallace discusses the research and findings that lead to the writing of her amazing book, titled above. We discuss what conditions have created this problem, how it’s affecting both our parenting and our children…  and most importantly; what we can do about it.  

You can find Jennifer’s website here

Her book can be ordered here:

Check out “The Mattering Movement” here.

Follow Jennifer on IG @jenniferbwallace

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  • 162: Parenting Q&A with Alyson Schafer

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  • From The Vault: 009: Parenting Q&A with Alyson Schafer

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  • From The Vault: 008: Parenting Q&A with Alyson Schafer

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  • From The Vault: 007: Parenting Q&A with Alyson Schafer

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  • From The Vault: 006: Parenting Q&A with Alyson Schafer

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  • From The Vault: 005: Parenting Q&A with Alyson Schafer

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  • From The Vault: 004: Parenting Q&A with Alyson Schafer

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